Manny Pacquiao vs Ricky Hatton

Nasty hook in that first round. Gif worthy!
Fight stopped, Korobov looked really good. Good stop by the Ref no point in Bartinelli suffering more damage.
This undercard is showing some impressive looking young middleweights.

there is some much potential talent at mw and smw it insane .we could be seeing the next great division

Tony Jeffries and Darren sullivan from england and ireland you might not know
What is it with Russians and combat sports? That dude was nasty.
The future of the Middleweight Division looks very bright. Up next another up and coming middleweight Daniel Jacobs. Jacobs is taking this fight on short notice he just fought last Friday, but he is not missing the opportunity to appear on this big ppv, replacing James Kirkland.
Total Power Punches
Korobov- 57/72
Bartinelli- 1/13

yes !!!! thank you for the commentary god damn i can't find this any where thank you thankyou paseba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Next week Dawson vs Tarver II, Dawson should win that one easily.
That fight was very one sided. Skill between the two was vast.
Its a shame that James Kirkland got into trouble, he would have been a good exciting fighter for this fight card.
Anne Wolfe vs Laila Ali , make it happen!!!!
Possession of an illegal firearm while on probation for armed robbery. Dumbass, lol