Social May i ask: what is the argument for reparations in 2019?

There's no way to make things all even. And cutting a check to every person that has some black in them isnt practical. Any reparations should be in the form of investment, imo. Invest in education, job training, and in the communities that have been historically ignored.

And that's exactly how they'll attempt to sell it, if they manage to get into office with "Reparations" on their agenda. Problem with that is, that's not giving out reparations. That's doing their fucking job. They should be looking to improve those areas anyways. Not as a charity.

If the Dems are stupid enough to keep pushing this pie in the sky nonsense, they're gonna turn off a lot folks when those reparation checks don't start rolling in, and they start tip toeing around the issue, with political rhetoric that adds up to "No, you're not getting any cash dumped in your lap. Wait, you actually thought that's what we were talking about? Lulz. Thanks for vote, though."
What about reparations for white ancestors that died in the civil war fighting for the Union ? About 800k or so. Lots of families depended on the fathers for survivor at that time.

But 2019 seems like a good year to be woke, Dems treating that blacks like they are some helpless third rated citizens for votes is crude.

Soldiers had pensions that transferred to their families. This was a big draw to soldiery back then, not just in America but most countries.

There are relatives of dead Confederates still getting pension payments.
The argument for reparations isn't a black people vs white people issue. It is an American government vs black people issue. How many people owned slaves doesn't matter. That 1% of Americans were granted permission to own other Americans by the government...and then that government had about 100 years of laws making sure those people stayed 2nd class citizens.

Wrong. Slavery was permitted by the British crown. It predated the American government. It was the American government that went to war against her own citizens to end slavery.

Regardless, how does any of that effect blacks today? No one in America is or has ever been a slave owner, nor has anyone ever been a slave. Why on Earth would the government take money from people who never owned slaves and give it to people who never were slaves to redress a wrong that was redressed 154 years ago?
The slaves built America and made it the global superpower it is today.

No, they didn't. America didn't become a superpower because slaves stood out in 100 degree heat and picked cotton.

Descendants of slaves must be compensated for their ancestors labor.

Soldiers had pensions that transferred to their families. This was a big draw to soldiery back then, not just in America but most countries.

There are relatives of dead Confederates still getting pension payments.
I looked it up only 1 person is getting 73 a month now.
What do you mean what is the argument? Fucking whitey is a good enough reason.
I don’t know anyone (granted it’s a small circle) that has inherited any wealth...we also know factually that there were more poor non slave descendants that did a shit done of labor who did not benefit at all other than measly pay...

If I were asked to solve this, I would start with using historical documents to determine slave owners. Create a family tree of the slave owners....starting with the original slave owners determine how much of their wealth was made on the backs of slaves... then using that as a baseline follow the money trail to its current value..accounting for value growth of the baseline amount based on an annualized growth % and growth directly linked to investment of the baseline amount...then determine where city, county state the money and growth lived...take that money and put it in an escrow account and, education and small business loans...for black Americans that did not immigrate here....just a few thoughts that popped out...jumbled as they are you should get the drift

I do like the idea of it being some sort of trust other than straight cash, but I feel that alienates a lot of people. Maybe a retirement account, but that seems to discriminate against those who can't afford proper health care right now. I know many groups have been mistreated throughout the country's history, but getting paid shit because unions aren't a thing yet and being shipped across an ocean in chains are a little different. Like I said, it's complicated, I mean, your method requires a ton of digging, mathematics, geography, documentation, it'd be a logistical nightmare. You have to draw so many lines on time and geography. I mean, do we pretend they lost a ton when the Stock Market crashed?
I looked it up only 1 person is getting 73 a month now.

That's because it's 2019... and most of them are dead.

But Union and Confederate soldiers alike both earned pensions paid for by the US government ever since. Your idea that the soldiers of the civil war and their families weren't compensated is just wrong.
Minorities deserve compensation for Hundreds of years of oppression. Even if racism isn't as overt today, many minority communities are still suffering from the after effects of days passed.

We MUST make reparations.
Election year. You won't hear about after Trump wins. It might come back for the next cycle if a dem needs more black votes in the primary.
I get the sentiment but the logistics and the precedent this would set would be horrendous! Being able to sue for what happened generations ago is a terrible idea and would flood our legal system with the most frivolous lawsuits imaginable.
I get the sentiment but the logistics and the precedent this would set would be horrendous! Being able to sue for what happened generations ago is a terrible idea and would flood our legal system with the most frivolous lawsuits imaginable.

The precedent has already been set by the US government with reparations paid out to Native Americas and Japanese and other wronged groups and individuals over the years.
Blacks can make it on their own. They are smart people too, regardless what liberals want you to believe.
The only area I've seen where the idea of reparations for slavery/segregation translates through time and the generations pretty well is in redlining (which people should take time to look up and learn about if they don't know about it). Proposals to address this wrong, which were pervasive even after Civil Rights and have continued into this century, end up looking like Elizabeth Warren's or Kamala Harris' similar proposals to give homebuying assistance to people of all colors who live in historically redlined communities. Though it's not clear that their proposals would work out well, it also shows how reparations could take form. I support studying the topic and exploring new proposals.

There is a straw man argument which people default to that says we can't just hand people cash based on dubious ancestry claims and skin color, and while that's true, it's not a serious proposal.
It's not really possible to judge how much wealth would have been had, had not been slaves. And it's not saying that all white people are rich.
It's that the opportunity to get wealth was robbed from ALL. While whites had the opportunity to prosper.
A thing to remember, that people keep misinterpreting, is that this isn't some sort of punishment for white people. It is about a wrong that the American GOVERNMENT did to . Just like the government paid reparations to the Japanese that were put in internment camps.

And as far as finding out exactly who was and wasn't a slave, I don't see how that really matters much in the long run. When Jim Crow laws were around, and when were getting discriminated against, nobody knew, or cared who was or wasn't a descendant of a slave. It wasn't discrimination against descendants of slaves, it was discrimination against people. Whether or not you had slave grandparents, you still would get treated as if you did.

There's no way to make things all even. And cutting a check to every person that has some in them isnt practical. Any reparations should be in the form of investment, imo. Invest in education, job training, and in the communities that have been historically ignored.

There were slave owners
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