McGregor Says He Would "Rip" Petr Yan Up. Yan Says He Won't Show Up.

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Yan is actually a calmer, tougher infighter than Floyd.

Floyd's gift is making you miss, but he is relatively harmless as a puncher.

In fact, Floyd's only KO as a boxer (in well over a decade) was against the frail oxygen-deprived Conor, who wilted under the pressure of feather-fisted Mayweather.

Mayweather typically backs up against everybody, literally everybody.

But, against Conor, after the third round, he realized pillow-fisted Conor couldn't hurt him ... and proceeded to walk the short winded, terrified McGregor down, slapping him into exhausted submission <Lmaoo><45>

Love the fact that they still make such a big deal out of him going 10 rounds with Mayweather, like Floyd is Earnie Shavers or something.
Exactly, thanks for making my point. Perfect comment from Connor. Shuts him up pretty quick.

It doesn't prove anything. Its a given Yan is calling him out for an official fight. Its basically the same for any callout ever. Not really sure what your point is.
please stop buying his ppv's everyone so he knows no one wants to see him box. his ego with boxing makes it bad
Yan is a better fighter but Conor would be tree times his size in the cage
So Conor loses to a BW now. If Yan doesn't care about weight they'd fight at LW or WW. I want Yan to be fat and ready for the left.
Yan vs Conor would be a great fight. The two biggest cheats in championship fight history to battle each other for the biggest cheat. SIGN ME THE FUDGE UP.
Who the fuck are McGregor's handlers and how is he still allowed access to social media? calling out a fighter 2 weight classes beneath him???

there's no way this guy is gonna be rich much longer. he's gonna be broke in no time, if he isn't already.
He doesn’t have handlers. He has sycophants suckling from the money teet
Yan's got better boxing, but the size disadvantage is pretty significant
Conor is taller, much heavier, and has much more reach. Conor has the power to drop big LW's/WW's like Cowboy and Nate with ease.

And due to the overall size difference, I don't think Conor will fade as easily as when he does against similar sized opponents.

Skillset wise, Yan has him beat. His overall striking is superior and more effective than Conor's, and he's a much better grappler. He also has much more heart than Conor. But the size difference is way too much imo.
Conor is a natural BW
McGregor offered Yan "a safe place" (for Conor) — in Conor's own backyard gym. Very cowardly for one with such a big mouth, especially with his size advantage.

We all know Conor wouldn't show up in a neutral spot, but I bet Yan would.
Without money neither would, period.
There’s 2 weight classes difference. If they met in the middle and fought at FW, I’d definitely favour yan. McGregor would be weight drained to fuck nowadays and would get knocked out

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