Social Media becoming more unhinged as Trump leads Biden in the polls

Because people took on second jobs

And a huge number left the pool because they retired. The baby boomers are the largest population in the US.

I get it, you don’t like facts
There are now almost five million more jobs than pre pandemic
Its getting frustrating trying to find some source of news. I used to like MSN but now every other story I see is basically "can you believe how scary Trump is?!?!!" nonsense. Its ridiculous that media doesn't even try to disguise their bias anymore.
Too much money chasing to few goods. Printing money is a big factor.

Herp derp and what do you think happens when the rates are kept near zero? Herp derp herp derp? We had 2% mortgage rates in 2020 herp derp herp derp.

Why is inflation a world wide issue right now? Herp derp herp derp?

You can hate biden for a lot of things but inflation isn’t one of them.
As euro i generally dislike american left, not that interfere much with my life but as silly may be all their woke shit infested tv/cinema american products and that bother me as consumer and on general also lot of stories i read here on sherdog involving bunch of figures of authority with radical ideology beliefs are'nt pretty either (we got our militant commie judges/politicians/journalist too and see straight traitor shit they can pull make me sympathize you you guys having to see that same crap x10)

But they may be the lesser evil considering that Trump seems willing to fuck up whole geopolitical western strategy affecting negatively bunch of countries (USA included) only to please his voting base

Biden is weak but a PotUS that undermine NATO is literally China/Russia wet dream
You cool with suspending the constitution as well?

Of course they are. The constitution to them is some empty talking point most conservatives do not understand. Trump is a traitor and they proudly stand behind him. Trump could shoot someone in cold blood live on TV and they would still vote from him. It’s not a cult though.
Its getting frustrating trying to find some source of news. I used to like MSN but now every other story I see is basically "can you believe how scary Trump is?!?!!" nonsense. Its ridiculous that media doesn't even try to disguise their bias anymore.

That's probably because he committed a fuckload of felonies trying to overthrow the election he lost and declare himself defacto untouchable. Basically an authoritarian is trying to seize power and so many of you are essentially just saying "it's fine".

It's the sign you are either fucking stupid, or support autocracy, which could also mean you are fucking stupid.
That's probably because he committed a fuckload of felonies trying to overthrow the election he lost and declare himself defacto untouchable. Basically an authoritarian is trying to seize power and so many of you are essentially just saying "it's fine".

It's the sign you are either fucking stupid, or support autocracy, which could also mean you are fucking stupid.
Yeah it’s totally everyone else who is crazy. It’s certainly not just you.
No, but they aren’t included in the looking for work pool either.
Okay, what you’re replying with now has nothing to do with what I originally said to the poster. My contention to him was basically that you can’t blame Biden for inflation and also then not give him credit for the employment numbers (which are very strong) .
Herp derp and what do you think happens when the rates are kept near zero? Herp derp herp derp? We had 2% mortgage rates in 2020 herp derp herp derp.

Why is inflation a world wide issue right now? Herp derp herp derp?

You can hate biden for a lot of things but inflation isn’t one of them.

Are any leftists able to have a conversation without acting like children?
I think we are at a watershed moment in which basic boundaries are being redefined wholesale.
At risk are the basic tenets of common decency in America for its own citizens who work every day without complaint and just want justice and some modicum of lawfulness.
Ever since Obama‘s famous tirade and war against American exceptionalism the country has been in a free fall with foundational concepts of decency and accountability devalued for a broad
program of societal modification to neutralize and
Eliminate Nationalism.