MGS 1998 intro remastered 4K UHD


That doesn't work for me, brother
Platinum Member
Sep 8, 2010
Reaction score
Came across this on youtube. He did a great job with the visuals.

I think MGS1 is the only MGS game I never played. Tried playing the actual remastered one Twin Snakes or whatever that was on GameCube but something about it felt utterly ridiculous.
I think MGS1 is the only MGS game I never played. Tried playing the actual remastered one Twin Snakes or whatever that was on GameCube but something about it felt utterly ridiculous.

MGS1 is pretty good, but I replayed it a few months back and it was a chore to get used to the controls (I was coming fresh off MGS5 and decided I needed to do MGS 1-4).

Even after playing the games multiple times I have no idea what the fuck happened though so I'm not gonna say you're missing out on essential story by not playing MGS1
MGS1 is pretty good, but I replayed it a few months back and it was a chore to get used to the controls (I was coming fresh off MGS5 and decided I needed to do MGS 1-4).

Even after playing the games multiple times I have no idea what the fuck happened though so I'm not gonna say you're missing out on essential story by not playing MGS1
did you play it as a kid? the game does get convoluted at times for sure. I think the characters really carry the game. Great voice casting imo.
I think MGS1 is the only MGS game I never played. Tried playing the actual remastered one Twin Snakes or whatever that was on GameCube but something about it felt utterly ridiculous.

Holy ****.

Where do I start with this post.

First, the Twin Snake remake of MGS1 is trash. The voiceacting is 'meh' compared to the original (despite bringing back the original's voiceactors). The new music is very stock and not memorable. The 'Crouching Tiger Hidden Tiger' action cutscenes were facepalmingly BAD.

Ya think a remake of MGS1 using the MGS2 engine should have been awesome right? But besides better graphics and following the original's script, they get EVERYTHING else wrong.

As others have said, MGS1's gameplay hasn't aged well. It was revolutionary for the time, but that time was two decades ago.

"Oh but you should play it for the story."

I wouldn't say going through the burden of buying MGS1 for PS1, finding a tube TV (because PS1 games look like shit on today's flatscreens), and play through a 12-hour long game 'for the story.'

However, you're not up a creek if you just want to see the MGS story. Someone went through the burden of editing together the game's best cutscenes and codec conversations into a 4-hour long movie on YouTube. It currently has 1.5 million views, and its the best way to experience the MGS1 storyline without actually playing the game. (There's been a novelization, comic series, motion comics with voiceovers).

So, since you've already played MGS2,3,4,&5, I bet you'd really enjoy this because all those games make several references to MGS1, and after you see this all those puzzle pieces will click into place.

Dayum i love this game so much. Snake Eater was my favorite. crawling through the jungle and shit
I made an opening credits scene for a MGS movie that I was pretty proud of about 15 years ago using mostly the actual in game cinematics and some gameplay. I wish I could figure out how to burn it from the DVD to YouTube.

I think my cast was Hugh Jackman as Solid, Christian Bale as Liquid, Gene Hackman as the Colonel, ScarJo as Meryl, Kevin Spacey as Psycho Mantis, maybe the Rock as Vulcan Raven. Can't remember the rest but I used the opening credits song from the Raimi Spidermans
MGS1 remade using MGS V or MGS3 controls would be great. Even Peace Walker's controls were better than MGS1.

Don't remember if MGS2's controls were awkward like MGS1.
Holy ****.

That is incredible! I love how he spliced gameplay with the soundtrack to keep the story moving. Before I realised it, I'm an hour in. Kojima is such a master at making things cinematic. No games, in engine, looked like this back then. I replayed this a few years ago when I got into emulation, it was really hard to get accustomed to the controls again. I would rather have watched this.
That is incredible! I love how he spliced gameplay with the soundtrack to keep the story moving. Before I realised it, I'm an hour in. Kojima is such a master at making things cinematic. No games, in engine, looked like this back then. I replayed this a few years ago when I got into emulation, it was really hard to get accustomed to the controls again. I would rather have watched this.


That's a hell of an endorsement.
First, the Twin Snake remake of MGS1 is trash. The voiceacting is 'meh' compared to the original (despite bringing back the original's voiceactors).
what pisses me off besides the delivery is they got rid of Mei Ling’s and Naomi’s accents. I mean I know Mei is not supposed to have one but the original is the best version of her. Naomi just sounds lifeless.
Naomi just sounds lifeless.

Wholeheartedly agree.

I'm very thankful they didn't carry Naomi's Twin Snakes accent over to MGS5. They did for Mei Ling, but that's probably because the voiceactress became more westernized and naturally dropped her original accent over the 10 years between the games.

And she was just in the finale of MGS4, so its not that huge of a deal.