Media Michael Bisping: "Eddie Bravo should be F***ing ashamed of himself"

Deaths From Covid-19 according the Quebec Provincial site

Under 30 years


30-39 years


40-49 years


50-59 years


60-69 years


70-79 years


80-89 years


90 years and more


Fucking ignorant twat.

Frustrating how much BS you Pro Covid dummies spout. People who just spread the idiotic news they hear on MSM, without actually fact checking is the real pandemic going on. You guys will believe anything as long a a guy on a suit reads it on a teleprompter

stfu and educate yourself.
How is this not depriving him of his grand parents?? Literally 1000$ fine if he and any of our family goes to visit them

So after you don't see somebody for a few months they are literally like dead to you? You don't see a difference? As in death being, you know, permanent?

The fuckin' idiots around here, lol. Also, you sound poor.
I have no idea. But the number is a lot lower than reported, that's for sure. Hospitals are literally being financially incentivized to count anything and everything as a coronavirus death at this point.
what's your source that they are inflating the death count?
Those conspiracy guys are fucking morons. And they all seem to believe every major conspiracy theory. Just low IQ edge lords

I'm certain that for many of these idiots, it is a mechanism that allows them to overcome their insecurity at not being that intelligent and/or knowledgeable, while allowing them to participate in debates on topics that they are woefully ill-equipped to discuss on a higher level.

Most of the time, it is just sad...but in a case of a public health crisis, it can potentially be quite dangerous if it influences their actions and those of people around them.
There is no truth! It’s all subjective, all the numbers can be manipulated. Not a single soul knows anything about anything that is of importance.,.

-buzz killingtton
That is a dangerous way to label people that question things into a bad stereotype. There is sometimes an edge of truth to some of those theories and discounting everything due to a few crazy people is a crippling diseases that prevents any true change.

There is indeed plenty of healthy skepticism and debate within the confines of reason. I don't think that is what the poster was dismissing.

The problem is when people pull wild theories out of their ass, or based on nonsense on the net, with zero solid evidence and they influence the thoughts and actions of others, especially when they have zero accountability.

There is educated skepticism and then there is the bullshit that so many of these morons perpetuate...which is dangerous when the consequences of their bullshit affect others, not just themselves.
I think Rogan sometimes fails to realize or take responsibility for the kind of influence he wields. At this point, he has basically the #1 most listened to radio show in the world, he should be a bit more careful about presenting utter bullshit with almost no pushback. Of course this is Joe's prerogative, and I do appreciate the podcasts he does with medical experts or when he hosts debates or gets specialists in a particular field.

But the conspiracy stuff powered by weed is partly what made his show so huge, and it would be good if he eased on it a little. Especially during a crisis like this one, the conspiracy stupidity turns from amusing to dangerous.

Either way, he's not responsible for Eddie's stupidity, that's a separate topic. It seems like the guy has absolutely no capacity for rational thought in certain areas. Crazy that he has such little self awareness and still managed to get so popular.
You can tell that Mike Bisping is using a 5G cellphone by his covid-19 voice.
That's what's wrong with society today. Endless outlets for any random moron to regurgitate their stupidity, and no matter how uninformed, misthought and inane it may be, they will find an audience.

"Read actual literature and texts and newspapers? No way, I'm going to follow random youtube channels and bloggers to help form my world views, because I lack the reading comprehension and attention span to absorb a 15 page article with actual citations."
Well put.
Calling people out on their inane bullshit does not mean that we're some 'sheep bootlickers'... it means that we trust medical professionals from a variety of countries who are giving guidelines on how to stay healthy (and reasonable guidelines at that).

Of course the government does shady shit, look at how they pressured Powell to give that UN speech.... look at a ton of other examples. That being said, you can't dismiss science and all it's respective branches for crackpot Youtube channels and ideas that receive no backing by qualified people. Perhaps the reason you see people ragging on you a little hard for it, is because the moderates in this country are tired of having dialogues, events, politics, etc.... all hijacked by uneducated mouthpieces who have no business speaking on anything.

This country has a severe anti-intellectual problem.

EDIT: ... and what's the end game for this conspiracy? Crash economies all over the world?
Lol do you even know how to read??

More people die from pneumonia than from Covid every month.

And the number of deaths from Covid are down 60% from what they projected, meaning it isn't as bad as they thought/said.

Thanks for proving my point dumbass
lol. nice dick tuck.

the chart showed covid deaths were more than flu deaths at ages 35+.

and part of why it's not as bad is because of the measures taken to slow the spread. and it's still pretty fuckin bad. if you don't know healthy people who have died you are lucky.
Look up 'smoke yourself retarded' in the dictionary and there will be a picture of Eddie. People who say long term use of weed has no side effects ignor ethe fact that a lot of the people who do this end up with extreme paranoia. A lot of my old friends who smoked long term ended up being mental wrecks.
depend what you mean by conspiracy i guess, if you're talking flat earth or reptilian yes, but no doubt the media, politics, big businesses "conspire" together to serve each other interest, or do you think all these guys are clean? sure you could say it's just corruption but when corruption is so generalized when does it become conspiracy?
I did mention national and global conspiracies. I’m talking about faking the moon landing kind of stuff not whether Microsoft bought shelf space at computer retailers to thwart competition. I have no doubt that these groups are getting away with everything they can.
There are a lot of BJJ guys who are either complaining or throwing out the "its not that bad" thing.

Actually, just BJJ guys who are complaining about self isolating and having to not train.
Anybody that takes Eddie Bravo serious is a complete moron. That being said I think most people that follow or like Eddie do so because much like Dumb and Dumber idiots have a lot of comedic and entertainment value. I've yet to meet a single person that knows of Eddie and thinks the guy has a clue about anything he's talking about. Even online I've yet to see that type of person.
There’s things I like about Eddie , but he presents himself like he sees things so much more deeply than most because of his martial arts experience & drug use

I could be wrong but I feel like that’s how he presents himself

Sometimes with little to no facts about the subject he’s talking about