Microsoft is Buying Activision Blizzard $68.7B ***Update: Acquisition Finalized***

Sorry guys:

Yes he will keep the role until the acquisition is complete.. do you really think he's going to report to Phil Spencer who's going to take control next year and be content with being a defrocked middle man ?
Yes he will keep the role until the acquisition is complete.. do you really think he's going to report to Phil Spencer who's going to take control next year and be content with being a defrocked middle man ?
I think if Microsoft was smart, they would just remove him. He is filthy rich, let him go off, and make themselves look like the "good guys"
Lol 15 years later and all they have is Halo and Forza so of course they’re trying to buy other things up.

god of war > anything Microsoft has ever done
MS will NOT make COD Xbox exclusive. The franchise makes way too much money on other platforms.

But man imagine if they did and it was built specifically for the Xbox architecture.

MS will NOT make COD Xbox exclusive. The franchise makes way too much money on other platforms.

But man imagine if they did and it was built specifically for the Xbox architecture.

I've seen this post before...
I agree. But gamepass is a differentiator that Sony can't touch.
There’s no way call of duty goes exclusively to Xbox or game pass and multiplayer games have always been better on Xbox live back in the day anyways . PSN was just free back then.
Zenimax purchase: $7.5 billion
Activision purchase: $68.7 billion

Jesus fucking Christ.
Could Microsoft buying all of these companies possibly be used in the future as a bargaining for bringing Sony's exclusives over to Xbox?
Legacy games will still be supported like Warzone. Expect yearly COD titles to be Xbox/Pc exclusive.

This is what I expect. One or two more CODs might come to PS because they are already being made and I'm sure contracts are in place but beyond that I don't see them coming over anymore. If MS is smart they will eventually fade out Warzone and release Warzone 2 exclusive to Xbox and maybe even a next gen release title.
Hard to wrap my head around the idea of so much money :eek:
I really doubt they make things like CoD or Overwatch Microsoft exclusive.

With Bethesda it makes sense, those games are profitable with the games themselves, not microtransactions.

They would lose a lot of money for no reason by limiting the amount of people who buy their skins and such.
Seriously though let me know when they release anything exclusively epic as God Of War and I might buy a series x. Until then the demands for ps5 is light years greater .