Mike brown, Eric Garner, and now you are going to know the name of Stephen Clark-paraphrase quote


Sorry dude, I'm just triggered because several of my SLWL and SJW friends are reposting and retweeting that stupid shit by Shaun king...

"He was shot 20 times, but Dylan roof was somehow arrested and taken into custody peacefully and was able to order his favorite fast food meal

Screw Talcum X, but you don't think it pisses people off that a dude sits in a church that he's welcomed in, kills nine people, gets arrested and then says he's he hungry so the cops buy him burger king? People can't pissed off about that?

C'mon man...
Screw Talcum X, but you don't think it pisses people off that a dude sits in a church that he's welcomed in, kills nine people, gets arrested and then says he's he hungry so the cops buy him burger king? People can't pissed off about that?

C'mon man...

Of course, but 2 different circumstances. .if Dylan was fleeing the police in dark alleys, he would have been lit up too.
Fuck Dylan roof
I am not white-knighting anybody. You are barking up the wrong tree here. I don’t know if he was breaking into cars, but that is what the original call was. The helicopter pilot was reporting that he was looking into vehicles and a house. They have video, I would like to see that. But then the argument becomes “well, even if he did break into cars, that is not a crime punishable by death!” And I agree, but that is not why the cops shot him. They shot him because they thought he was armed. And when you look at the numbers of black males involved in shootings, is it really that far fetched that police believe that he could have been armed?

There are discrepancies about what he was reportedly holding-a tool of some sort-it does not matter, the cops at that moment were shouting “gun” not “pry bar!” So that argument just sucks and they should stop that shit. Also, the grandmother says she did not hear the police shouting any commands, just heard the shots. Well, they are on video yelling commands at him, so that argument is moot.


Its a bit of an interesting phenomena.
My friend was next to the guy who got shot at the eaton centre in toronto. She heard the glass being dropped but before the shots registered with her even the shots did occur prior to. There was also screaming prior to sccording to other reports. Human brain is weird.
Wow, 2 pages in and no one is crying about this yet. Progress!
Yah, that undercuts any real power the movement has.
You'll lose your audience when you lionize community cancer.

Shame he died, but thug life
Why do people run from American cops?

It seems it's impossible to get away, they'll send 50 cars, 2 helicopters, a couple of SWAT teams, a news crew who'll be filming you from all angles.

Seems like the dude wasn't very bright.
Gavin Newsom, a POS former mayor of San Francisco running for governor, already said if the guy looked like him he would not have been shot. Fuck CA is on the bullet train down the shitter.

You turn and point an item at a cop similar to how a gun would point you're gonna get blasted.
Ignores cops and runs, jumping over fences and then has shit in his hands when facing down armed officers.
Should be a Darwin award thread, not an SJW thread.
Devastating loss for the city of Sacramento. Sounded like an upstounding citizen.
Screw Talcum X, but you don't think it pisses people off that a dude sits in a church that he's welcomed in, kills nine people, gets arrested and then says he's he hungry so the cops buy him burger king? People can't pissed off about that?

C'mon man...

He surrendered peacefully and the cops were trying to keep him talking after his rights were read. Cops are your best friend and understand your side ( at least that's their job to make you think they do) as long as you are talking.

It's all part of how they get confessions and information when needed.
As to the OP.

I agree.

He placed himself in the situation and then made shit decisions that lead to him getting shot.

To bad it happened but shit happens when you do stupid shit.
Great I’m starting to see Facebook posts about this guy now. Articles read “unarmed black man shot by cops 22 times in his own backyard” rofl how about “man caught breaking into cars shot after running from cops”
He surrendered peacefully and the cops were trying to keep him talking after his rights were read. Cops are your best friend and understand your side ( at least that's their job to make you think they do) as long as you are talking.

It's all part of how they get confessions and information when needed.
As to the OP.

I agree.

He placed himself in the situation and then made shit decisions that lead to him getting shot.

To bad it happened but shit happens when you do stupid shit.

I wasn't speaking about the OP, but i get what your meaning. We had our thing with Colten Boushie in Canada. Common sense dictates that you should never make assumptions about another man's trigger discipline...or even better; never put yourself in a situation where you have to.

But do you honestly think the cops would have bought Dylann Roof food if he had surrendered peacefully after killing nine cops? smh
Give zero fucks tbh.

Break into cars, flee cops, you automatically reduce your life expectancy by 35 years.

I'm sure there will be a lot of SLWLs who will attempt to portray this person as the next MLK....

But if you live the life of a criminal , expect to die like one.

How difficult is it to obey an officers instructions not to run?

Fuck this guy, and fuck you leftist scum who will undoubtedly white knight him.

Respecting due process and wanting law enforcement to not execute nonviolent criminals is not "white knighting" or making any normative statement about it being good to steal or smart to resist arrest.

Your flippant disregard for basic first world liberties from the government is embarrassing for you.

But keep covering up your intellectual laziness with partisan pot shots, i.e. "leftist SJW SLWL scum dur hur."
The guy was approaching police and threatening them. He waved his phone over his head in the dark which could look like a gun. Sounds like the guy needs to win a Darwin Award.

He was an unemployed 22 year old father of two. Definitely not contributing anything to society. It’s interesting that you can’t find his criminal record in any of the race baiting news stories. It’s also amazing how his dirtbag family already has T-Shirts made with his face on them trying to profit off him being an idiot.

Glad the boys in blue are safe
I wasn't speaking about the OP, but i get what your meaning. We had our thing with Colten Boushie in Canada. Common sense dictates that you should never make assumptions about another man's trigger discipline...or even better; never put yourself in a situation where you have to.

But do you honestly think the cops would have bought Dylann Roof food if he had surrendered peacefully after killing nine cops? smh

I can't saying that situation but I seen cops buy food or drinks for a suspect to get them to let down their guard. I have a friend that teaches "interview" techniques at the police academy. They sent him to a bunch of schools. It's eye opening how they work.
Why do people run from American cops?

It seems it's impossible to get away, they'll send 50 cars, 2 helicopters, a couple of SWAT teams, a news crew who'll be filming you from all angles.

Seems like the dude wasn't very bright.

Not saying this is the case but people do dumb shit while under the influence of drugs.

Every once and a while you read about the dude on PCP wrestling multiple cops.
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I can't saying that situation but I seen cops buy food or drinks for a suspect to get them to let down their guard. I have a friend that teaches "interview" techniques at the police academy. They sent him to a bunch of schools. It's eye opening how they work.

The answer to the question is that if Dylann would have surrendered peacefully after killing nine cops, or nine family members of those cops, he wouldnt have been able to eat any burger king at all because his jaw would have be wired shut after the arrest.

Assuming he survived the arrest.
Screw Talcum X, but you don't think it pisses people off that a dude sits in a church that he's welcomed in, kills nine people, gets arrested and then says he's he hungry so the cops buy him burger king? People can't pissed off about that?

C'mon man...

People can be pissed, but I really think that it would be more productive to take a deep breath and think about it. The cops have arrested the guy that they know who committed the crime; from their perspective all they have to do now is get him to sign a confession and then their work is done, time to hand the little fuck over to the justice system to deal with. It's very common from my understanding to try and make the criminal comfortable, make them think that you're their friend, to get them to waive their rights to a lawyer and admit to the crime. I feel quite certain that they do stuff like this (whether it's food, coffee, cigarettes etc) for accused criminals of all races/backgrounds depending on the circumstances, but we don't always see it broadcast on the media.

I mean what seems more likely: that the cops were just trying to coax a confession out of the fuckin pos, or that they were congratulating him for a job well done? I think that if critical thinking were applied, most would agree with me that it was the former. But race-baiters like King, as well as mainstream media outlets not to mention Russian troll farms, will push the latter in order to increase polarization for their own purposes.