Mike Perry’s girl chefing hard!!

7/10 body + 2/10 face = 4.5/10

Sorry Mike.
The ass is weighted as double the points though

The ratio is 0.67% ass/vag/boobies
0.33% face and personality
Cant believe she teases the dogs like that with the food......

She using cardboard plates in a lot of them, and I thought I seen serve up a salsa platter with saltine crackers? LMAO. None the less it's nice to have someone that will cook for you. My girl always cooks for me.
Nice to see Platinum is one of us. Couch bum all day playing video games and surfing Sherdog.
Thought u meant chiefin as in smoking
Half this place shits on a the guy for boasting up his ole lady. Cool sherdogerss
Those are just basic meals. 15-20 mins to cook. Stuff any adult should be able to cook for themselves easily.
mike perry's girl cooks a meal

**fixed thread title because chefing hard makes no sense
that's definitely ricearoni, not that there is anything wrong with that but I probably wouldn't post it online.

Perry gonna gas r1.
Perry needs some brain food. These two guys have the lowest fight IQ in MMA.
I don't believe shit on social media lol.

These two broke up not that long ago and all of a sudden they're married.
Mike was sleeping in his car down by the river, they eventually got back together, then got engaged and eventually married. Time doesn't stop for the rest of the world when you stop being interested in it :p