Mike Perry Doing Gods Work - Collecting Money To Stop SLAVERY

Where is "around here"? (Roughly-dont need specifics obviously). My understanding is that Asia and Eastern Europe are the bad spots but I guess runaways and stuff are seriously at risk anywhere.

The sad FACT is that slavery is still heavily practised in Central Africa, North Africa, almost all of the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Asia. Slavery and sex-trafficking of young women is actually more common, widespread and just considered the norm in huge parts of the world. Sadly. But we sheltered Westerners foolishly think the 3rd world and other hellholes are just like us & at the same stage of civilization & emancipation that the West has arrived at, lol. I believe even North Korea was trafficking slaves to work in Siberian timber yards.

Kind of weird to have Brits being bashed over slavery 200 years ago when we were one of the last to engage in it (as an industry) and the first to outlaw it. But that's left wing Cultural Marxists for ye.
Wanna give that another shot?



I hate when people fuck up words and it makes me forget the proper spelling. It took me a second to remember.

Sherdog is melting my brain

Tbh that sounds sketchy as fuck 24 hours to meet the goal? Is it a charitable institution or a kickstarter?
Jesus, I cant believe it took that many replies to address that.
Im not sending money to a site that cant spell that correctly.
To be honest, I wouldnt have sent money if it was spelled correctly
As a leading African American athlete in the UFC, Platinum Mike Perry shuns the history of past slavery, and is a leading figure working towards its abolishment from the world.

Truly a gift to the world. I wish we had someone Middle Eastern of this quality. I envy my Black friends because they have someone like Mike Perry in their community.
That's fucking great of him. But some weird freudian shit when he starts fucking with his waistband like he was going to drop trou and small kine rubbing his nipples when he gets to the part about women
45 million people in America are living in slavery? That seems a bit high. I’m actually very proud of Mike, that he could read all of that at one time.
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That's fucking great of him. But some weird freudian shit when he starts fucking with his waistband like he was going to drop trou and small kine rubbing his nipples when he gets to the part about women

He really got going when he said underage girls.
Did they meet their goal? If not...did they return the money? He neads 2 praktise reeding.
Jesus. He goes into total dad bod mode when he's not in camp.
Where is "around here"? (Roughly-dont need specifics obviously). My understanding is that Asia and Eastern Europe are the bad spots but I guess runaways and stuff are seriously at risk anywhere.

It's fucking HUGE in the midwest. Detroit Chicago and Milwaukee and the areas in between are having a legit pandemic right now. I think the east and west coast are big for asian populations too but idk for sure. It's a fucking serious problem right now tho. I'd be tempted to say the problem got more pronounced with backpage prostitution and shit like that getting outlawed cuz now a lot of the solo working girls are snatched up with no digital footprint left behind to track where they left off and a lot of the pimps are basically running slave trades at a certain level. BUT it's A LOT more pronounced than that it's not just hoes and shit regular college girls been getting snatched up a lot recently. Some of the local colleges have even made official statements on it to make the students aware of whats going on ect.

It's fucked up fam.