Millenials blaming Drysdale.

Is there any indication that Millennials, specifically, are saying this, in numbers, or does that fit some dumb-assed conception you have of Millennials, so you felt that one person of unknown generation making a comment this was somehow thread-worthy?
He’s Definitely the guy that goes to the gym decked out in workouts gear and gloves. He puts 300 pounds on the rack and then never even attempts to lift it

Full kit wanker for sure
Millennials are most of the working population and close to 40 years old you fucking ballsack
TS wishing he never logged in this morning. He's getting obliterated ITT <45>
This fucking "hurh hurh the current generation are pussies compared to how it was when we were young" bullshit has been going on literally since the dawn of man

If you're thinking like this it probably means you're the fucking pussy and can't accept that your time has passed
yea people fight with broken faces and this and that, but at their choice. you think Drysdale should have been allowed to make him go back out there?
Oh, so you are fine with Rohskopf getting CTE, reducing his overall health in the long term just because "JUST BLEED UFC"

Go troll somewhere else, troll.

At what point are the fighters supposed to be allowed to quit?

Are we going to start giving them time to recover after knock downs in a couple years from now to protect their health? LMFAO. Because it surely isn't good for them. LMFAO.

The funniest thing I've seen, well at least one of, people up in arms about Drysdale trying to push his fighter who mentally quit.

Wait for the injury reports now! Oh no, must have been some devastating facial cuts! LMFAO. You know, safety does come first. If you want to quit, fine. I don't care. If you want to tap to strikes, fine, you do that too. You want to take a little breather after a knock down or knock down? yeah let's do that too.

Tough match up you say against non-ranked opponent? Hey hold on a minute, probably bad for my health, better quit now before RISKING my health.

LMFAO. Millenials. Stick to chess and baseball. LOL. Because, apparently, MMA isn't really risk free after all. People fight on with broken face, broken bones, snapped ligaments, torn tendons, beat down of their lifetimes against totally outmatched competition, gone cardio, a day notice fights and so on. And even then, which one of those was this fight even remotely close to in his wildest dreams?

But hey better start finding someone to point the fingers at and turn into a bad guy. But hey, might as well scrap the MMA all together. I mean, it's fairly violent sport and not very good for your health. Better look out for their well beings.

You know Millenials are almost 40 years old now right?
How old are you>
a coach knows his fighter very well. in most cases when you have a fighter wanting to quit and a coach pushing them on there is a mutual understanding between them. usually this is coming from the fighter. they either have mental challenges when it comes to fighting or they ask their coach to not let them quit to make sure they leave it all out there. the mental game of fighting is a hard one and this is part of it sometimes. that is usually whats going on. fighters will beg the ref pre fight to not stop it unless they are completely ko'd. This happens with their team and corners too.
when you get hit in the head your thinking is compromised. sometimes you look for a way out when you still have ways to win and you aren't even close to being finished. You could spend 3 months repeating i will not quit. you can have all the heart in the world but sometimes when you get hit your thinking can change in the moment and your corner is there to help keep your mind in the game.

sometimes this is not the case but most of the time i believe it is. i also believe a majority of fighters would be mad if their corner threw in the towel. the ego building that goes on , all the training and mental prep- you want to either win or get put the fuck out trying. Months of build up for one day, it needs to count.. Look at cruz's last loss. he got blasted to fuck by cejudo. Not ko'd completely but a flash knock out continued by being rocked and trying to scramble. The stoppage was justified and it saved him from further damage but his ego couldn't handle it. he would not accept it and freaked out over it and i bet that went on for months if not forever. fighters put it all on the line.
i knew even jiujitsu competitors that would rather hadve a limb broken then go through a 2-3 month camp only to get caught within the first few seconds of the match. the mental build up is insanely intense and if you don't leave it all out there the issues you deal with after last a while and are difficult. this is their life and their income. their opportunity to make things better. wins and losses mean to much in this sport. knowing the length of a career and how hard it is to get into the ufc and impress the masses and people in charge i for sure would want to make sure i'm out cold or incapacitated in some way before being pulled from a fight. losing from a cut must be the worst. mental game is a rough one.

fuck off with your grandstanding

Dude... Key board warriors are allowed to talk massive bullshit.


At what point are the fighters supposed to be allowed to quit?

Are we going to start giving them time to recover after knock downs in a couple years from now to protect their health? LMFAO. Because it surely isn't good for them. LMFAO.

The funniest thing I've seen, well at least one of, people up in arms about Drysdale trying to push his fighter who mentally quit.

Wait for the injury reports now! Oh no, must have been some devastating facial cuts! LMFAO. You know, safety does come first. If you want to quit, fine. I don't care. If you want to tap to strikes, fine, you do that too. You want to take a little breather after a knock down or knock down? yeah let's do that too.

Tough match up you say against non-ranked opponent? Hey hold on a minute, probably bad for my health, better quit now before RISKING my health.

LMFAO. Millenials. Stick to chess and baseball. LOL. Because, apparently, MMA isn't really risk free after all. People fight on with broken face, broken bones, snapped ligaments, torn tendons, beat down of their lifetimes against totally outmatched competition, gone cardio, a day notice fights and so on. And even then, which one of those was this fight even remotely close to in his wildest dreams?

But hey better start finding someone to point the fingers at and turn into a bad guy. But hey, might as well scrap the MMA all together. I mean, it's fairly violent sport and not very good for your health. Better look out for their well beings.

2 x LOL

LOL What a retarded Cuck LMFAO
Millennials is such a boomer thing to complain about.
if you were at all cool, you’d know that we’re supposed to shit on Zoomers now, with their damn Tik Toks and such!!’
He’s Definitely the guy that goes to the gym decked out in workout gear and gloves. He puts 300 pounds on the rack and then never even attempts to lift it
Looking at that anime av and reading that nonsense he likes to spew, he also comes off as the guy who hasn't ran a mile in his entire life and sweats when he wanks off to hentai porn in which some weird creature with tentacles fucks underage Japanese schoolgirls.