Social MIT becomes first elite university to eliminate diversity statements

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Fox by the Sea

Lighthouse Keeper
Platinum Member
Jul 4, 2013
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Impressive if confirmed. The planet is healing.
Getting rid of the DEI cancer is a very important condition for better education, both in America and Europe (we are a little less hit by it but there's plenty of activists here too, especially in western Europe)

"In what’s likely to be a watershed moment, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has ended the use of diversity statements for faculty hiring, making it the first elite private university to backtrack on the practice that has been roundly criticised as a political litmus test.

On Saturday, an MIT spokesperson confirmed in an email to me that “requests for a statement on diversity will no longer be part of applications for any faculty positions at MIT”, adding that the decision was made by embattled MIT President Sally Kornbluth “with the support of the Provost, Chancellor, and all six academic deans”.
The decision marks an inflection point in the battle over diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in higher education. Since at least the late 2010s, diversity statements have been ubiquitous in faculty hiring, sometimes carrying serious weight in the selection process. As one dean at Emory University put it while describing her approach to hiring, “Diversity statement, then dossier.”

MIT embraced the diversity statement trend. In late 2023, the university’s Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering sought an assistant professor “in fields from fundamental nuclear science to practical applications of nuclear technology in energy, security and quantum engineering”. Applicants were required to submit “a statement regarding their views on diversity, inclusion, and belonging, including past and current contributions as well as their vision and plans for the future in these areas”.

Such requirements have long been controversial, and the basic argument against them is simple: “diversity, equity, and inclusion” has come to connote a set of controversial views about identity, power, and oppression. Universities which require scholars to “demonstrate” their “commitment” to DEI can easily invite ideological screening, as well as potentially unlawful viewpoint discrimination. Many groups thus oppose the diversity statements on the grounds of academic freedom and free expression.
At MIT, these arguments seemed to have won the day. In a statement provided to me via email, president Kornbluth notes: “We can build an inclusive environment in many ways, but compelled statements impinge on freedom of expression, and they don’t work.”

This is momentous. The pushback against diversity statements has succeeded almost exclusively at public universities in red states, encouraged or enacted by lawmakers. Conservative states such as Florida, Texas, and Utah have passed laws banning diversity statements at state universities. Some appointed state university leaders, such as the University of North Carolina Board of Governors, have also barred the practice.

The decision at MIT is different — reform from within, prompted by a university president alongside deans and provosts, at a private institution.It’s very possible that more private universities, and state universities in blue states, will eventually follow MIT’s lead for one basic reason: a significant number of faculty from across the political spectrum simply cannot stand mandatory DEI statements. Last month, Harvard Law School’s Randall Kennedy — a self-described “scholar on the Left committed to struggles for social justice” — described the general sentiment: “It would be hard to overstate the degree to which many academics at Harvard and beyond feel intense and growing resentment against the DEI enterprise because of features that are perhaps most evident in the demand for DEI statements.”

Pretty simple. MIT is all about math and science. You can't stick lower qualified people in those fields for diversity reasons.

Get ready for it to be even more dominated by Asian, Indian and white males.
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Impressive if confirmed. The planet is healing.
Getting rid of the DEI cancer is a very important condition for better education, both in America and Europe (we are a little less hit by it but there's plenty of activists here too, especially in western Europe)

"In what’s likely to be a watershed moment, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has ended the use of diversity statements for faculty hiring, making it the first elite private university to backtrack on the practice that has been roundly criticised as a political litmus test.

On Saturday, an MIT spokesperson confirmed in an email to me that “requests for a statement on diversity will no longer be part of applications for any faculty positions at MIT”, adding that the decision was made by embattled MIT President Sally Kornbluth “with the support of the Provost, Chancellor, and all six academic deans”.
The decision marks an inflection point in the battle over diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in higher education. Since at least the late 2010s, diversity statements have been ubiquitous in faculty hiring, sometimes carrying serious weight in the selection process. As one dean at Emory University put it while describing her approach to hiring, “Diversity statement, then dossier.”

MIT embraced the diversity statement trend. In late 2023, the university’s Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering sought an assistant professor “in fields from fundamental nuclear science to practical applications of nuclear technology in energy, security and quantum engineering”. Applicants were required to submit “a statement regarding their views on diversity, inclusion, and belonging, including past and current contributions as well as their vision and plans for the future in these areas”.

Such requirements have long been controversial, and the basic argument against them is simple: “diversity, equity, and inclusion” has come to connote a set of controversial views about identity, power, and oppression. Universities which require scholars to “demonstrate” their “commitment” to DEI can easily invite ideological screening, as well as potentially unlawful viewpoint discrimination. Many groups thus oppose the diversity statements on the grounds of academic freedom and free expression.
At MIT, these arguments seemed to have won the day. In a statement provided to me via email, president Kornbluth notes: “We can build an inclusive environment in many ways, but compelled statements impinge on freedom of expression, and they don’t work.”

This is momentous. The pushback against diversity statements has succeeded almost exclusively at public universities in red states, encouraged or enacted by lawmakers. Conservative states such as Florida, Texas, and Utah have passed laws banning diversity statements at state universities. Some appointed state university leaders, such as the University of North Carolina Board of Governors, have also barred the practice.

The decision at MIT is different — reform from within, prompted by a university president alongside deans and provosts, at a private institution.It’s very possible that more private universities, and state universities in blue states, will eventually follow MIT’s lead for one basic reason: a significant number of faculty from across the political spectrum simply cannot stand mandatory DEI statements. Last month, Harvard Law School’s Randall Kennedy — a self-described “scholar on the Left committed to struggles for social justice” — described the general sentiment: “It would be hard to overstate the degree to which many academics at Harvard and beyond feel intense and growing resentment against the DEI enterprise because of features that are perhaps most evident in the demand for DEI statements.”

Pretty simple. MIT is all about math and science. You can't stick lower qualified people in those fields for diversity reasons.

It's glorious. MIT is far too important of an institution - literally the most elite in the country alongside Caltech - to succumb to culture war identity politics nonsense.
Pretty simple. MIT is all about math and science. You can't stick lower qualified people in those fields for diversity reasons.

Get ready for it to be even more dominated by Asian, Indian and white males.
MIT is most reputable institution in U.S for europeans in general....sense.
Some others in medicine or business....
MIT is most reputable institution in U.S for europeans in general....sense.
Some others in medicine or business....

The US came to be and maintains global superpower status in large part due to its research universities (Caltech, Harvard, MIT, Stanford), national laboratories (JPL, Los Alamos, Lincoln, LBNL, LLNL), intramural agencies (NIH, NASA, DARPA, DOE) and industrial high tech corps (Applied Materials, Intel, KLA-Tencor, Lockheed, Microchip, Micron, Northrop Grumman, Qualcomm). It can't afford to have social politics infecting any of them.
The US came to be and maintains global superpower status in large part due to its research universities (Caltech, Harvard, MIT, Stanford), national laboratories (JPL, Los Alamos, Lincoln, LBNL, LLNL), intramural agencies (NIH, NASA, DARPA, DOE) and industrial high tech corps (Applied Materials, Intel, KLA-Tencor, Lockheed, Microchip, Micron, Northrop Grumman, Qualcomm). It can't afford to have social politics infecting any of them.
I know in person 2 gentlemans who had graduated from MIT and one working for MIT. This stuff ( MIT ) is beautiful.
The left do the exact same thing the other way round.

You can almost "both side bad" anything but not this one. Where crap really hits the fan is that the POLITICIANS on the right are heavily anti-science, either out of sheer ignorance / stupidity or (what is worse), out of sheer chicanery (even though they know they are peddling BS). There are plenty of GOP senators, governors, representatives, mayors, and even presidents that peddle:

-Abstinence only sex-Ed AS A PUBLIC ED PROGRAM
-intelligent design / "evolution skepticism" IN PUBLIC ED SCIENCE CLASS CURRICULA.
-Climate change being a hoax / not being anthropogenic
-All kinds of religious claptrap in government or policy / exemptions from laws / etc.
-Antivaxxing exemptions based on "religious freedom"
-Anti-mask and anti other CDC recommendations dangerous nonsense

There are a few crazy people on the left but I still think right wingers would win that by a mile, because conservatism correlates very strongly with religiosity and conservatism correlates very strongly with holding on to outdated and backward traditional views.
funny how you chuds pretend to care about science when its convenient. but you will dismiss science on climate change, Covid, Hormone therapy for transgender patients and when the science of an issue conflicts with the goals of the corporate donors.

Hormone therapy for transgender patients is a science? Haha that's a good one.
That's the ultimate rejection of science in favour of feelings.
Hormone therapy for transgender patients is a science? Haha that's a good one.
That's the ultimate rejection of science in favour of feelings.
love how you ignored the rest of the post and cherry-picked this one .
Gender Dysphoria is real and It's very common for trans people to experience hormonal imbalances.
you just proved my whole point. Cons don't actually care about science. They only care about the surface level of subjects and don't want to go deeper because it doesn't fit their perspective of the world.
love how you ignored the rest of the post and cherry-picked this one .
Gender Dysphoria is real and It's very common for trans people to experience hormonal imbalances.
you just proved my whole point. Cons don't actually care about science. They only care about the surface level of subjects and don't want to go deeper because it doesn't fit their perspective of the world.

All your points were weak, I just picked out the most ridiculous one to laugh at.

How much man has contributed to climate change is far from a settled science and time has proved the chuds mostly correct in their reaction to Covid. Liberals massively overreacted, stuff like closing schools was a ridiculous decision. And if the left really cared about climate change they'd embrace nuclear power but they have an irrational anti-scientific emotional fear of it but if you looked at the data it's one of the cleanest safest form of power there is.

I actually do care about science, I feel as a human race we should be much further along the path to colonizing the solar system than we are (done very little since the moon landing until Musk came along) but stuff like identity politics and social justice is holding us back. I've lost count of the number of bleeding heart lefties say not a single dollar should be spent of space exploration whilst we still have problems with homelessness, poverty and social inequality etc. The left definitely is not the party of Science, feelings trump facts every time for them, there is a reason the Democrats have a higher % of female voters and Republicans male.
funny how you chuds pretend to care about science when its convenient. but you will dismiss science on climate change, Covid, Hormone therapy for transgender patients and when the science of an issue conflicts with the goals of the corporate donors.

When TF did I deny climate change or covid retard? You really like generalizing and making assumptions don't you?

The only thing I disagree with is giving hormone drugs to kids under 18.

Furthermore, why are you bringing these topics into a thread about DEI and MIT?
love how you ignored the rest of the post and cherry-picked this one .
Gender Dysphoria is real and It's very common for trans people to experience hormonal imbalances.
you just proved my whole point. Cons don't actually care about science. They only care about the surface level of subjects and don't want to go deeper because it doesn't fit their perspective of the world.
Hormone imbalances can cause all types of mental disorders yes.
All your points were weak, I just picked out the most ridiculous one to laugh at.

How much man has contributed to climate change is far from a settled science and time has proved the chuds mostly correct in their reaction to Covid. Liberals massively overreacted, stuff like closing schools was a ridiculous decision. And if the left really cared about climate change they'd embrace nuclear power but they have an irrational anti-scientific emotional fear of it but if you looked at the data it's one of the cleanest safest form of power there is.

I actually do care about science, I feel as a human race we should be much further along the path to colonizing the solar system than we are (done very little since the moon landing until Musk came along) but stuff like identity politics and social justice is holding us back. I've lost count of the number of bleeding heart lefties say not a single dollar should be spent of space exploration whilst we still have problems with homelessness, poverty and social inequality etc. The left definitely is not the party of Science, feelings trump facts every time for them, there is a reason the Democrats have a higher % of female voters and Republicans male.

All this excessive rambling…to say nothing. lol
I’ll make it easier for you since your tiny little brains make it so difficult to process things
when you talk about "the left" vs "the right" when it comes to science literacy and how informed their views are (or aren't) on current or evolving scientific study.
you have to separate left-wing politicians from "people identifying as left-leaning" but you cant
with the gop and their loonie base (you are a good example) because they agree on almost everything. Theres a reason why you didnt call out the Kremlin suck-doll mtg for her Jewish space lasers thing.

Are there "left-leaning" people who are anti-science or hold stupid / cooky views? yes. rare tho.

Is there a single left-leaning politician, let alone a sizable political faction or force, that peddles legislation or government action based on any of the above? No. Zilch. Nada.

That was my point. If you're a person and claim to be pro-science and you support the GOP/Trump you're.... either lying about your beliefs, or you're incredibly stupid.

Just keep calling everything fake and stop pretending you care about science.