Social MIT becomes first elite university to eliminate diversity statements

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You sound angry, lol. I don't follow this stuff with the same obsession as some of you. History -- I pay attention to. Law -- I pay attention to. Random changes in university hiring processes that don't affect me or anyone I know -- I don't pay attention to.
Calling BS when I see it doesn't make me angry. I am also calling BS on the way you brush it off like that. It's one of the world's most important institutions so no intelligent person dismisses the topic like that. And i know you are not dumb.
Well, at least we didn't lose you after the forum reboot. 😅 I got something for the 4th of July this year that I think you and other like-minded Americans (@Mr Holmes, @Long Dark Blues, @Belaya Smert, @Gutter Chris, et al.) are really going to dig. It's going to blow the 2023 Thread of the Year out of the fucking water.
lol I was Thisssssss close.

They did a decent job of fixing the major issues after a few months
Calling BS when I see it doesn't make me angry. I am also calling BS on the way you brush it off like that. It's one of the world's most important institutions so no intelligent person dismisses the topic like that. And i know you are not dumb.
Like I seem angry that I don't care as much as you do. And you're doubly angry that I don't care as much you want me to care.

Let me explain the difference between me and, apparently, you. I don't think this subject is particularly important so I don't pay attention to it. Why?

Because university hiring policies don't matter to me. Why not?

First, because I'm not trying to get a job at a university. Second, because hiring policies are always changing. Third, because how the university hires professors and staff doesn't change anything about what I have to do with my day or my life or even my child's life. Fourth, I went to college and grad school and the hiring policies of the universities never came up when I applied to schools, when I attended schools, or when I went looking for a job after graduation.

It doesn't matter so I don't pay attention to it.

Now, you might be an aspiring college professor and so it might matter to you. You might be a college professor recruiter so it might matter to you. But I'm pretty sure that for 90% of the population, how MIT hires professors doesn't matter one iota.

However, there is a subset of the population that cannot simply be aware of things, they must also be enraged by them so they are hyper-vigilant for information that gives them something to be enraged about. Either it runs afoul of their personal ethos or it doesn't support their personal ethos and, so to find some semblance of meaning in the news they mindless consume, they rage about these things that have no bearing on their lives. I can't join you in that.

If you think this is important, there's nothing wrong with that but it's a little silly to think that everyone cares to the same extent.
Like I seem angry that I don't care as much as you do. And you're doubly angry that I don't care as much you want me to care.

Let me explain the difference between me and, apparently, you. I don't think this subject is particularly important so I don't pay attention to it. Why?

Because university hiring policies don't matter to me. Why not?

First, because I'm not trying to get a job at a university. Second, because hiring policies are always changing. Third, because how the university hires professors and staff doesn't change anything about what I have to do with my day or my life or even my child's life. Fourth, I went to college and grad school and the hiring policies of the universities never came up when I applied to schools, when I attended schools, or when I went looking for a job after graduation.

It doesn't matter so I don't pay attention to it.

Now, you might be an aspiring college professor and so it might matter to you. You might be a college professor recruiter so it might matter to you. But I'm pretty sure that for 90% of the population, how MIT hires professors doesn't matter one iota.

However, there is a subset of the population that cannot simply be aware of things, they must also be enraged by them so they are hyper-vigilant for information that gives them something to be enraged about. Either it runs afoul of their personal ethos or it doesn't support their personal ethos and, so to find some semblance of meaning in the news they mindless consume, they rage about these things that have no bearing on their lives. I can't join you in that.

If you think this is important, there's nothing wrong with that but it's a little silly to think that everyone cares to the same extent.
Thanks for taking the time but this is a very bizarre response. If we were to only care about things that directly affect our daily lives there would be no discussions. I am pretty sure that you don't only post about the price of gas and crime in your particular location?
Thanks for taking the time but this is a very bizarre response. If we were to only care about things that directly affect our daily lives there would be no discussions. I am pretty sure that you don't only post about the price of gas and crime in your particular location?
This is sophistry. Not caring about a topic because it's irrelevant to you personally doesn't mean you can't care about other topics that don't directly affect you. Let's take climate change, for example. I'll be dead before shit really hits the fan, likely, but I still care about the human cost now and into the future. The so called Woke Agenda has zero impact on me or anyone I know and I think people who are incensed by it are really fucking stupid. I don't care at all about those people. Do you get the distinction here?
This is sophistry. Not caring about a topic because it's irrelevant to you personally doesn't mean you can't care about other topics that don't directly affect you. Let's take climate change, for example. I'll be dead before shit really hits the fan, likely, but I still care about the human cost now and into the future. The so called Woke Agenda has zero impact on me or anyone I know and I think people who are incensed by it are really fucking stupid. I don't care at all about those people. Do you get the distinction here?
The other guy was invoking that it doesn t affect him in his daily life so he dismisses it.i am saying that is not a criterium because we all care about shit that doesn t affect us.
princeofpain nominated me for poster of the year shortly before his extinction, which means he probably was blind drunk in his last months here.

Nah he left due to beimg wrong about russias military and got shit on bad

Which is a shame because he was correct about europes lack of production and sanctions not doing anything to russia in 22 and 23
Nah he left due to beimg wrong about russias military and got shit on bad

Which is a shame because he was correct about europes lack of production and sanctions not doing anything to russia in 22 and 23
ah, in the war thread. i mean, everybody was wrong in that thread in one way or another.
Thanks for taking the time but this is a very bizarre response. If we were to only care about things that directly affect our daily lives there would be no discussions. I am pretty sure that you don't only post about the price of gas and crime in your particular location?

Re-read my post. There are 4 reasons that this doesn't matter to me. Reason #2 is not about it directly affecting my life, it's about the fact that this is always a transitory subject. Reason #4 is not about how it affects me -- it's that during the period of time where the implications of college hiring choices would have one cared. When students, not me specifically but students generally, are engaging the college process, if this was important, it would be brought to the attention of college students. Either when they were applying for colleges, while they are in attendance at colleges, or after they graduate from colleges. But no one brings it up because it doesn't matter.

You can care about things that are inconsequential. But no one else has to join you. I said I care about history and the law, plenty of things in history and the law are relatively inconsequential. I don't expect others to care just because I do.

And that's the point here. Not that I don't care or that you do care. Your gripe is that I don't care as much as you want me to and that's silly.

As a famous rapper once said "What YOU eat don't make ME shit." (double entendre).
The other guy was invoking that it doesn t affect him in his daily life so he dismisses it.i am saying that is not a criterium because we all care about shit that doesn t affect us.

And that is not an argument against what I said. We all care about SOME shit that doesn't affect us; big difference. Pan is allowed to care about one thing that doesn't affect him and not care about another thing that doesn't affect him.
I work at a University. They recently hired a Researcher and, being on the finance side, I know they spent 5k on customised gear for her to work comfortably in our office. That was 3 months ago. She's apparently great at her job. I wouldn't know. I've seen her twice in 3months and both times she locked herself in a private room and hasn't touched the 5k of gear we bought her. She's clearly mildly autistic which probably makes her great at what she's doing. But nobody on the team has actually had a conversation with her. Nobody knows who she is. 5k. 5k we've spent to "make her comfortable" and literally for nothing.

Institutions are slowly realising how financially detrimental it is to bow to people and accommodate them bent over backwards. I'd be stunned if she lasts the year. Her track record is a year at time. Probably every one of those jobs spent 5k on someone who came in, never attempted to integrate, and left.

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