Social Moms canceled... Happy Birthing Person's Day

Aliens guy
So another step back for women. I suppose next they'll be "kitchen staff"?

Anything women can do, men can do better...

Including being a birthing person

Omg... this shit is so hilarious.

Someone actually voted for this “person”
Mfer had an opprotunity to shine light on a serious problem in medicine yet choses to act like a buffoon.

So next time I get a serious injury and the doctors wanna work on me with no anesthesia I know who to blame.

Fucking alphabet community.
I guess you'll just assert people are overreacting because nothing will happen in one post, then assert it might happen but that's no reason to overreact. Ah yes, a masterclass in lefty logic

I don’t think it will happen but you seem to think there’s a good chance. It wouldn’t make slightest difference to my life either way. I’d still give my mom some chocolates and say “Happy Mother’s Day” to her and that would be that. Just like I still say “Merry Christmas”every year despite all the chud culture warrior hysterics about that.
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But the real question you have to be a woman to be a mother?
If you want to be called a mother, you can. You don’t have to be a female. But adoptive moms who didn’t give birth are still moms and should be celebrated on Mother’s Day.
Democrat Reich fluctuates between racism, hate and division, to science abandonment and comedy.

The left leans socialist, the right leans fascist. Democrat Reich makes absolutely no sense, especially if you're aware that extreme socialism is exactly as bad as fascism.

Let me remind you that last summer America had unidentified agents of the government in unmarked vehicles snatching people off the streets. It's the most fascist thing I've seen in my lifetime.
In the normal world where we don't go searching for tweets from people with mental disorders, we'll be celebrating Mother's Day as in the past. Seriously, where does one find this?
Until men can get pregnant, they are still mothers. Birthing person day-give me a fucking break
When officers enforce this crap in the near future because their jobs are more important than the greater good, a lot of decent people are going to lose loyalty. Might want to start spreading that word and preparing for at least an image of some resistance.