

Chief of Sherbro Island
Dec 1, 2021
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Even a monster cries when the pain becomes too much for them to handle, and this is a fact that even he can't deny.
The tears are clear...clear as rain.

Clarity comes through many murky waters, and many broken moments.
The monster cries.

He cries the blood of a broken heart, its the beginning stages of grief...of disbelief.
Not wanting to see the humanness that resides inside... himself.

He needs help but will not receive it...for this is his emotional mud to tough through.
What is he to do, other than face himself in the mirror and make his past clear for his eyes to see.

He must, in order to be whole again.
These are the things we all must do to throw our past trash away...we have the let them decay.

So kiss the monster and send him off, we are one, and always will be.
Don't let anything control your soul, your goal, or you kindness... don't let yesterday's trash be your blindness.

Even a monster cries when the pain becomes too much for them to handle, and this is a fact that even he can't deny.
The tears are clear...clear as rain.

Clarity comes through many murky waters, and many broken moments.
The monster cries.

He cries the blood of a broken heart, its the beginning stages of grief...of disbelief.
Not wanting to see the humanness that resides inside... himself.

He needs help but will not receive it...for this is his emotional mud to tough through.
What is he to do, other than face himself in the mirror and make his past clear for his eyes to see.

He must, in order to be whole again.
These are the things we all must do to throw our past trash away...we have the let them decay.

So kiss the monster and send him off, we are one, and always will be.
Don't let anything control your soul, your goal, or you kindness... don't let yesterday's trash be your blindness.

Reminds me of:
Taking thorough, honest and fearless personal inventory of ourselves and facing our character defects while working through them is one of the most important hurdles on the road to becoming a better version of yourself. Plato said man’s greatest enemy is himself. I take that as a challenge to conquer the parts of me that I want to improve as well as my negative traits I want to cast off and overcome.

Thank you for the beautiful words @StonedLemur
Deep thoughts that flowed into inspiring words to help others delve into first realizing, then hopefully conquering, the monsters that unfortunately dwell in the lives of all.

Well done Lemur !​