Moose: "I see holes in Lyoto's standup. He makes mistakes, and will pay for it."

1. Mousasi's level of competition in the past few years has been much worse
2. He hasn't done anything significant on the feet in a fight except jab a top 150 LHW in Latifi
3. Machida has finished fights on the feet against better competition

It's pretty simple Emjay :icon_chee

Ouff I usually agree with you man. Machida has fought better oposition lately that's for sure. He has also more spectacular finishes against higher ranked opponents as of late. I just feel Machida might be the greatest wrestler killer in the UFC. But what pure strikers has he really KO'ed? Gegard on the other had is great at beating strikers (K1 is not MMA and fat Hunt but still). They both have insane timing and with gegard pushing forward with a granite chin and Machida being a counter striker I'm thinking Gegard by decision is not that far fetched. Or a T(KO) for that matter. I would not be surprised if Machida wins by KO. But I'm betting wildly on Gegard on this one.
I've got Mousasi over Machida. I think Mousasi will stalk Machida and walk him down without compromising his own defense much, if at all. Mousasi should be technical but pressure Machida into making a mistake and then capitalize on it, rinse and repeat. Machida is a classic counter-striker but, by now, his counter strike go-to's are pretty well known and predictable (his straight left, or straight right if he's switched his stance to orthodox). Mousasi will be weary to watch out for head kicks and straight punches. Machida could turn this into a point game which he could win by scoring TD's and wouldn't really have to worry about Mousasi taking him down.

I think that Machida's limited variety of punches will ultimately hurt him against a good boxer like Mousasi. Clearly, a Karateka's hands aren't going to be as good or as dynamic as a boxer's are. Machida struggled a bit with Rampage's boxing when they fought and even Rashad (who thinks he's a boxer) was able to tag him up a bit before Machida KO'd him in that sloppy exchange. Mousasi is definitely a slick submission artist and is pretty nasty off his back with strikes. Mousasi has the kickboxing experience to bring to the table too, if he cares to use it. Mousasi also isn't easy to hit (his defense is quite good) and his chin is strong.

Mousasi by T/KO or UD
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Would it be crazy for Machida to KO him 1st round
Overeem is a k-1 level striker too, so was Crocop. He hasn't faced competition of Lyotos caliber, let alone UFC caliber. Talented, absolutely. Proven, not even a little bit, his first stiff test against Lawal and fails with flying colors. As much shit as other fighters in the UFC get called over rated, Mousasi takes the cake. Say what you want, the facts don't lie, he hasn't faced the level of competition to get as much praise as he does.

What ruins Mousasi is not Mousasi, as many holes as he has in his own game, I always watch when he fights, what ruins him is his dellusional fans. Like McGregor for me, I like the guy a lot but his massive nut danglers who are so easily offended ruin him
Would it be crazy for Machida to KO him 1st round

Not even a little :). It's Machida for Christ sake. But I've been backing Gegard for years and I will be backing him on the 15th :). KO for the Dreamcatcher.
It's gonna be an awesome fight. I wouldn't favor Mousasi over a great wrestler but his striking can match anybody in the ufc. I am giving him the edge over Machida.
All but one of Lyoto's KOs in the UFC have been wrestlers
Mousasi, the same guy who fought jardine to a draw? I think machida takes one
I'm just glad Mousasi is getting a fight to possibly finally justify this insane hype.
Lyoto will make this guy go to bellator. Or go fight Keith Jardine again.
Lyoto will make this guy go to bellator. Or go fight Keith Jardine again.

Jardine would never be cleared to take that fight again. I almost called the police the last time.
most anticipated match for me i cannot wait. I hope moose wins and also vitor so we can finally see that fking matchup!
Am I the only one that thinks Lyoto is going to smash Mousasi? I think he's just too fast. Mousasi is legit and I don't mean to knock him, but I just don't think he's quite elite. Before you flame me, I admit I don't have a solid logical justification for this. I just think Lyoto seems faster and more cagey. I guess well find out soon enough. I'm hoping for a good fight, but my money is definitely on Machida.
In terms of the more orthodox MMA MT style, Mousasi is for sure the more "correct" striker, but Machida's weird tekken stuff proved to be effective and unpredictable many times.
Not sold on Mousasi - yeah he got a fat, uninspired Hunt who went on to have a SIX fight losing streak. And he did get Jacare, but it was on IMO a flukey upkick KO win. He's a talented fighter, for sure, but I am not sold he's going to trash Lyoto. I think he loses soundly to Machida.
Am I the only one that thinks Lyoto is going to smash Mousasi? I think he's just too fast. Mousasi is legit and I don't mean to knock him, but I just don't think he's quite elite. Before you flame me, I admit I don't have a solid logical justification for this. I just think Lyoto seems faster and more cagey. I guess well find out soon enough. I'm hoping for a good fight, but my money is definitely on Machida.

Gegard is fast when he needs to be, he always matches whatever pace the opponent brings, I don't see speed being a problem for him.
Not sold on Mousasi - yeah he got a fat, uninspired Hunt who went on to have a SIX fight losing streak. And he did get Jacare, but it was on IMO a flukey upkick KO win

He looked right at him and kicked him in the face, that's not flukey.
Sorry mate, but Joe Silva is better at his job than you are. This fight is amazing, its a fan's fight.
Sorry mate, but your response makes it obvious you didn't even understand what I was referencing.