Social Most divisive thing you have heard a president say

I just saw your ridiculous proposal and I've seen it before. Anyone offering up pictures of their set up in exchange for Internet cred is almost always a lame asshole, like you.

There was one clear POS moronic instigator here. The poor clown shoes above.
Sounds lame to deny it or let racist conflate every convo.
Okay so here's my "b-both sides" take of the thread; you both come off pretty lame here.
I have long stated that Trump was very divisive, and he pretending to not know who David Duke was beyond cringe.

regarding your break down above, I interpreted his comment as "along with some bad people, there were some fine people in that group", not: "Neo-Nazis are fine people."
The whole event was organized by racist far right types though. If the Neo-Nazis were the bad guys then were the "fine people" among the the Neo-confederates, white nationalists, and Klansmen? Who at Charlottesville on the side of the Neo-Nazis were good folks?
"It depends on what the meaning of the words 'is' is."
"It depends on what the meaning of the words 'is' is."

I mean. They have all said some pretty divisive things. Was probably something Obama or Biden said. The right seem to have a hair trigger when it comes to being offended.
I mean. They have all said some pretty divisive things. Was probably something Obama or Biden said. The right seem to have a hair trigger when it comes to being offended.

Biden saying the vaccine is effective is the most divisive thing a president has ever said in the history of our nation and there is not a close second. according to dumb. i mean some.
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Probably Trump saying Mexican immigrants are rapists and criminals, and his ad he put out during the 2016 campaign saying he wants to ban all muslims. That was pretty bad

Over a billion Muslims still had access to the US. The ban was for specific regions with terrorists. Liar.
Over a billion Muslims still had access to the US. The ban was for specific regions with terrorists. Liar.

But not anywhere that had a Trump hotel, or funded terrorism on US shores.

So strange.

Its pretty bad. I guess some of the audience turned their backs to him.
They turned their backs because of Biden’s remarks that he was “working around the clock for an immediate cease-fire” between Israel and Palestine, and that he “supports their (the students’j non-violent protest.”
Their turning their backs was over the Israel issue, not anything Biden was saying in that clip.

What he said in that clip, btw, is correct.
Over a billion Muslims still had access to the US. The ban was for specific regions with terrorists. Liar.
Yea he did that because he couldn't legally ban all Muslims like he said he would. I don't know if he ever truly intended to ban all Muslims or not but it doesn't change the fact that he did say it and he damn sure wanted his voting base to think he was gonna ban all Muslims from entering the country
- Israel lap dog, Biden going against ICC to protect Bibí.

Lula saying Brasil is Richard against the poors, even though he is rich and so are several of his suporters.

Brasil biggest felator, Bolsonaro entire political career
They turned their backs because of Biden’s remarks that he was “working around the clock for an immediate cease-fire” between Israel and Palestine, and that he “supports their (the students’j non-violent protest.”
Their turning their backs was over the Israel issue, not anything Biden was saying in that clip.

What he said in that clip, btw, is correct.
It’s not. It’s pandering and detrimental to the belief that these young people have agency in their lives. It’s limiting them.
They turned their backs because of Biden’s remarks that he was “working around the clock for an immediate cease-fire” between Israel and Palestine, and that he “supports their (the students’j non-violent protest.”
Their turning their backs was over the Israel issue, not anything Biden was saying in that clip.

What he said in that clip, btw, is correct.

Fuck off... It's divisive bullshit

Lying/Pandering Biden Quotes
- Black Men are being killed in the street - Who's Killing them? Not white men. Not the Government. It's black men
- The Trail of Broken Promises to Black People - Every major city with significant black populations have been run by Democrats for almost a century... And often by Black Politicians
- To be a Black Man who loves his country, even if it doesn't love him back - Lets ask Nigerians or Caribbean Immigrants, who are very successful, how they're managing get by, despite a country that somehow hates them. What a great message. Raise young black kids to believe that everyone hates them, including the government. That being a criminal is the only way you can get by, because you have zero shot to succeed with hard work and dedication. Shocking the crime rate is so high.

This is biggest dogshit pile of white guilt garbage I've ever heard. Telling these graduating students that society hates them.

Democrats need to turn inward and instead of blaming Republicans, determine how and why they've failed black communities who have lived in these heavy blue cities for decades. And per almost every metric, their lives are worse now than in the 60's/70's.

He's a pandering piece of shit, bringing up George Floyd again. Like police across the nation are murdering blacks at an elevated rate. When in fact, the black on black murder rate is more than 10x any other demographic.

Why not bring that up? How to actually improve these black communities? Provide solutions to drop the massive violent crime rate? Instead of just blaming Republicans for all their problems... To pander for votes.

They've had 50+ years to address these issues... And they've done nothing but make it worse. California being the worst. Democrats have had a monopoly in the State since the 70's... there's no one to blame but themselves.

Meanwhile, in some of the worst areas... They're going in reverse. There's 3rd world countries in better shape than some of these blue cities

Thanks to Soros-backed DA Pamela Price, violent crime is exploding as she pushes for lighter sentences to boost "equity."Crime is up a staggering 20% under Price's watch. According to the Daily Mail, some reports state violent crime is up 21%, robbery up 38%, and vehicle theft up 45%.Carjackings have become part and parcel of living in the Oakland area. Over the summer, a woman was beaten during a car jacking. She suffered severe injuries.

Democrat Run Oakland Is Seeing Basically Every Major Business Leave

Residents Say There Are No Jobs Due To This, However Residents Admit Oakland Is So Rough Businesses Can’t Operate Due To The High Crime Activity

- Starbucks Gone
- Walmart Gone
- T-Mobile Gone
- In-N-Out Gone
- Dunkin' Donuts Gone
- Raising Cane's Gone- Chipotle Gone
- Paddock Gone
- Many More Businesses Gone

“Reason people in Oakland are seriously struggling is because there's no jobs. There's no way to get money, to make money, to pay bills. Everything that come here closes down. Dunkin' Donuts came to Oakland. Dunkin' Donuts shut down. Can't make it no more. We have the Starbucks right here, Starbucks gone, closed down, leaving Oakland, can't make it here no more.

We just got this Raising Cane's restaurant over here. They had to close down the inside. Gone. Can't open no more.

Almost every bill business that opens up in Oakland, close it. Business is closed. Everything closed. Next to Chipotle closed. In N Out Burger on the on on the other side of this used to be a Walmart. We don't even have a Walmart in Oakland. You know you ain't got no jobs if you don't got no Walmart in your city. Know your city's struggling if you don't got no Walmart. Walmart closed down. Walmart could not survive Oakland. Oakland is a hard place to survive.

We got In N Out Burger right there on the other side, ready to close down. And I'm pretty sure Paddock went after that. Next to T Mobile and Chipotle, the little restaurant in there closed. The little the little restaurants across the street, you can't seeing them parking lot closed. All these big old buildings, big giant buildings empty.”
I just saw this and thought it was very bad, implying there are white families just waiting to form crowd around lynchings.

When was even the last lynching? Like over 40 years ago? How are these comments good for America right now?

Edit: please post video and/or audio of the statement so as not to rely on a potentially bias recollection

Not even his worst

they are though.... they wanted to overthrow a legitimate election because trump is a liar and most say if Biden wins again this time they will not accept the results.

thats a danger to the country any way you slice it.

maybe the thread ought to be most divisive LIAR instead? because pointing out that an entire political party has become unhinged in cult worship of a detestable lying villain is not being divisive, its just telling the truth.

you guys want to have your cake and eat it too. you want to be or defend despicable liars like trump but also pretend the other side are the real bad guys. its the lowest form of dishonest discourse and only the stupid or willfully unhinged can believe it. the rest of us see you all for what you are and are doing.
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also a distinction needs to be made between policy positions that one might agree or disagree with and loose lipped base trolling and intentionally dividing people with lies and hatred that trump does. I think the latter is what this thread is about but we have republicans trying their best to equate that Jerry Springer shit with policies they don't like.

if its policy positions then Biden beats trump by miles and miles in supporting the religious extremist Israeli government and the one sided slaughter of thousands and thousands of innocent children and women. he can get fucked for that forever honestly.

but trump would be worse and is a despicable liar and divider to boot. he has a strong narcissistic NEED to divide people and the crucible is always himself.
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