Multi Vitamins..Day or Night?


White Belt
Feb 15, 2006
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Does it make a difference whether you take a vitamin in the morning or at night...i take mine after breakfast and i was just curious
If you take it at night, it will just turn into fat when you go to sleep.
I seriously doubt multi-vitamins are going to turn into fat. Wasted, possibly, but not turn into fat. I take them in the morning along with breakfast, pretty important meal.
You absorb them into your system better if you take them with food, and yeah -- w/ breakfast is better.
I prefer to take mine at night. Especially if I've had a few beers, its best to take it then. I just remember more.

There will be no difference when you take it. The minute amount that a muti does is questionable, and therefore, taking it at night vs day is totally negligible. To the poster who said it'll turn into fat, please do us all a favor and never post again.
When I have taken them at night I have had restless sleeps.

Same when I eat too late.
Rumour has it that the B vitamins set your mind going, so it squares with people getting restless nights.

I take mine in the morning, so I can "make the most of my day", just like it says on the packet!

However, if I've been drinking heavily and my health-guilt complex shines through, I knock one back before bed to fend off the worst excesses of the hangover. Works too.
they give you energy so if you take them at night they might make it hard to sleep....I take mine after breakfast...That way it gives me energy for the rest of the day
kuroMaguro said:
If you take it at night, it will just turn into fat when you go to sleep.

Where in god's name did you read that??