Muscular Endurance or Muscular Strength?

First bodybuilder ever and I can say for 100% never did any roids and hes not even 10% as big as bodybuilders of today. Also, they never had roids back in that time.


Eugene Sandow. The man, the myth, the legend. BAMF.

I admire him greatly, but I think George Hackenschmidt could have easily bested him in a wrestling match:

I'd say it depends on what kind of style you're trying to mould for yourself.
If you want to be a volume striker/grappler ala Nick Diaz then endurance is your best bet.
If you want to be a strong/powerful wrecking machine ala Hector Lombard then strength/power is your best bet.

IMO speed/conditioning should be top priority and strength/power incrementally developed alongside it. Think tactical barbell or a 2day basic oly split.
For martial arts:
1. focus on main sport skill/technique/tactics/drills
2. get your "muscular endurance" training through main sport work
3. supplement with some bare-bones strength/power training
4. supplement with some strength/mobility work if necessary
5. add some simple aerobic work if necessary to build your "cardio base"

Supplemental strength and power work is much more important for wrestling/grappling than it is for striking.

I basically came in to say something very similar. So if you happen to make it to page 4-5 without getting what you're looking for, I will remind you that this appeared on the first page and should provide enough info to help you on your quest.
It's been said, but actual practice of the sport is paramount and lifting becomes somewhat supplemental, especially in striking sports.

I've found improvements in both my power and endurance just by practicing the motions repeatedly. In other cases I've found improvement in my power through strength training. I have not done any endurance type lifting, only conditioning cycles like LISS and HIIT. They both help to keep you closer to your 100% throughout the rounds... cuz all the power in the world don't mean shit when you can barely get your jab off your cheek. There are HIIT drills with weights, but I think 3 sets of 50 reps of something is probably the last thing you want to be in the weight room doing. You can do pushups and situps to those schemes at home.
Ok TS, so the consensus is Maiou's post = /thread
In the nearly ten years I've been on here the one thing I've seen time and time again are people limiting their strength and performance development with the weights by trying to adhere to a do all or exclusionary program. Is six months of hypertrophy really going to wreck your performance in mma? Is a running program for a charity 5k really going to wreck 1rm on the big three? No. Trust me I've been through all that time and time again. Do the rep range that will work when the old one stalls out then go back.

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