My journey to become a professional fighter


Blue Belt
Dec 29, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys, welcome to my log, where I attempt to become a professional fighter. Recently heard about this site, and I decided I'd like to put my progress on the internet to be judged and criticized by the world, and also to hold myself accountable for my success/failure. Some background on me... I'm 18 years old, and like many other kids my age, I have the dream of becoming a professional fighter and competing in MMA. Before this, I played rugby competetively all my life, playing at national level twice, I also did athletics and ran a 11:89 second 100 meters at my peak.To achieve my goals, I've designed a program, where will do between 4-5x MMA a week (depending on how I feel) and 3x gym-work a week. I will be running the 5-3-1 program and adding some power/explosivity work (plyometrics) on the side, which I will do before each lifting session. Despite my numbers being weak, I decided on 5-3-1 for several reasons:

-It allows me to devote more focus to assistance work, I believe as an MMA fighter while the big 3 should be the focus of my training, heavy assistance work is important because I need to be strong all over in every movement, I'm not training for a powerlifting comp.

-It allows adequate recovery for my MMA sessions due to low volume.
Stats as of right now for first cycle (I'm actually halfway through first cycle of 5/3/1 as only got to creating my log now)

BW: ~78kg UPDATE: 02/06/2012 ~85kg
Squat: 125kg UPDATE: 02/06/2012 122.5kg x 5
Deadlift: 142kg UPDATE: 02/06/2012 137.5kg x 5
Bench press: 100kg UPDATE: 02/06/2012 ~90kg x 6
Military press: 57kg UPDATE: 02/06/2012 55kg x 5
Power clean: 80kg (first time I ever tried the exercise, never done a front squat in my life either) UPDATE: 02/06/2012 90kg x 3
Pendlay row(strict): 75kg (estimated from 5rm) UPDATE: 02/06/2012 ~85kg
Close-grip bench press: 90kg UPDATE: 02/06/2012 ~96kg
Weighted dip: BW + 45kg or ~ 123kg total weight (I will calculate %'s off total weight because otherwise it doesn't work :/, anything below my BW I will just do BW with) UPDATE: 02/06/2012 BW+60kg or 145kg total weight
Good morning: 70kg UPDATE: 02/06/2012 ~81kg
Weighted jump: 25kg dumbells in each hand onto 30inch box. UPDATE: 02/06/2012 No longer do this exercise as got too dangerous
Plyo-pushups: To be determined whether I will vary weight for these (not sure where to attatch weight) or whether I will vary height that I explode onto, need a measurable way to track progression.
Front squat: To be determined UPDATE: 02/06/2012 3 x 90kg
Will take 10% off all of these for the first cycle

Will follow 5-3-1 for all the main lifts + barbell rows, and wendler's assistance protocol for all the other assistance exercises (as outlined in 5-3-1 2nd edition), aka:
Week one - 50% x 10 60% x 10 70% x 10
Week two - 60% x 8 70% x 8 80% x 6
Week three - 65% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x 5
Week four - 40% x 5, 50% x 5, 60% x 5

The split will be this:
16:00 - 18:00 Jump training, Power cleans, Squats, Good mornings
19:00 - 20:30 Youtube videos of muay thai techniques/fights and take notes

12:00 - 13:30 Youtube videos of jiu jitso techniques/fights and take notes
20:30 - 22:00 Jiu jitsu

12:00 - 14:00 Plyo-pushups/med-ball slams, Bench press, Pendlay row, Weighted dip
19:00 - 21:00 Muay thai

12:00 - 13:30 Youtube videos of jiu jitsu techniques/fights and take notes
20:30 - 22:00 Jiu jitsu

12:00 - 14:00 Deadlift, Military press, Front squat, Close grip bench press
15:30 - 17:00 Youtube videos of muay thai techniques/fights and take notes
19:00 - 21:00 Muay thai

09:00 - 12:00 Jiu jitsu

Off - watch movies with girlfriend all day and chill out

The weights for the lifts and for the jumps/plyo-pushups/medball slams will be these:
Week 1

military press deadlift bench press squat
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5/3/1 Cycle 1, Week 2

-Plyo-pushups, 5 x 3 reps with 5kg weights on each arm
-Bench press 1 x 5 x 37.5kg
1 x 5 x 45kg
1 x 3 x 55kg
1 x 3 x 65kg
1 x 3 x 72.5kg
1 x 6 x 82.5kg (PR)
-Barbell rows 1 x 5 x 27.5kg
1 x 5 x 35kg
1 x 3 x 42.5kg
1 x 3 x 47.5kg
1 x 3 x 55kg
1 x 5 x 62.5kg (PR)
-Weighted dips 3 x 8reps with BW + 15kg
-Ab rollouts 3 x 10
-Hanging leg raises 3 x 20 (will add weight next time)
no wrestling/boxing? ;o thats my only observation

Wrestling isn't big in Europe, can't find anywhere to do it near where I live :/ Boxing will perhaps add as my Muay Thai improves.
Watched some jiu jitsu clips during the day on youtube for 1 hour and took some notes. Learnt 2 different ways to pass guard as well as going over an arm-lock from mount that I learnt last class but wasn't really clear on.

Jiu Jitsu we went to train at a different center with some bigger and stronger guys and a bunch of blue and purple belts. For technique work we did cross-collar chokes from mount then went straight to grappling where I proceeded to get owned for 4 rounds until the instructor didn't let me continue because my mouth was bleeding too much, put on braces a week ago and that thing hurts, need to buy a mouthguard. My grappling is still pretty bad as I only have 5 lessons under my belt and I was in a lot of pain due to my mouth during training, I was trying to do my guard escapes but kept getting reversed into full mount. Tried a kimura once and nearly stuck it, only tapped out once.
Good work, some nice numbers there for your weight. Will keep an eye on this log.
I wish I had your drive and determination. Best of luck, and if you ever make it to the UFC....i expect some free tickets for being one of your earliest fans!
5-3-1 Cycle 1 Week 2

-Deadlift 1 x 5 x 52.5kg
1 x 5 x 65kg
1 x 3 x 77.5kg
1 x 3 x 90kg
1 x 3 x 102.5kg
1 x 7 x 117.5kg (PR) Had 3-4 left in the tank, very happy with this.
-Military press 1 x 5 x 22.5kg
1 x 5 x 27.5kg
1 x 3 x 32.5kg
1 x 3 x 37.5kg
1 x 3 x 42.5kg
1 x 5 x 47.5kg (PR) Missed 6th rep
-Close grip bench press 1 x 8 x 48.6kg
1 x 8 x 57kg
1 x 6 x 65kg
-Front squat (worked up to 1rm of 80kg)
Yesterday I only managed to get to bed at 3 A.M. as I just couldn't sleep before that, woke up at 7:30 A.M. today to make it to Jiu Jitsu at 9. Had my typical breakfast, 3 raw eggs, a bowl of wholeweat oats, orange juice and fruit, as well as some xtend amino-acids and set off. It's my first Saturday session (only done 5 Jiu Jitsu classes so far), so didn't really know what to expect, turns out it's 3 hours of free-rolling, and I really made the best of it, feel like I improved a lot today. I rolled with everyone, from white to purple belts, 50kg to 115kg, ended the session absolutely knackered. Started off by rolling with a very light, weak kid who looked 16 or 17 and has been coming on and off for a year according to him. Pretty much dominated him very easily the whole time, as the 20kg+ difference was pretty tough for him, got 8 submissions on him and was just trying different things and practicing my transitions. Got him with 3 Americanas from full mount, 1 side mount choke (not sure what it's called, basically get side mount and hook arm + neck, then jump to the other side, get your head under his armpit and choke like an arm triangle), 2 armbars from full mount, 1 armbar from guard and 1 triangle choke from full mount. Then went up against a heavier, stronger looking white belt who has been coming for 2-3 years, he absolutely destroyed me. I couldn't ever get out of his guard, and out of frustration kept going for submissions from inside his guard and exposing my arms, due to this he managed to constantly get arm-locks on me and tapped me out 4 or 5 times. Then went up against another white belt which was a pretty close and fun match until when I was rolling out of an armbar my thum got caught bent back and really hurt to the point I could not move it. Got ice, taped it, and 15 minutes later I was back at it, grappled 2 blue belts who were nice enough to coach me on a lot of stuff, especially beginning of matches which I suck at (always get pulled into guard) and also transitioning from guard to half guard to side mount to mount etc. Really helpful stuff, learned how to use my knees a lot more to pin down legs arms and even on the stomach for control. Now eating lovely lunch, whole wheat pasta and 4 grilled chicken breasts + veggies. Will stretch/foamroll after lunch and then go for a light jog later and do some abwork depending on how I'm feeling.
Happy new year everybody!

5-3-1 Cycle 1 Week 3

-Jumps 4 x 2 x 17.5kg dumbbells in each hand onto 30'' box.
-Squats 1 x 5 x 45kg
1 x 5 x 57.5kg
1 x 3 x 67.5kg
1 x 5 x 85kg
1 x 3 x 97.5kg
1 x 5 x 107.5kg
-Power cleans + press 1 x 5 x 30kg
1 x 5 x 40kg
1 x 4 x 50kg
1 x 3 x 60kg
1 x 1 x 70kg
*Switch to just power clean*
1 x 1 x 75kg
1 x F x 80kg
1 x F x 80kg
-Good Morning 1 x 5 x 42kg
1 x 5 x 48kg
1 x 5 x 54kg
-Leg extensions
1 x 13 x 60kg
1 x 9 x 65kg
1 x 10 x 65kg (think I just rested more between sets 2 and 3)
-Hanging leg raises BW + 5kg/leg 1 x 12
BW + 8kg/leg 2 x 10
-Stretching/foam rolling for 25 minutes
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Only 5 people turned up today (including me), 1 black belt, 2 purple belts, and a lightweight white belt. We worked on technique drills on escaping guard, and then went straight to sparring, where I owned my white belt opponent pretty badly, he weighs 55kg and is very weak, but technically is probably the same or better than me. I practiced my triangle from mount, arm-lock from mount, americana from mount, cross-collar choke from mount. I also tried to do some moves I saw on youtube, such as reversing from his guard to full mount, which worked to great effect. Attempted to roll with the purple/black belts, but they weren't interested. Overall not a very productive or tiring training session, so decided to go for a short run. Ran for ~25 minutes or so (including warm-up + cool-down walking) and did 4.2km. Afterwards stretched and foam rolled.
5-3-1 Cycle 1 Week 3

Tried to find a good way to do plyo pushups by finding a measurable progression, height didn't work because it was too easy, and neither did weight because it jumped off my back on the explosive bit up. Thinking of either getting a weightlifting belt and tieing the weight with that, or getting a backpack and filling it with weights.

-Bench Press 1 x 5 x 37.5kg
1 x 5 x 45kg
1 x 3 x 55kg
1 x 5 x 67.5kg
1 x 3 x 77.5kg
1 x 4 x 87.5kg (failed 5th rep, bench technique felt awkward after watching "So you think you can bench" by Dave Tate)
1 x 5 x 27.5kg
1 x 5 x 35kg
1 x 3 x 425kg
1 x 5 x 52.5kg
1 x 3 x 57.5kg
1 x 5 x 65kg (PR)
-Pullups 5 x 5 BW
-Dips 5 x 10 BW (didn't have the weight belt today)
-Ab roll-outs 3 x 8 BW

Feeling pretty beat so decided to skip MT today, I am instead doing some rolling with a friend and going over what I've learnt so far in Jiu Jitsu, will also watch youtube videos and try some new stuff.
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You suggested me toread your log, well here i am, youre reply was preaty solid, I like it, also your log, i also aspire to become a fighter.. or a career on sports. O im also 18.
I will be following your log.
Its also awesome that you played rugby, i love watching it, but here in Mexico it almost impossible to play, have some cousins in wales thought. Been considering playing but everyone tells me that i can suffer a serious injury that might end ant sportive career.
Any way great log. Youre really strong.
You suggested me toread your log, well here i am, youre reply was preaty solid, I like it, also your log, i also aspire to become a fighter.. or a career on sports. O im also 18.
I will be following your log.
Its also awesome that you played rugby, i love watching it, but here in Mexico it almost impossible to play, have some cousins in wales thought. Been considering playing but everyone tells me that i can suffer a serious injury that might end ant sportive career.
Any way great log. Youre really strong.

If they live in Wales, they would most definately play Rugby!
This happened yesterday but I was too pissed off to log it. Had a really bad training, only 4 people turned up so I thought it was going to be really productive, I spent half an hour doing technique training practicing arm bars from guard, these are pretty solid now. However, when I'm in someone's guard, I've noticed I have trouble kneeling down on my legs and keeping posture, my foot/knee/quad starts to hurt, I think I need to work on my foot flexibility/quad flexibility somehow, because it's an essential position in Jiu Jitsu, and my lack of flexibility often causes me to avoid the position and hence take up an unstable base, this was really noticeable while my partner was practicing arm-bars, as he kept toppling me over, which is a much better position for him, and something I cannot alow to happen. Afterwards, we grappled, I went up against my partner first and dominated the match pretty well but could not finish. Then without rest, went up against a very advanced blue belt who competes in world/european champs and got destroyed pretty bad and felt quite helpless. He said I did good, and he only managed to tap me out twice, but I just spent too much time trying to avoid his guard, and as I backed away he would always manage to use my backward momentum and get full mount, I need to improve in this. I managed to escape his mount pretty often, but always got taken to the choke position where he is lying on his back and I am lying on my back ontop of him (don't know the technical name for this). I've never been in that position before and had no idea what to do, I went for grips on his hands to avoid letting him connect with the full rear-naked choke, I was pretty successful with this, but he eventually managed to get it while I tried to escape from the position by rolling over into his guard. Apparently I passed out for a few seconds as I really didn't want to tap and felt I could still reverse the position, coach got very angry and told me if I did that again I was out, I was his responsibility etc. I think while he's right, it has happened several times that I hold on longer than other ppl, and end up being able to take advantage of their frustration/lapses in strength to escape positions that I would otherwise tap in.
You suggested me toread your log, well here i am, youre reply was preaty solid, I like it, also your log, i also aspire to become a fighter.. or a career on sports. O im also 18. I will be following your log. Its also awesome that you played rugby, i love watching it, but here in Mexico it almost impossible to play, have some cousins in wales thought. Been considering playing but everyone tells me that i can suffer a serious injury that might end ant sportive career. Any way great log. Youre really strong.

Hey thanks, yeah rugby is damn awesome, really recommend it. As for injuries, rugby actually has a lot less serious injuries than stuff like football (soccer) just because there's less knee/ankle impacts (and football players are bigger pussies). I quit because the infrastructure and conditions for it in Portugal just aren't there and I want to do a sport where the only thing that will limit me in how far I can go is myself. But, any sports career has the risk of injury, you just have to do what you can to minimize the risk, but you can't spend your life not doing the things you want because there's danger involved, imo. You should definitely start a log on here and link it here so I can follow, would be interested in seeing your progress in lifting/whatever sport you choose.
looks like you got a good program going...good luck man I hope you reach your goals
I wish I had your drive and determination. Best of luck, and if you ever make it to the UFC....i expect some free tickets for being one of your earliest fans!
Good work, some nice numbers there for your weight. Will keep an eye on this log.

Somehow I missed all these comments :eek: Thanks a lot guys for the support, and yes you'll definitely get free tickets when I get my first UFC fight!

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