My Life as a Caveman (Caveman/Paleo Diet)

when i plateaud after i started training MMA, i went to see a nutritionist and they basically put me on a paleo diet, tweaked a bit for me personal needs.

over the next month or two i got to the lowest weight and leanest ive ever been. my training schedule didnt change at all in that time, so i dont have much choice but to think this is a good diet for me.

i cant remember how i felt when i started, but it was an easy switch and easy to stick to (i looooooooove meat). i also put on about 8 pounds of muscle (caused me to land in a higher bracket than i was aiming for at a grappling tourney heheh) which i didnt think was possible since i was already a heap of muscle to begin with.

in practice i feel very strong and am very strong according to my training partners. i cant say ive felt diminished at all. +1 from me, albeit in a non-scientific fashion.

I am the opposite. I did Paleo for the better part of a year and hated it. I did not start making serious changes to strength/size/bodycomp until I started eating about 40% carbohydrates and using Cyclical Keto Dieting. Also, I noticed that it did not really affect me if my carbohydrates were complex or simple. Hell, some days I have a craving and eat a huge bowl of sugary cereal after lifting, and as long as it fits into my daily intake, no harm done.
And potatoes?

For Paleo, I'd say go for it. One of the oldest things people have been eating, as far as I understand it. So in terms of the theory of paleo, that it's something our bodies are able to digest easily, do it. But they're starches, they're high GI. Paleo yes, low carb no. The two get confused so often I don't know what to recommend to you though

Also I'm by no means an expert on paleo stuff so if anyone has anything to add, go for it
For Paleo, I'd say go for it. One of the oldest things people have been eating, as far as I understand it. So in terms of the theory of paleo, that it's something our bodies are able to digest easily, do it. But they're starches, they're high GI. Paleo yes, low carb no. The two get confused so often I don't know what to recommend to you though

Also I'm by no means an expert on paleo stuff so if anyone has anything to add, go for it

I just want to lose bf %....I'll eat (or not eat) whatever. AND workout
Some argue that (some?) legumes have to be processed to remove toxins, therefore legumes are bad. Most likely cavemen did not eat them. Same thing with cashews. I dunno how true these are but since I know that the peanuts I buy at the market have been processed, I can assume they're okay and I really don't care if actual cavemen ate them or not.

My "paleo" diet is mostly just replacing the rice I usually eat with fruits and vegetables, and adding snacks of peanuts/fruits/eggs in between meals. I feel quite good after a few days of it. I still eat a slice of toast bread for breakfast because it goes well with hard-boiled eggs. I don't understand why some people (like GPTitle I guess) would have energy problems when switching from grains to other carb sources like fruits. Can anyone explain?
Some argue that (some?) legumes have to be processed to remove toxins, therefore legumes are bad. Most likely cavemen did not eat them. Same thing with cashews. I dunno how true these are but since I know that the peanuts I buy at the market have been processed, I can assume they're okay and I really don't care if actual cavemen ate them or not.

My "paleo" diet is mostly just replacing the rice I usually eat with fruits and vegetables, and adding snacks of peanuts/fruits/eggs in between meals. I feel quite good after a few days of it. I still eat a slice of toast bread for breakfast because it goes well with hard-boiled eggs. I don't understand why some people (like GPTitle I guess) would have energy problems when switching from grains to other carb sources like fruits. Can anyone explain?

I'd love an explanation...I feel like shit.
Weighed myself today...started 6 or 7 days ago, down from 183 to 175, and that was after drinking a LOT of water and eating all day.....kinda confused how my weight could have changed so much
water causes water excretion

Yeah must be water weight....probably why I've been feeling shitty. I feel pretty good today and better yesterday though. I think it's because for the 2 weeks prior I was taking in lots of sugar and eating lots of carbs and shitty food i.e. pizza.
you could eat shitty food and still lose fat. just eat under maintainance
Alright, I gave up....modifying because I can't go on not having stuff like 1 slice of whole grain bread for a turkey sandwich and shit like that....this diet is completely killing me and I have no drive to train. lol that didn't take long.

I guess this works for some people, not me.
Gave you one via email.

And cashews are fine. Heavy on the omega-6s, but can be easily balanced out by supplementing with fish oil.

Might want to post it in the thread since greghow also wanted to know.
Might want to post it in the thread since greghow also wanted to know.

LOL, cleaned out my sent PMs a few days ago. GPTitle will have to post it.

GPTitle said:
Alright, I gave up....modifying because I can't go on not having stuff like 1 slice of whole grain bread for a turkey sandwich and shit like that....this diet is completely killing me and I have no drive to train. lol that didn't take long.

I guess this works for some people, not me.

FFS man, did you read any of my emails? I explained carbs and water weight. I explained the "baby" step process. I explained the adjustment period due to decreased circulating triglycerides and low insulin sensitivity. C'mon, man, lose the vagina and put your brain back in your head. You're giving firefighters a bad name here. :icon_chee
LOL, cleaned out my sent PMs a few days ago. GPTitle will have to post it.

FFS man, did you read any of my emails? I explained carbs and water weight. I explained the "baby" step process. I explained the adjustment period due to decreased circulating triglycerides and low insulin sensitivity. C'mon, man, lose the vagina and put your brain back in your head. You're giving firefighters a bad name here. :icon_chee

LOL I went cold turkey right away on a bunch of things...prob shouldn't have..regardless, I was getting toned up pretty well on the diet I was using before, just wanted to see if this was any better. Had enough of it though haha. I thought I'd like the fact that I would be eating so much meat....but really, I hate the restrictions I was putting on myself. Maybe I'll give it a shot again some other time....for now, I need a diet that I can stay on while I'm training.
Hey, I was thinking about going paleo over the summer, try it out when it wouldn't be detrimental to my school work.
Anyway, would using a George Foreman grill be OK for this? I was thinking that it would be easy enough to just toss in patties, or whatever meat I felt like eating in an electric grill.
I know Paleo gets some hate because it doesn't take energy balance into concern...and that's true to a certain extent. But I think it is very useful in losing weight, especially for the general population.

If you're eating mostly meats, nuts, fruits and vegetables, portion sizes really do take care of themselves. I think most people eating Paleo long-term will usually end up at around 10-14% bodyfat without ever counting calories (unless they have some sort of thyroid problem, are deliberately overeating or emotional overeating, ect.) get lower than that if you don't have the genetics for it, you'll have to deliberately cut calories a little bit.

Just my personal experience.
I know Paleo gets some hate because it doesn't take energy balance into concern...and that's true to a certain extent. But I think it is very useful in losing weight, especially for the general population.

If you're eating mostly meats, nuts, fruits and vegetables, portion sizes really do take care of themselves. I think most people eating Paleo long-term will usually end up at around 10-14% bodyfat without ever counting calories (unless they have some sort of thyroid problem, are deliberately overeating or emotional overeating, ect.) get lower than that if you don't have the genetics for it, you'll have to deliberately cut calories a little bit.

Just my personal experience.

I disagree. I think MOST obese people have real mental and emotional problems with food. I seriously doubt they would come even close to 14%. If this was true, Atkins would've already solved this problem, as would almost every decent WOE out there (like South Beach, low carb, high protein, etc).
I disagree. I think MOST obese people have real mental and emotional problems with food. I seriously doubt they would come even close to 14%. If this was true, Atkins would've already solved this problem, as would almost every decent WOE out there (like South Beach, low carb, high protein, etc).

The problem with a lot of those is that they're very restrictive (at least at first), and (without much looking around) don't have the think tank community (for better or worse) the paleo crowd has to develop recipes and work around to the dietary restrictions. Many other diets' solutions is to buy their over priced crap which I question the nutritional value of.

I would say that eating at 90% compliance like Berardi says will get most people half way between fat and damn good looking lean. Which for men has to be somewhere around 15%bf.
Atkins has a much bigger "think tank" than paleo currently has. And the south beach diet is probably bigger, too, though not by as much. And yes, 90% compliance with any of the above WOE would get you pretty lean, though my guess would be more like 20% if the person isn't working out and/or counting calories, etc. What I'm saying is that simply giving someone a list of foods to eat and avoid, you're not going to mantain 90% compliance.