Locked NBA Thread: LeGOAT obliterates Kareem's legacy edition

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He was tho

I don't care.

This is about the dumbest "award" I could think of in pro sports.

100 years from now his plaque in the "Basketball" HOF will include "3x Kia Clutch Player of the Year" right next to 0 Championships.

I think draymond is a dumbass and not a guy I’m gonna feel sorry for, but it’s real weak he got suspended. Getting kicked out was enough. But the league wants to send a message and since his coach and teammates are all enablers I guess the nba will step in

I have no problem with it. If you stomped on someone in literally any other profession, you’d be immediately fired and charged with aggravated assault or battery. He should be thanking his lucky stars all he got suspended for was one game.
I don't care.

This is about the dumbest "award" I could think of in pro sports.

100 years from now his plaque in the "Basketball" HOF will include "3x Kia Clutch Player of the Year" right next to 0 Championships.

What do championships have to do with being clutch? Literally nothing. You don't get a ring for game winners.
I have no problem with it. If you stomped on someone in literally any other profession, you’d be immediately fired and charged with aggravated assault or battery. He should be thanking his lucky stars all he got suspended for was one game.
Uh no u don’t lmao. Any other sport falls under profession right? Players get away with this all the time. Even Laettner used to do it.
And you sure as shit shouldn't get a trophy.
I think it's dumb too, but ultimately basketball has the easiest HoF ever to get in. This award doesn't mean anything lol
The thing about the Draymond incident is he absolutely did not do himself any favors by provoking the fans after. If he knew what was good for him, he'd have gone to the bench and sat down with a towel over his head while keeping his pie-hole shut.

Antagonizing the crowd is probably the worst thing he could have done in the eyes of the NBA brass.
Uh no u don’t lmao. Any other sport falls under profession right? Players get away with this all the time. Even Laettner used to do it.

Laetner was a basketball player, bruh, and he should’ve suffered serious consequences if you’re telling me he really stomped on someone, too.
Laetner was a basketball player, bruh, and he should’ve suffered serious consequences if you’re telling me he really stomped on someone, too.
No shit he’s a basketball player lmao. Just used him as another example of how it’s already happened before. Like I said, it happens in other professional sports too and isn’t new. So this fake outrage is hilarious to me. Comparing it to normal jobs is just silly because it isn’t anything close.

Another dumbass award lol. How Rudy didn’t win is beyond me also. Trae is only underrated if you put him in the same tier as Luka, Ja, etc. I see him as an above average player in a tier or two below those guys so he isn’t overrated to me.

Jimmy, Reaves, Lillard and Jackson even being on this list is a joke too. Probably just players that their peers just don’t like.
Looks like no Jokic tonight potentially. Wrist sprain.

Edit: And fricken Malone had him playing in junk time while hurt. Horrible decision.
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Another dumbass award lol. How Rudy didn’t win is beyond me also. Trae is only underrated if you put him in the same tier as Luka, Ja, etc. I see him as an above average player in a tier or two below those guys so he isn’t overrated to me.

Jimmy, Reaves, Lillard and Jackson even being on this list is a joke too. Probably just players that their peers just don’t like.

I'm surprised Ja isn't on the list, even without the off court shenanigans.
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