Never-Trumper Glenn Beck Endorses Donald Trump, Puts on MAGA Hat

People have a right to change their minds but Beck has always struck me as an erratic emotional mess.
Two guys that will say or do anything to improve their brands. Beck and Trump, so much morals to be had between these two guys..... Even trump supporters know they cant claim Trump to be a moral man with a straight face.
Two guys that will say or do anything to improve their brands. Beck and Trump, so much morals to be had between these two guys..... Even trump supporters know they cant claim Trump to be a moral man with a straight face.

He isn't a moral man(most of us aren't btw) but does appear to be a man of conviction in many ways.
Trump. Beck seems to be a complete mess.

I believe Trump say a lot of things he doesn't actually believe. Most is probably for shock value, knowing that saying extreme things gives him room to walk back a little. We all know the things he has said about immigration, surely he doesn't actually believe those lines about shithole countries, and the crap about rapist and murders being the majority of the immigrants. Those are easy things to point at and say that he lacks conviction on.
I believe Trump say a lot of things he doesn't actually believe. Most is probably for shock value, knowing that saying extreme things gives him room to walk back a little. We all know the things he has said about immigration, surely he doesn't actually believe those lines about shithole countries, and the crap about rapist and murders being the majority of the immigrants. Those are easy things to point at and say that he lacks conviction on.
I don't think he believes anything, will say anything that he thinks will help him. Since he is never held responsible for what he says, it is a good strategy.

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