New Pic Leaked from Conor McGregor vs Paulie Malginadi Sparring Session

I don't think people realize how amazing this is. Conor as a 0-0 boxer is already better at fucking boxing than a 2 time elite boxing champ!
So Conor missing a left uppercut and leaving his right down by his waist begging for a left hook to the dome has y'all excited?

Holy fuck there are going to be a lot of sad folks in Mudville in a few weeks.
The difference in head gear is astounding
The head gear Paulie uses has less protection, But offers more vision. This means he can see the punches thrown and defend appropriately. It looks like Paulie has been touched up.
The head gear Paulie uses has less protection, But offers more vision. This means he can see the punches thrown and defend appropriately. It looks like Paulie has been touched up.

You can see everything normally with the type of headgear Conor is using. It wouldn't even make sense to spart with something that wouldn't allow you to see everything.
Seriously. Bet the farm on Mcgregor.
So Conor missing a left uppercut and leaving his right down by his waist begging for a left hook to the dome has y'all excited?

Holy fuck there are going to be a lot of sad folks in Mudville in a few weeks.

Seriously. Bet the farm on Mcgregor.

Yes please! Bet ALL of your money on your Irish hero...that way we will have a bunch of broke ass Conor dick riders after the fight.
So Conor missing a left uppercut and leaving his right down by his waist begging for a left hook to the dome has y'all excited?

Holy fuck there are going to be a lot of sad folks in Mudville in a few weeks.
Can't come soon enough
So Conor missing a left uppercut and leaving his right down by his waist begging for a left hook to the dome has y'all excited?

Holy fuck there are going to be a lot of sad folks in Mudville in a few weeks.

Lol how did he miss? It's a pic of his follow after he landed. You can see Paulie's neck snap back at that angle.
The problem with headgear is the constant re-positioning you have to do after you get hit.
You can see everything normally with the type of headgear Conor is using. It wouldn't even make sense to spart with something that wouldn't allow you to see everything.

headgear with a full bar/face guard would restrict your vision more than using one without a face guard, but your face is more protected.
Paulie pre sparring Conor said:
Just to give him like a fair chance chance you can put ankle weights on me, slow down my feet. Tie one hand behind my back & then you can put something here (underneath my chin), so that I can't put my chin down either. So I have to put my chin up, so that it gives him a good target to hit. Then you just have my left hand and we can do all that. Then we'll see if we can still beat him because who the FUCK does he think he's going to scare in a boxing ring? I mean I'll put the camera against him and it'll be competitive in a boxing ring. Are we kidding?Conor wan't win the NYC golden gloves. To put him in with a guy like me, a two weight world champion, is laughable. It's comical.

Lol how did he miss? It's a pic of his follow after he landed. You can see Paulie's neck snap back at that angle.

Looks to me like Conor's hand is too far away for it to be considered a hit. Looks more like Paulie dodged it, otherwise his head would be a lot more backwards in comparison to Conor's hand, which obviously isn't the case here. If he hit that uppercut, I'm sure Paulie would look a lot more, well, lost.

Also, Conor basically left his body and head defensless, so he probably received a hard left hook after this one.
The difference in head gear is astounding

Also they're sparring with either 14oz or 16oz gloves. People think that's just 4-6 more ounces, but in reality most ounces of a boxing glove are not over the knuckles like an MMA glove, only 2/3oz are padding the knuckles so a 16oz glove often has double or more the padding over the actual part of first you punch with than a 10oz glove. Which in addition to head gear is significant.
Lol at the "boxing purists" saying Paulie won that exchange. Paulie did not land anything even remotely clean in that pic because the angle clearly isn't there and you're getting fooled by camera perspective. Furthermore if this was a video then the next sequence of frames would be of Conor ripping a right to Paulie's squared frame - not Paulie landing a left hook to Conor. If Paulie tries to land the left hook from that position all Conor has to do is bring his weight over to his right foot and he will slip it on the outside and turn Paulie completely.

So it's not only this moment, it is also the moment after it - a proverbial check followed by the inevitable checkmate. It's the type of 101 stuff that boxing coaches will warn you about when you're fighting southpaws and Paulie has no business finding himself there against an amateur. It is beyond embarrassing for both Paulie and any "purist" who thinks he got the better out of that exchange. But at least Paulie might be able to excuse it by extreme exhaustion and lack of focus though - the rest of you lot are just clueless...
Dear lord, look at Paulie's face. Conor is treating his head with a fucking meat tenderizer.

And he still can't knock him out? I mean IF he is tagging Paulie why is it going 12 rounds? Why are there no pics of knockdowns or anything? Conor was spammng pics of the other training partners getting hit. Why not show Paulie out on his ass? I thought gloves didnt matter and nobody could stand there and take Conor shots unless they were giant 12 ft, 1000 ton gorillas like super heavyweight Nate.

You just said Paulie is eating every punch Conor throws. Not even able to block them. Why no finish????
Aren't you exaggerating just a little bit? You're talking like if Paulie is desfigured, when all he has is a small mark over his eye. Nothing major. How many close ups of Conor have we seen? Also, did you notice how Conor's headgear offers much more protection than Paulie's? No, you aren't interested in noticing that. You're also not interested in the FACT that some people simply bruise easier than others. There are tons of fights where the winner has more bruises on his face than the loser. It means absolutely nothing. But i know, i know. You're a Conor nuthugger, and you're also not a very logical person, so you're just gonna ignore these FACTS and keep pretending we have some sort of undisputable evidence that Paulie was destroyed in sparring.
Oh shut up about the headgear as if it affects your ability to fight. The facts are clear, Conor tagged the shit out of the 2 weight boxing champ. If he can tag paulie, maybe he can tag Mayweather.

Now Conor lookin clean, you can say it's due to his headgear. But tbh, his headgear is not much better. Just extra padding on the cheeks. His nose is clean, his eyes are clean, etc. Does that mean Conor didn't get touched? No, absolutely conor got tagged too. This is boxing, everybody gets hit.

I've worn both types of headgear, and my face still comes out red.

The point is, Conor tagged the 2 weight champ and will surely tag Mayweather too.

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