Crime New York is getting Rikers Island prison for Trump

Lol, yeah, I'm sure "they'll be ready" to send an entire secret service unit to jail and wall off an entire floor for a clerical filing they don't even have guidance on for an nda for something they can't even prove happened to prevent an election and install an 82 year old with crippling dementia.

They have such a strong track record in NYC, having to overturn Harvey Weinstein's trial because that judge ignored procedure and couldn't give a fair trial, all their cameras malfunctioning and the guards falling asleep at the same time for their highest profile prisoner to "commit suicide" right before he could rat out high ranking pedophiles, and now trying to jail the opposition candidate for president on a novel legal theory with no precedent and no guidance to keep him from campaigning, while half their murders are committed by people let out the same day for other violent offenses, and NY also had to release a guy a few months ago who was convicted of murdering someone in a drive by because those dummies sent him to the wrong jail.

Yeah, those diversity hires are real "professionals", and totally not a clown show of incompetent corruptos who fuck up everything they touch.
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If Trump wins in November, does Adams become DHS Secretary?
-Trump gets found guilty
-Wins the election
-Goes to prison
-Does inauguration speech from his cell. The issues himself a presidential pardon

-idiots like @ColemanwastheGOAT explains to everyone how it’s fine and what the founding fathers wanted when they wrote the constitution
The Constitution he wants to tear up. Remember the bit in there about "no one is above the law"? He's trying to get The Supreme Court to abolish that bit with his immunity claims that any president can do whatever the fuck they want.

He's never seeing the inside of a jail cell but it's been funny as fuck seeing his sycophant twat nuthuggers squirm like fuck.
If he could just serve at least a day that would be the best publicity and only get him more votes...Keep up the Good Witch Hunt...Its only helping..laughing
so if he gets convicted, wins presidency, gets to be president, then goes to prison after that? wild.
-Trump gets found guilty
-Wins the election
-Goes to prison
-Does inauguration speech from his cell. The issues himself a presidential pardon

-idiots like @ColemanwastheGOAT explains to everyone how it’s fine and what the founding fathers wanted when they wrote the constitution
Presidential pardons are for federal convictions, and this is a NY state case. Might want to have some idea what you're talking about if you're going to pretend someone else is the "idiot".

Would you care to explain what you think was the intention when that was added to the constitution? It doesn't seem that they added "except for very serious offenses like an NDA for a 1 night stand" or "unless democrats really hate him".
so if he gets convicted, wins presidency, gets to be president, then goes to prison after that? wild.
Yeah I doubt our founding fathers ever thought that this embarrassment to the USA would happen. If they'd polished their crystal balls we would have had another amendment pronto.
Rumor going around is they will house him with the blacks so he gets to pay for decades of his racism against people of color
Rumor going around is they will house him with the blacks so he gets to pay for decades of his racism against people of color
I'd rather stick him the Jewish wing. Fuck it, create a Jewish wing just in case. The amount of Nazi shit he's been spewing his life would be hell.
The guy nearly singlehandedly lost Fox Entertainment half a billion bucks for admitting he hated Diaper and the election wasn't lost. Funny as fuck that people are still nodding along with their hero worship of him. Buncha lemmings haha.
Over 3/4 of a billion.

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