Ngannou was never a draw

I'm all for fighter freedom and Francis getting what he deserves ect, but yeah he messed up here. Nobody really knows who he is. If he would have fought a Jon Jones and annihilated him he would potentially have what he thinks he does now.
I honestly thought Francis lost against gane too, and the UFC is going to play that promotional card hard now too.
What does he do? Go to pfl for a million? Okay? All of his value was in "UFC heavyweight champion" he isn't undefeated. He didn't clear his division. I just don't see it panning out for him.
This is all part of the grand plan for Ngannou to bring his talents to the UFC's new slap league.
I doubt he wants the same kind of money as McGregor, but even a 10th of McGregor's all around earnings for the Mayweather fight, the alledged 100 mil, is still 10 mil. He probably also wants his own sponsors for a huge fight against Fury.

The issue was NEVER MONEY

It was freedom.

UFC was willing to pay but Ngannou wanted more freedom in his contract. That was the issue

People keep forgetting that


You're setting yourself up for 2023 poster of the year imho.

The issue was NEVER MONEY

It was freedom.

UFC was willing to pay but Ngannou wanted more freedom in his contract. That was the issue

People keep forgetting that

It's probably both.

The UFC was willing to pay, but we don't know how much exactly and there is a good chance Ngannou thinks he can get better outside of the UFC. Especially if he really believes he can win against Fury.
He was always past his prime, pushing 50 or whatever
What kind of money do you have? Should we feel bad for you? I don't feel bad for Francis at all. I think he's gonna be perfectly fine and way, way, way richer than most of us could ever dream of being.

Dude I said I feel bad for him because he could have got more money if he kept fighting in the UFC

And not only money but his legacy would have been much greater

Now he is going to fight cans on PFL and then what? Going to boxing to get ktfo by Fury? And then what? I'm sure he would get a lot of money by getting ktfo by Fury but idk man he could have been much better than that, he had the potential to it

The issue was NEVER MONEY

It was freedom.

UFC was willing to pay but Ngannou wanted more freedom in his contract. That was the issue

People keep forgetting that
Freedom my ass
Freedom to earn MORE MONEY elsewhere, that's it.
He wants to have his cake and eat it too: fight in the UFC for as much money as he could get AND fight in megastar boxing fights.

Can't believe people are actually this naive to think Ngannou is in it for liberty. Like an MMA working-class hero rallying the troops to FREEEEEEEEEDOM!!!!


Dude is in it for himself and I can't really blame him. He's had a lifetime of hardship and if this somehow results in more dough for him and his family, good for him.
But there's definitely nothing so romantic in hs motives.

But go get that money, Big Frank!


Dirty Frank
Kind of looks like he got some bad advice. He wanted to follow what Conor did and thought he'd get some $80 million payday from boxing, but didn't really consider that was the biggest PPV star in MMA history vs the biggest boxing PPV star in history. Ngannou's isn't a big draw himself, but still might have made good money with Tyson Fury, then Fury decided not to retire and is taking on real boxers instead, so Francis' best bet now is a bout with Wilder, whose last fight only sold 75k PPVs. It's 2 guys who aren't in the same sport, and neither is much of a draw in the their own sport.
No he got the smartest advice. People that really think this was a dumb move by Ngannou don't really see the big picture. They probably only watch UFC as well. Ngannou is looking to cross over and do both. That exposure to 2 completely different fan bases. UFC doesn't do a good job promoting fighters, the biggest stars promoted themselves. UFC thought Diaz bros weren't needle movers and no one cared to watch them fight. They just needed exposure and the Conor fight brought that and Nate became a star after that.

UFC had Nate Diaz under contract for a long time and couldn't promote him and had him on a low fight purse contract. After the Conor fight Diaz made the best of the situation and promoted himself and stood his ground and got a better contract. Nate Diaz was one of UFC's biggest stars but UFC never promoted him prior to the Conor rematches. They didn't understand Nate's worth/value and were surprised that he was gaining a lot of casual fans.

You bring up Wilder's last PPV numbers but he still got paid 10 million. Wilder is an 8 figure fighter - just like many other boxers. Ngannou will do just fine even as the B-Side. Boxing PPV numbers aren't super high and they still get paid more than UFC fighters. Lots of fights are also not on PPV and they still get paid millions per fight. UFC stacks their cards, boxing it's really about the main event only. Even if UFC sells high numbers, the fighters aren't getting that cut, so there's no real reason to bring up PPV numbers anyways. Only champions get a cut and it's small percentage compared to how they do the splits in boxing.
yeah, lots of pro athletes start off way richer than the average joe, but the vast majority of them end up much worse off.
We all know he started off way poorer than a lot of people
UFC 220 = 300K ppv buys
UFC 260 = 350K ppv buys
UFC 270 = 300K ppv buys

Those are all the ppv cards he headlined, even some female fighters did better numbers than that.

He wants to get the same kind of money guys like Mcgregor or the boxing guys get, but he doesn't make their numbers at all, not even close. He was even going to get more money than Lesnar, who was a draw and did muuch vetter numebr than that, Lesnar buys were over a million per card. And Ngannoy still turned it down?

Yes, he may had the potential to be a draw, the UFC was pushing him hard. I still remember when he got the first title shot, his first fight with Miocic, Dana White was promoting him like crazy they were promotikg him more than the champ himself.

Then he finally got the title, he barely got 1 title defense by a very close desicion and then he left? He definitely has the wrong people around him. He probably wasted the best years of his career by no fighting and nownhe is going 40 and he is going to end up fighting cans that nobody knows? he is never going to get that kind of money lile that, I feel bad for him.

What kind of money do you have? Should we feel bad for you? I don't feel bad for Francis at all. I think he's gonna be perfectly fine and way, way, way richer than most of us could ever dream of being.

What does TS' financial standing have to do with Francis making poor financial/career decision?
Jones vs Ngannou would be a big-time seller. The biggest fight the UFC could make right now.

The issue was NEVER MONEY

It was freedom.

UFC was willing to pay but Ngannou wanted more freedom in his contract. That was the issue

People keep forgetting that

Hate to agree with him but..This
No he got the smartest advice. People that really think this was a dumb move by Ngannou don't really see the big picture. They probably only watch UFC as well. Ngannou is looking to cross over and do both. That exposure to 2 completely different fan bases. UFC doesn't do a good job promoting fighters, the biggest stars promoted themselves. UFC thought Diaz bros weren't needle movers and no one cared to watch them fight. They just needed exposure and the Conor fight brought that and Nate became a star after that.

UFC had Nate Diaz under contract for a long time and couldn't promote him and had him on a low fight purse contract. After the Conor fight Diaz made the best of the situation and promoted himself and stood his ground and got a better contract. Nate Diaz was one of UFC's biggest stars but UFC never promoted him prior to the Conor rematches. They didn't understand Nate's worth/value and were surprised that he was gaining a lot of casual fans.

You bring up Wilder's last PPV numbers but he still got paid 10 million. Wilder is an 8 figure fighter - just like many other boxers. Ngannou will do just fine even as the B-Side. Boxing PPV numbers aren't super high and they still get paid more than UFC fighters. Lots of fights are also not on PPV and they still get paid millions per fight. UFC stacks their cards, boxing it's really about the main event only. Even if UFC sells high numbers, the fighters aren't getting that cut, so there's no real reason to bring up PPV numbers anyways. Only champions get a cut and it's small percentage compared to how they do the splits in boxing.

No... Dana said Nate wasn't a "needle mover." He said Nick was.

No one cared about Nate before the Conor fight because he just felt like a diet version of his brother. Nick retiring probably helped Nate.