Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom

Just picked it up today. I'm only got through the first part but I can tell I'm going to enjoy this.
Making my way through Ch.5 and getting ready to make a boat. I have a good chunk of the map open now, and hoping the boat will grant access to a majority of the map. There are some high platforms that don't seem accessible even with a boat so I'm guessing there is some sort of flying contraption I'll get later on down the line.

The last RPG I played was Xenoblade Chronicles 2. I loved the combat system, but found the enemies to be unbalanced with huge HP pools compared to their threat level, even on trash mobs, and found the overall combat to be a chore. I feel like NNK2 is a swing to far in the opposite direction. Overly simplistic combo ARPG style combat to the point where I don't feel any sense of danger from world mobs higher level or bosses. I very rarely feel like I have to dodge/block unless I'm fighting some sort of boss mob or an enemy vastly above my own level. I don't think I'm overleveld since the area I just hit has enemes in the 27~30 range and my group is level 28. I was hoping it would build off of other mechanics and became more complex as you progressed, but 15 hours I find that jamming the light combo is the most efficient way to deal with most enemies.

All in all though, I'm still really enjoying the game. I love the overworld and just being able to explore the map and look for treasure or little hub levels off the beaten path.

Hows the story?
The Kingdom Building aspect is like crack to me. I just finished chapter 5 but I've been doing army battles and building my kingdom so much I've been slacking on the main story.
Beat the game a little while ago and spent some time getting all of the citizens and leveling up all of the structures in my Kingdom. Just about done with all of the research, just need a few key citizens to get master status in their abilities and can research the last few weapon/armor levels. Since most of the research is done, I have all of the facilities emptied out and put everyone to work in the farms/mines/markets and have an ass ton of materials and king guilders coming in. Once my last 2 citizens get their master status I can get the research going and just throw king guilders at it to finish the research and build the last tier of weapons/armor.

I like that the last floors of the 10th Dreamers Maze is the only place to harvest the materials for the best gear, but I hate that there isn't anywhere to just grind out experience and level up. I'm currently level 75 and the enemies in the higher floors of the maze are like 90+ at danger level 1. Grinding in the maze isn't a very good option due to the way the danger gauge works and when the level jumps from 1 to 2, trash mobs can kill you to fast. After some reading I found the best way to grind experience is to just fight the last boss over and over, and while it the most efficient way to grind out levels, the last boss is kind of annoying and it's a pain in the ass having to go through all of the dialog each time. Even skipping past the dialog, there are so many scenes that it still takes a fairly good chunk of time going from each encounter just skipping past dialog scenes.

All in all I really enjoyed the game. The Kingdom building was really great and added a nice break from questing. My only real gripe was the combat was a little simplistic, but by no means a deal breaker.
So I'm way late to the party but I finally started NnK2 last week. Really enjoying it so far. Kinda glad I didn't start it until they added more difficulty options. Put the game on hard mode right away because I had heard it was a bit too easy and at the start I was actually getting beat fairly often. Once I got the combat down it was a lot of fun and fairly challenging.

Asides from combat, I'm in love with the Ghibli like style of the game. Liking all of the characters so far, just got Tani and Batu in my party and had my first skirmish battle, which was awesome. Looking forward to more of those and getting through more of this game!

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