Social Nike plan to puts "Betsy Ross" flag on its shoes Canceled *UPDATE* Az Governor Flips on Nike Factory

This is why we kneel. o_O

I'm not American. Is there a legit reason why this Betsy Ross flag is more offensive to minorities, or is it just another case of liberals being pussies?

lol@ Kaepernick completely cucking Nike and the NFL. This dude is great hustler. Do your thing, young brother.

It's just Liberals being pussies as usual.
Man, what an asshat.

Though the sheep will back him no matter what. They know the consequences if they do not. They are afraid to be labeled racist if they do not bend the knee.
Nike means Victory.
Winning is a form of racism.
Nike is racist.
Am I doing this correctly?

This the "Betsy Ross" flag:


This flag is often said to be the first version of our current "stars and stripes" flag, and its design is commonly attributed to some lady named Betsy Ross. The thirteen stars represent the thirteen original colonies, much like the 50 stars on our current flag represent our 50 states.

So Nike wanted to celebrate Independence Day 2019 by putting this outdated flag on some of its shoes. The shoes look like this:



But Colin Kaeprenuk had other ideas because he thinks the flag is racist.
Here's the story:


^^^ This is Colin Kaepernick, if you didn't know. He's the guy who kneels at the National Anthem. The NFL player.

So it looks like Kurrpenik has thoroughly cucked Nike. Since they apparently already made and shipped the shoes, Nike probably lost a metric shit ton of money. But its okay because they appeased some guy who is 1/8 black, tops. Good job, Nike.

The real question is how can I get some of these? Srsly those look dope AF. I wonder how much a pair goes for. Lemme know if you see any.

Anyway, happy early Fourth of July.

Pretending you care about Nike’s profits is kinda pathetic. You don’t like their decisions but they aren’t you, so why allow that to turn you into a whiny bitch? You’re selling your happiness out for nothing.
I'm not American. Is there a legit reason why this Betsy Ross flag is more offensive to minorities, or is it just another case of liberals being pussies?

lol@ Kaepernick completely cucking Nike and the NFL. This dude is great hustler. Do your thing, young brother.
It has nothing to do with race. Betsy Ross designed the first American flag after we declared independence. It's like saying the Patriots mascot of a minute man is racist because there were slaves back then. They have nothing to do with each other
So you wanna show me how it's revisionist that slavery continued for a CENTURY after Jefferson penned that phrase?
Well even you admitted it took the bloodiest war on American soil to make it happen.

Makes you think that it was probably a complex, multi layered issue that took a long time to sort out and get public support for overall.

Then of course a war had to be fought on the end.

But we get it, the flag gets under your skin. Cool. Cancel the stupid shoe. Moving on to the next ***~~~OUTRAGE~~~***

Keep fighting the good fight. And fighting and fighting and fighting and fighting over and over and over and over
Kaep, while a failed nfl QB, still a hall of famer when it comes to making the right cry. Why does the right care? Free market and all that other shit.
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Could be worse could be Adidas retweeting #gasalljewss .
It not hard to understand really. More and more people living within the geographic shape of America, cause lets face it most don't care about things like citizenship or borders, hate the nation and everything it stood and stands for while enjoying the shit out of what it gives them and allows them to do. More and more of the people partaking in its bounty are so contemptibly unworthy of the sacrifices this nation has made in blood, sweat and treasure to achieve what so many spit on now.
Nike is so wacist. It’s too late for them - lord Kaep caught them and now they must burn in hell.
I got it, our founding fathers owned slaves, when it was legal to do and a cultural norm. Global norm in the 1700s, really. It's history.

We're not talking the Stars and Bars here..The Confederate flag went on to be used post civil war as a symbol of intimidation and racism. Understandably, that symbol elicits emotions when you actually know the history of it's use.

The American flag however in any rendition is a symbol of America's history, good and bad. To reject the very appearance of the colors is ridiculous. There's no positive dialogue in this discussion, other than in a capitalist country not supporting a product for any reason is your right and can effect their longevity. Unfortunately the Nike metcons are my favorite gym shoe at the moment so I'm out. Hate the company but like the product.
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Kaepernick is in an interesting position. One of my close friends is half black/half white and he's battled with that his whole life. It's like he doesn't know who he wants to be, and it resulted in a lot of anger when we were younger. He used to catch a lot more shit from blacks than whites for it. If he dressed "white" he would get so ridiculed for it.

I think deep down its Kaepernick feeling some kind of guilt for being white.
Capernick is a virtue signalling turd, and I don’t buy Nike crap ever since they got cucked.

This the "Betsy Ross" flag:


This flag is often said to be the first version of our current "stars and stripes" flag, and its design is commonly attributed to some lady named Betsy Ross. The thirteen stars represent the thirteen original colonies, much like the 50 stars on our current flag represent our 50 states.

So Nike wanted to celebrate Independence Day 2019 by putting this outdated flag on some of its shoes. The shoes look like this:



But Colin Kaeprenuk had other ideas because he thinks the flag is racist.
Here's the story:


^^^ This is Colin Kaepernick, if you didn't know. He's the guy who kneels at the National Anthem. The NFL player.

So it looks like Kurrpenik has thoroughly cucked Nike. Since they apparently already made and shipped the shoes, Nike probably lost a metric shit ton of money. But its okay because they appeased some guy who is 1/8 black, tops. Good job, Nike.

The real question is how can I get some of these? Srsly those look dope AF. I wonder how much a pair goes for. Lemme know if you see any.

Anyway, happy early Fourth of July.

The shoes cost a buck to make and for the price of a few thousand they are in the news cycle. It's not really a loss.

Buying commercial space equal to the column inches they'll get out of this would cost WAY more than the shoes. Ironically it's the people most bitter about it that will hype it most.

Now that's fuzzy math.