Crime NJ lady fined $250 a day for F Biden flag

It's also easy to see which posters have no reasonable thought about law and how the constitution works.
I do know how the Constitution works, smooth brain.
Try reading Roth v United States and then follow up that light reading with Miller v California.
Do you even Constitution, Bro?
It’s easy to to figure out which posters don’t have kids.

More like: 'Murican puritan pearl-clutching is easy to see from a mile away. Other western countries don't care. No child has ever been traumatized for life because they saw profanity, but plenty have been from zealot parents who monitored everything they read and watched and tried to guilt-trip them at every opportunity for straying away from Victorian-era morality.
I have kids. I don't understand the profanity issue. Are we seriously pretending that protecting our kids from bad words does anything? Nudity and things like that I get but bad words just never made sense to me.
Tell that too the Supreme court.
I have kids. I don't understand the profanity issue. Are we seriously pretending that protecting our kids from bad words does anything? Nudity and things like that I get but bad words just never made sense to me.
It contributes to the overall lack of decency in our society. A drop in the bucket, sure, but one thats not hard to avoid.
Wouldn't bother me. Kids will see doody words. Better to teach them how the world really is, and just go with it.

It's good to have a few assholes around so you can point and say hey look at that asshole. Good for kid learnin.

ps I have a couple of "I'm An Asshole" signs in my neighborhood lol
More like: 'Murican puritan pearl-clutching is easy to see from a mile away. Other western countries don't care. No child has ever been traumatized for life because they saw profanity, but plenty have been from zealot parents who monitored everything they read and watched and tried to guilt-trip them at every opportunity for straying away from Victorian-era morality.
Its not about your kids being "hurt". Its about conducting yourself in a civilized manner around other people, one of the most basic skills of society that ,as you can see reading this thread, that seems to be totally lost on people today.
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I do know how the Constitution works, smooth brain.
Try reading Roth v United States and then follow up that light reading with Miller v California.
Do you even Constitution, Bro?
I don't think you've read them, or at the very least understand the rulings, as they have nothing to do with children. Nice try, though.
I would have a problem with somebody with those signs next to my house.
Its as bad as parking on your front lawn in the suburbs.
I have kids. I don't understand the profanity issue. Are we seriously pretending that protecting our kids from bad words does anything? Nudity and things like that I get but bad words just never made sense to me.
I think it's a manner of tact and decency. It's one thing to run across some language on TV or the internet where the control is much wider, but someone in a neighborhood with children and close neighbors should know better.
This falls under home owner groups and neighborhood stuff, right?
If I was the neighbor, I would ignore it and teach my kids to ignore it and explain to them why it's not something that should be seen in public. I wouldn't try to legally force the woman to take it down. I would polittely ask her to express her contempt for Biden without using vulgarity.
It’s easy to to figure out which posters don’t have kids.

Doesn't make them wrong. It's not my or anyone else's job to watch our mouths around your kids or limit how we express ourselves. Doesn't mean you shouldn't be considerate to others but my take is the first ammendment says we don't have to.
Doesn't make them wrong. It's not my or anyone else's job to watch our mouths around your kids or limit how we express ourselves. Doesn't mean you shouldn't be considerate to others but my take is the first ammendment says we don't have to.
Sound system
She's obviously violating some public obscenity law. Pretty sure you can't just hang any old profanity laced flag on your property. No different than if you hung a sign that read "Suck my balls, fuckheads!" on your property. You gonna get a visit from the town. Trust me...

No need to have adults plastering the F word in big letters where kids can see
If I was the neighbor, I would ignore it and teach my kids to ignore it and explain to them why it's not something that should be seen in public. I wouldn't try to legally force the woman to take it down. I would polittely ask her to express her contempt for Biden without using vulgarity.
9X out of 10 that will simply cause them to double down. We have some nutter down the road that was always painting shit about "n*ggers" and both political parties and the coming revolution etc etc etc. Now he doesn't use the N word but there's some new nut job nonsense out there every few days. I'm not sure what effect is intended but he just looks like a moron to me.
Political speech is the most protected speech.

People say "fu**k" all the time in public spaces when kids are around... at least a sign needs to be read first.

If a kid is old enough to read they likely hear that word daily on the playground.
9X out of 10 that will simply cause them to double down. We have some nutter down the road that was always painting shit about "n*ggers" and both political parties and the coming revolution etc etc etc. Now he doesn't use the N word but there's some new nut job nonsense out there every few days. I'm not sure what effect is intended but he just looks like a moron to me.

People who resort to putting up such signs won't backdown unless they legally have to. It can be a hassle going the legal route, and even if you win you still have to live with them being neighbors. Worse than the language is the fact such visual expressions makes the neighborhood look low rent / trashy and decreases property values.