No matter what you do, you will NEVER...and I mean EVER, party as hard as we did in the early 2000's

anyone who write sentenences that you understand an remebmers what they did did not party hard they are a puussy
Take a good look at this video. It's a studio full of people off their tits. The guitar player is so high he grew an afro.

I went to HS in the 80s. We went to concerts, had keggers in the woods or someone’s house. We cruised and met in parking lots to meet girls. We had beach bonfire parties. Then in the 90s raves were big. Dance Clubs, and live rock music was huge. I remember the early 00s as being a letdown. Music got bad, and the fashion was terrible.i liked jackass in small doses, but they were JACKASSES.
I went to HS in the 80s. We went to concerts, had keggers in the woods or someone’s house. We cruised and met in parking lots to meet girls. We had beach bonfire parties. Then in the 90s raves were big. Dance Clubs, and live rock music was huge. I remember the early 00s as being a letdown. Music got bad, and the fashion was terrible.i liked jackass in small doses, but they were JACKASSES.
So the guys from the 80's say that no one will party like them because of the coke, I mean it was like it was legal then. Then the 90's spawned a bunch of psychedelics. The 00's they just tortured themselves and tolerated it because of the influx of opiates. I would rather do coke and mdma rather than be addicted heroin.
So the guys from the 80's say that no one will party like them because of the coke, I mean it was like it was legal then. Then the 90's spawned a bunch of psychedelics. The 00's they just tortured themselves and tolerated it because of the influx of opiates. I would rather do coke and mdma rather than be addicted heroin.

Yeah. There was also a dirtbaggy element. Like A white trash dressed like Eminem with the t shirts and huge pants...Limp Bizkit, and Korn fans looked liked tools. The opiates just made these dirtbags sleep on couches with lit cigarettes. All the bars around me prevented that crowd by having dress codes...No hats, hoodies or tank tops.


I did acid for the first time in summer before 9th grade (1997/1998) and continued to do it weekly until my senior year (2000/2001). Nothing like downing 40s of Old E for 12 hours straight while doing whip-its and trippin' face.

That was every weekend for me.

Was fun.
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I mean we didn't even have a reason for this shit. Like, at all. We just did it because fuck you and shit man


An objective look though would tell you that since the invention of this:


and this:


.............the male species is just being sucked down a pussy vortex. If you were not in your prime partying years before the invention of these things, you don't even know what partying is. And if you did not learn how to hunt and bag your women without these things....You...Have...No....Game....


I did acid for the first time in summer before 9th grade (1997/1998) and continued to do it weekly until my senior year (2000/2001). Nothing like downing 40s of Old E for 12 hours straight while doing whip-its and trippin' face.

That was every weekend for me.

Was fun.

In 92' I was hanging out with some hippies (customers) smoking kind bud and tripping on acid in the parking lot of Madison Sq Garden during a Grateful Dead concert. First and only time I took hits from a nitrous tank. Felt good - would never do again.


An objective look though would tell you that since the invention of this:


and this:


.............the male species is just being sucked down a pussy vortex. If you were not in your prime partying years before the invention of these things, you don't even know what partying is. And if you did not learn how to hunt and bag your women without these things....You...Have...No....Game....


Except that.....I graduated high school in 96, bud

Need help removing your foot from your mouth now?
Every generation likes to think they partied harder than anyone else ever did or will. I give you Woodstock. I'd post video but almost every one has nudity. 400,000 people sex, drugs and rock and roll.

Every fucking body will say their generation was the absolute best TS.... because everybody subjectively will feel their youth was the best ever because thats when THEY felt the best ever... if you truly understand that then you will understand that your statement is not more truthful than everybody saying the same thing

Just to prove a point.... this IDIOT ABOVE belongs to your so call "best generation ever".... ok dude... just by that fact alone you lose any argument about the awesomeness of your generation... sorry bud, look at that idiot, you lost!.... everybody will say the same thing TS and you havent lived throughout all humanity to compare, you dont really have a point.
Every generation likes to think they partied harder than anyone else ever did or will. I give you Woodstock. I'd post video but almost every one has nudity. 400,000 people sex, drugs and rock and roll.

I was a teen in the 90's. I remember how our generation revived Woodstock...then burned it to the ground in a rage. lol


is that Bam?! I mean, I'm not surprised, because that dude is an idiot. But he used to be on top of the world for a few years. That dude banged prime Jessica Simpson. Pretty sure he was a bad alcoholic though. And I hated how he treated his little heroin addict buddy. Bam was kind of always a POS.
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Well, they're eating poisonous detergent.

I don't think they have any fucks left to give.

I believe this gentleman hit the nail on the head. LOL
I ask my son, "Good God, man... are kids your age that bored?" He says can't believe kids are doing that either.
Than the smart ass points out how I threatened to wash his mouth out with soap when he was younger; so what's the difference?
I do see a ray of hope every now and again.
I would kill to participate in an absolutely ridiculous drug fueled rager like that again

kids today are eating tidepods to look cool. back in my day we wrekt our fucking livers because who gives a shit it doesnt matter
I got the tail end of the 90s to go with the early 00s. No lie. Kids don't party for shit anymore.

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