Vote for you 5 favorite shoops. You get 5 votes. You can change your vote.

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It's summer time bud, people are on holiday. The thread has been up for less than 24 hours


We have been through this before. We don't call it a 'Photoshop contest' because it isn't a Photoshop contest it's a shoop contest, created by the shoop community, for the shoop community and its supporters on Sherdog.

We head the contest with 'Photoshop contest' and we will end up with a bunch of pro Photoshoppers that come here for the prizes. The pros out there will find it and turn up once they see there are cash prizes.

Mike was very clear on this in the past and I agree. Mike was a Photoshop contest regular, winning his fair share of cash prizes and the crowds there were awful. They cheated and fudged the voting so they could win and he believed if we turned the shoop scene into a Photoshop contest it would ruin the shoop scene and kill the vibe and I agree with this 100%. I watched what went down on those sites and it sucked.

The Shoop scene here is special and it's up to us to protect it, and nothing would ruin it quicker than labelling it a 'Photoshop Contest' so I can't get behind this at all.
Thats fine, call it shoop, at least put reference to UFC 291.

Just working to garner more views and votes and this appears to be one easy way.
Not for me, bud. I want no part in calling it a 'Photoshop Contest. You will see more votes, but it will kill the vibe of the shoop scene with a quickness. We have talked about this behind the scenes in depth, and nobody knew the Photoshop contest scene better than Mike. I also witnessed it and saw the shenanigans, it sucks.

Turning the shoop contest scene into a 'Photoshop Contest' would be selling its soul and pissing all over the work everyone has put into it over the years.

I feel very strongly about this. The thing that makes this scene so special is that it was created by us, for us, and we have all levels of ability and some truly unique characters. Throwing that away for some extra votes and a bit more attention isn't worth it. Our contest scene would end up another soulless Photoshop contest where most people don't even interact they just turn up to take a prize and then show up for the next one to do the same.

Saying 'Right now there is nothing even alluding to it having to do with UFC 291.' I mean c'mon bud it's in the 'UFC Discussion' forum with a 'SHOOP' prefix on the greatest MMA forum on the interwebz right after one of the biggest events of the year.

We all know what it is for but I don't have any issues adding the event title to the thread if it makes people a bit more comfortable. Things like that can easily slip my mind during contests as it can be a bit hectic when taking all the shoops and helping people out behind the scenes with their entries.

I will never get behind the renaming of the shoop contest to photoshop contest though. That would suck IMO

tradition :

a way of thinking, behaving, or doing something that has been used by the people in a particular group, family, society, etc., for a long time.

Sherdog Shoop scene family bless!
You’re getting way too offended amigo.
You’re getting way too offended amigo.

I'm not offended bud, honestly. I'm just not behind it. I took the time to address your thoughts and then give mine. I even added the UFC event to the title as it's a good shout.

I just think the scene we have created should be protected and we have three contests with a lot of history and tradition.

NGS Non GiF Shoop
ISL International Shoop League
MS Paint Shoop Contest

And now hopefully the BWR Shoopamania classic becomes a staple too.

I'm just passionate about it. I didn't take offence to your opinion bud. I just don't like the fact you are up for abandoning the Shoop Contest title for Photoshop Contest and I explained why.
@Arqueto, sorry not trying to cause grief or anything, just always racking my brain to increase exposure. Im definitely behind the shoop vs photoshop reasoning though!

No need to say sorry bud we're both passionate about this stuff and it's what makes the scene we have special IMO.

Since we don't get the banner anymore bud the best thing we can do is keep the thread right at the top of the page, it's how we're going to get the most views and votes.

The banner really helped because it brought people that don't really visit the heavies often. I think we are fine and right on schedule for voting though, the numbers are more or less the same as last years NGS at this point.

Let's just all make the effort and try to keep the thread active and at the top of the page. We need a @HUGHPHUG curry recipe for the old school :D

I'll drop the big list again on Friday too. I don't like to abuse it though as some people get annoyed if you keep tagging them.
Just made this bump!


@One MMA Fan thanks for the assist ;)
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:eek: First time I seen Shadface talk. Not what I expected. I thought he’d say something more like “Ppjhgyhgybuyvvrtyy!!..

amazing gif shoop bro!

haha, I'm sure he has spoken before. Mike did a couple of Shad shoops where he talks.

I haven't had any spare time recently to make gifs or really get stuck into shoops but I have today and tomorrow where I'm working from home so I'll try to make a few.
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We are live with the voting for Round 2 of the "Non Gif Shoop Contest V9" (NGS). Vote for your 5 favourite Shoops!

• You have 5 votes total
• Voting will be open for 3 days.

• You can change your votes if you want.
• That's it!

NGS V9 is a two-round event. This Round is for UFC 291 Poirier vs Gaethje 2 We will combine the votes from Round 1 and Round 2 to determine the winners.

This contest is anonymous. The Shoopers will be revealed after the voting has ended.

******************************* PRIZES *******************************
So far we have $145 in prizes
$50 @carole simmons $50 @Arqueto $30 @Reach4theSky $15 @Spath

Want to donate? click HERE

You have 5 votes total, so choose your 5 favourite shoops.

Thank you for the fun checking them out.... got some LOL's for sure!
Hard to pick, but alas, you all deserve a vote!!
haha, I'm sure has spoken before. Mike did a couple of Shad shoops where he talks.

I haven't had any spare time recently to make gifs or really get stuck into shoops but I have today and tomorrow where I'm working from home so I'll try to make a few.
I hear you bro. Work has been insane this week for me..
It's summer time bud, people are on holiday. The thread has been up for less than 24 hours


We have been through this before. We don't call it a 'Photoshop contest' because it isn't a Photoshop contest it's a shoop contest, created by the shoop community, for the shoop community and its supporters on Sherdog.

We head the contest with 'Photoshop contest' and we will end up with a bunch of pro Photoshoppers that come here for the prizes. The pros out there will find it and turn up once they see there are cash prizes.

Mike was very clear on this in the past and I agree. Mike was a Photoshop contest regular, winning his fair share of cash prizes and the crowds there were awful. They cheated and fudged the voting so they could win and he believed if we turned the shoop scene into a Photoshop contest it would ruin the shoop scene and kill the vibe and I agree with this 100%. I watched what went down on those sites and it sucked.

The Shoop scene here is special and it's up to us to protect it, and nothing would ruin it quicker than labelling it a 'Photoshop Contest' so I can't get behind this at all.
Easy way to counter that would be to just allow users with X amount of posts on the forum to sign up to these contests. I'd be shocked if anyone would go through the trouble of posting 500 or 1000 times on a forum they don't care about just to get a chance of maybe winning $50 once every 6 months.

But yea interesting. Now that you mention it I vaguely remember BWR talking about it and after hearing this I wouldn't want the name to change either lol. Tradition ftw
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