Crime Now The Anarchist Statue Topplers Have Gone Too Far!!

Leftists, being massive hypocrites, will never call out Islam for it's extreme anti-woman and anti-gay hatefulness. In fact, leftists are so fucking stupid that they actually celebrate it!

Everything you listed is also said about Christianity.
White Christians no longer majority in United States, especially California

White Christians, once the dominant religious and ethnic combination in the United States, now make up less than 50 percent of Americans as young people turn away from traditional congregations and ethnic diversity increases in society and houses of worship.

The Catholic Church reflects the transition from white Christians to those of color in society overall, said Kevin Eckery, spokesman for the Sacramento Diocese, encompassing about a million Catholics in 20 counties. “White European Catholics are not going away, it’s just that you see the growth of these other communities,” Eckery said, referencing growing numbers of Latino and Filipino Catholics.

Easily half the Catholics in the Sacramento diocese are now non-white, Eckery said. “A great deal of the growth in the Catholic Church locally and nationally has been driven by Latinos, who are now the largest ethnic group in California.”

Black Americans remain predominately Christian,
with 75 percent claiming a Christian-based faith.

I hope we start seeing more of this. The scumbag commies need to be stopped and it will take the people coming together to stop them.

Catholic youths heroically stop California mob from tearing down saint’s statue

...thanks to the saint’s new bodyguard of dozens of young Catholics, including a priest, the city’s Serra statue was not toppled. Padre Serra continued to gaze out over Ventura from his place in front of City Hall as the sun went down Saturday evening.

Any attempt to pull down the statue would have meant forcibly removing those who encircled its base, something which the anti-Serra demonstrators had not anticipated. The counter-protesters — mainly Catholic college students — were unmoved by taunts, insults, and the cloud of exhaust from a generator that rally organizers had placed close to them.

I'm not defending the likes of Cortez or the Spanish conquistadors, but it was a savage and brutal period of history. We shouldnt kid ourselves about the people that were conquered. They were far less civilized, they kept slaves, did human sacrifice, they ate the dead, etc. Comanches, and Aztecs have a particularly cruel history.

All these people up in arms now claiming to be offended, saying their people were conquered is a joke. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts they have far more Spanish DNA than "indigenous" DNA.

Like this twat here:

Trying to claim he's a product from a city 300 years ago and not the product of the colonization.
America is around the same change, and Americans today are a product of Americans in the 1700.

Aztec didn't seem any less civilized than the Spaniards.
I hope we start seeing more of this. The scumbag commies need to be stopped and it will take the people coming together to stop them.

Catholic youths heroically stop California mob from tearing down saint’s statue

...thanks to the saint’s new bodyguard of dozens of young Catholics, including a priest, the city’s Serra statue was not toppled. Padre Serra continued to gaze out over Ventura from his place in front of City Hall as the sun went down Saturday evening.

Any attempt to pull down the statue would have meant forcibly removing those who encircled its base, something which the anti-Serra demonstrators had not anticipated. The counter-protesters — mainly Catholic college students — were unmoved by taunts, insults, and the cloud of exhaust from a generator that rally organizers had placed close to them.


more of this coming, hopefully armed next time.
more of this coming, hopefully armed next time.

The people are going to have to start arming themselves for self-defense. The scumbag commies are going to do more than just spew insults and use an exhaust generator once more people start standing up to them. Tragically, the commies are more than willing to utilize violence as a tactic.
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The GDP has gone up 425% in that time, which has made the middle class significantly richer by doing nothing differently, but you would prefer a few percentage points more of a much smaller number?

45.4% of $19 trillion is a fuck of a lot more than 52.3% of $4.5 trillion.

How does an increasing GDP make the middle class automatically richer?
How do you deifine "doing nothing differently"? Why did the GDP increase by 425% if the middle class did nothing differently?
Why do you calculate the 45.4% share of national income now from the GDP?
How does an increasing GDP make the middle class automatically richer?
How do you deifine "doing nothing differently"? Why did the GDP increase by 425% if the middle class did nothing differently?
Why do you calculate the 45.4% share of national income now from the GDP?
You don't think a middle class person now lives better than in 1967?

Household income has gone up, standard appliances now were luxuries for the rich then plus the myriad luxuries that didn't exist for anybody then. The standard of living has increased dramatically for the middle class.

By do nothing differently, I mean didn't invent or start anything or increase work hours, and the ones who did are not still middle class.
You're misrepresenting statistical information. That's happening because people in that bracket are leaving and entering higher income brackets.

You're dead wrong.

If I get your second article right, there is more to the story.
At least how I read it:

As the WSJ reporter Josh Zumbrun further notes in the piece, this data “undermines” the 1% vs. 99% narrative: “While it underscores the growth of American economic inequality, it undermines the idea of lower and upper middle-class voters being in the same boat. It suggests that the majority of Americans have indeed struggled but that a large minority has thrived.”

Which could explain his statistic, that the share of the aggregated income going to the middle 60% of incomes is going down.
Everything you listed is also said about Christianity.

Yeah, because I certainly see churches in my city that have separate entrances around the back only for women....oh wait, that's just the mosques.

And I certainly remember all those videos of Christian extremists throwing gays from rooftops......oh wait, no, that was Muslims.
Yeah, because I certainly see churches in my city that have separate entrances around the back only for women....oh wait, that's just the mosques.

And I certainly remember all those videos of Christian extremists throwing gays from rooftops......oh wait, no, that was Muslims.
Still bummed because I pointed out the fact that the US middle-class has been losing its share of national income, generation by generation? Sorry to have been the bearer of statistical reality.

Yet this same middle 60% is richer even adjusting for inflation in 2016 than it was in 1967.
I just wonder when we're gonna see some kind of backlash against Muhammed? Obviously there are no statues to topple, but the man was a slave owner not to mention a child rapist. When will he and his supremacist ideology get "cancelled" by the right-side-of-history mob?
Lol the cowards won’t touch that one
This may be proof that Muhammed was actually a Prophet. He foresaw the coming of the statue topplers centuries in advance and made sure to forbid his followers from creating any graven likeness of him.



I remember that powerful passage in the New Testament where Jesus tells his followers that although they are being persecuted for their faith now, one day people will build glorious statues of stone in their honor. And defend those statues at risk of their own lives in the event any enemy of God tries to defile them. This photo tells us who is and who isn't reading and obeying their bible.