NXT Stand & Deliver 2024: The Don is Taking Over.

Women's NA champ? I don't hate it.
The Business has changed forever
Yeah, that's what we need.....more title belts.
Lyra/Rox getting the Austin/HBK WM14 entrances?

Edit: I guess not.
Mandy still making a million a month on her site?
Roxanne Perez really has the machine behind her. They seem determined to make her a star.
I want someone to interfere and cost Worthless again.
Guilia genuinely seems surprised by the reaction.
They could've had the Philly Symphony Orchestra do One Winged Angel for Lyra.
Just tuning in, should have earlier but came up on some unexpected freetime.
Rossy on the other side of Regal. Guess the rumors of him running NXT Japan might be real.

Damn announcer girl....with that Kid n Play hair.
Need a title change here because I don't see Ilja losing.