Official American Supplement Wars News.

allright TX

tell us about the time you met Pitt and what happened.

some years ago i was dating a chick (first real serious g/f) who had a pumpkinheaded nerdy ass brother who lives in LA with his hideous girlfriend. I got to Bakersfield to meet her Aunt and Uncle and their spoiled and also hideous cousin. After i survived that garbage fiasco, her brother invited us to stay at his place and he said he had a surprise for us. We get there and the surprise are some lame ass tickets to a Radiohead concert. Of course the hoor i was with thinks Thom Yorke's ass causes the sun rise so i get drug to that boring fucking waste of 3 hours with pumpkinhead, his hideous g/f and my annoying g/f. Long story short Pitt and Aniston were there as well, and we were standing outside the venue when my girlfriend tapped me on the shoulder with the whole "oh my god, oh my god it's Brad Pitt" bullshit. So i turn around and there he is not 3 feet away from us talking to some jackass with a pink shirt on. I couldn't believe it. Him and aniston both didn't even look real. That's when i stopped being impressed with his physique. I can starve myself and suck down Clen and Benadryl too
KK's pics reminded me of Christian Bale. I don't know if it's juice, but he made one hell of a transformation from 2004 to 2005. Here he is on the right in The Machinist (2004) and on the left in Batman Begins (2005).

KK's pics reminded me of Christian Bale. I don't know if it's juice, but he made one hell of a transformation from 2004 to 2005. Here he is on the right in The Machinist (2004) and on the left in Batman Begins (2005).


post of the day
Just reading the news and enjoying the entertaining banter. :icon_chee
I did read your whole lame post. And I still don't give shit about Marion Jones going to jail. ya, harrison, palmeiro, etc. should too if they lied in a federal investigation. I agree completely, but your post sure as hell sounds to me like "well if you aren't doing it to them don't do it to marion" instead of "you got it right with marion so you should get it right with them." And you are making some incredibly retarded leaps to say that the investigators are cheating. Investigators can do whatever the hell they want, the litmus test is whether or not it will hold up in court. If it does, then by definition they weren't cheating.

Incredibly retarded? lol

The information is very available to you. Just because you choose ignorance doesn't mean whomever disagrees with you based on actual fact must be "incredibly retarded". Investigators absolutely cannot do "whatever they want"...that's as retarded a statement as a person in a Country with Laws can make.

what exactly is this about? So you're saying you know for a fact that there weren't unidentified sources? And before you say that they are bs, you do realize that's how crimestoppers and all those things work right, by being an "unidentified source".

Crimestoppers do not have access to confidential Medical records. Do you understand what confidential means? Do you understand that even if that information was "anonymously" leaked, it can't be used in a Court by Law because it's privileged information?

thats exactly what i said, is it not?

No, you said investigators can do whatever the hell they want, which is asinine.
But it gets better. Apparently a guy named Jeff Novitzky has something to do with all of this Federal Investigating. From Marion's case, to the whole BALCO scandal, to pharmacy busts, to these prosecutions for lying. He was at Bonds' and Jones' trials. Wanna know what his association is? He's an IRS agent. Yes, the tax people. In fact, ex-NFL Pro Bowler Dana Stubblefield just plead guilty in a lying about steroids case. Who did he lie to? Why none other than Jeff Novitzky. Yes, he's being prosecuted based on lying to a tax man...about steroids. Isn't that wonderful? So now if someone who works for the IRS asks you about steriods and you're an athlete, and you tell them you don't do them, but then some "investigative reporting" reveals that you did use them at one point, you're going to jail.
Novitzki was indeed an IRS agent, but he was in the Criminal Investigations unit. It was his job to investigate financial aspects of drug trafficking. He was asking questions in regards to a federal investigation into Balco's illegal drug sales. You do not lie to a federal investigator; the althletes lying about Balco impeded his investigation.
Novitzki was indeed an IRS agent, but he was in the Criminal Investigations unit. It was his job to investigate financial aspects of drug trafficking. He was asking questions in regards to a federal investigation into Balco's illegal drug sales. You do not lie to a federal investigator; the althletes lying about Balco impeded his investigation.

BALCO wasn't making illegal drug sales. Everything they did dealt with prescriptions regarding steroid use. To my knowledge there weren't any convictions for illegal trafficking. Victor Conte plead on charges of conspiracy to distribute steroids (not drug trafficking) and laundering a portion of the check. The "conspiracy to" portion of the wording in that charge refers to that they couldn't prove he was doing anything illegally.

If this is an attempt to save face for not getting him, then IMO it's a shameful one.
All of the athletes had prescriptions for what they were taking?

What I mentioned earlier was just what I remember from Game of Shadows.
No, you said investigators can do whatever the hell they want, which is asinine.

to be fair, the feds pretty much make up the rules as they go along these days with that goddamn Patriot Act. At least in respect to dealers and suppliers.
All of the athletes had prescriptions for what they were taking?

Yes. That's why it was nearly impossible for the Gubment to get Victor the way they wanted to. They couldn't substantiate illegal transactions aside from minor check frauds. If you read a lot of the documentation surrounding the methods of investigation, they're downright dirty and nasty. People were making shit up left and right to make this case stick.

Victor maintains the reason behind that is because who is really at the helm of the "drug use in Sports" ship, which is the Government itself.

Game of Shadows. Speaking of that crap I'm glad Troy Ellerman eventually faced charges for leaking Grand Jury testimony to those two nimrods, afterall cheating is cheating.

to be fair, the feds pretty much make up the rules as they go along these days with that goddamn Patriot Act. At least in respect to dealers and suppliers.

That's true. But I, for one, am not going to just play along with that mentality. I don't subscribe to this whole "if you don't do anything wrong, you have nothing to fear" crap that allows for that sort of thing. When a Government oversteps their bounds, when agencies go rogue and violate people's rights, it's up to their bosses to put a stop to it. The voters, the taxpayers. Otherwise where are we headed? Next thing you know Blackwater is going to be stopping Superbowls via gunfire because RUMOR has it, one of the back-up place-kickers does steroids.
That's true. But I, for one, am not going to just play along with that mentality. I don't subscribe to this whole "if you don't do anything wrong, you have nothing to fear" crap that allows for that sort of thing. When a Government oversteps their bounds, when agencies go rogue and violate people's rights, it's up to their bosses to put a stop to it. The voters, the taxpayers. Otherwise where are we headed? Next thing you know Blackwater is going to be stopping Superbowls via gunfire because RUMOR has it, one of the back-up place-kickers does steroids.

eh. What scares people is the fact that Feds don't operate like a local or state system does. When the feds pick you up, you're not getting a fucking phone call and you may not even see a lawyer until your first day in court. How do people get around this? by rolling over on others. That's really how they're getting all of these guys. One guy gets busted, they threaten the shit out of him (with very bad things that they can most likely back up), guy gets scared, rolls over like a dog.

It's a sad state of affairs, but it is what it is right now. Federal prosecutors have a 98% conviction rate and i don't have to tell you that it's not because they have such smart motherfuckers working for them, lol. When they get you , it ceases to be about justice, guilt, innocence, or any of that shit. It's all about your plea bargain and what you can give them to keep your ass out of jail
Game of Shadows was a fucking joke
Well, I've never liked Barry Bonds and nobody believed me when I accused him of juicing in 2000, so I enjoyed it.

And I also have different views on steroids than some other posters in this thread.
Well, I've never liked Barry Bonds and nobody believed me when I accused him of juicing in 2000, so I enjoyed it.

And I also have different views on steroids than some other posters in this thread.

i don't like Bonds either. Not because of the roids, but because he's just a fuckin asshole
i don't like Bonds either. Not because of the roids, but because he's just a fuckin asshole
That's why I didn't like him originally. The steroids and him being an even bigger asshole regarding steroids just made it worse.
That's why I didn't like him originally. The steroids and him being an even bigger asshole regarding steroids just made it worse.

well dude. Then you'd probably hate the good majority of pro athletes
eh. What scares people is the fact that Feds don't operate like a local or state system does. When the feds pick you up, you're not getting a fucking phone call and you may not even see a lawyer until your first day in court. How do people get around this? by rolling over on others. That's really how they're getting all of these guys. One guy gets busted, they threaten the shit out of him (with very bad things that they can most likely back up), guy gets scared, rolls over like a dog.

It's a sad state of affairs, but it is what it is right now. Federal prosecutors have a 98% conviction rate and i don't have to tell you that it's not because they have such smart motherfuckers working for them, lol. When they get you , it ceases to be about justice, guilt, innocence, or any of that shit. It's all about your plea bargain and what you can give them to keep your ass out of jail

That's PRECISELY what I'm speaking out against in this thread. The Culture of fear-mongering we're turning into that's creating situations where people are jailed for no real reason at all. Almost every part of the "Steroid Epidemic" in America is factually incorrect, but none of that matters when the current regime HAS to look productive and make money.

Now, is it wrong to break Laws? Sure. Is it wrong to "cheat" at Sports by breaking the rules that exist even if those rules are unfounded and should be changed? Absolutely. But should you be put in jail for not admitting you did something you didn't do? No. Back-tracking for a second here, if the Government couldn't confirm or make any convictions of ILLEGAL drug sales from BALCO, and Athletes simply wouldn't admit to LEGALLY purchasing steroids with a prescription, then they're being jailed for not being willing to admit they did something legal?

From all sides the puzzle just doesn't fit together right. And in the end 6 months is really a laughable sentence. Congress admitted that the whole BALCO and MLB trials accomplished diddly-fuck, so why perpetuate the stupidity? Even I have better ideas on what to spend tax money on than that.
Congress admitted that the whole BALCO and MLB trials accomplished diddly-fuck, so why perpetuate the stupidity? .

because they can't bear to admit that they were wrong and their fragile sensibilities can't handle the reality that they're not quite as fucking righteous as they think they are