Official #GamerGate Discussion & News Thread

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You could have fillet mignon and lobster every night but you're eventually just going to want a hamburger.

Not when this is your hamburger

Always lol'ing hard @ the white knights that have taken over VG media/sites


Without reservation, those white knights are always more pathetic than the women they feel need their protection.

Glad to see Internetaristocrat get more love. He's one of my favorite YouTube posters.

Here he takes on White Knighters of the gaming community.
You could have fillet mignon and lobster every night but you're eventually just going to want to dumpster dive and find a hamburger that has been recently chewed by a bunch of desperately hungry men.

Fixed it for you.
Like someone said earlier, my shock and outrage is largely mitigated by the fact that I never took VG journalism seriously in the first place. An entertaining story though.


Seriously it makes me skeptical because who would ask for sexual favors from that?
I suppose these fedora loving basement dwellers never go out in the public? Because I never see them.

Brony atheist gamers. White knighters of pussy they'll never, ever come close to getting.

Watch the Anita and the White Knight video above and you'll see them. But yes, they probably never come out of the parents' basements.

Edit - should have probably said Atheist+ gamers, not atheist gamers, but oh well.

Yeah but those aren't the people she allegedly sucked off. I just kind of assumed those guys look better than that. And either way, if both parties are that ugly I always kind of assumed they mostly turn each other off, and don't have much sex period.
Fingers crossed this feminazi whore kills herself.

So let me get this straight: you hope a random stranger who's done nothing to directly harm you kills herself because you disagree with her ideas? I mean, I get that she bribed journalists, but come on. She deserves to die for that?

EDIT: I do want to clarify that I am in no way standing up for her, tho.
Hopefully this puts an end to the "indie" game scene (LMAO). Couldn't pay me to play the gutter trash those hipsters put out.

One thing has nothing to do with the other. There are several good, cheap and fun indie games around. Some devs are absolute clowns, but then again, the AAA industry is filled with clowns.
It's good see sherdog doesn't appear to be controlled by the same groups that have censored countless forums and social media sites. Maybe feminism can end in one fell swoop if this can become big enough. Maybe people will wake up and see how the media is entirely controlled by malevolent forces.
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