Elections Official Joe Biden Sundowning Megathread

Oh my word!!! He's not familiar with microchip design how is he president! Please he made fun of his lack of knowledge.
Yes, clearly Biden only misspeaks on matters he has little knowledge about. Like his father, uncle, his education, his leg hairs, the American people and American history. Nothing to see here, move along.

Hell of a thread.

Now every Biden supporter that flipped over classified documents in trumps possession better carry same degree of disgust with their boy Brandon

Not to worry lol.

Can't find the original thread? Was actually surprised, thought the majority of the women on his staff were trannies.

mods, please merge if that thread still exists.

He’s a fucking idiot and a poor example to f leadership but my oh my That press secretary is giving me a pronounced case of the jungle fever.

really? I find her mannerisms and facial expressions alone to be repulsive, let alone the over makeup and being bad at her job. They were one of the ones I think Biden was clarifying as in fact female with this statement..

Psaki on the other hand could get the cottage cheese, with some strawberries or some shit to represent the strawberry and cream embodiment of her complexion.

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