Official War Room Awards 2018


He meant @Notsure.

@sodapopinski still is the best poster that doesn't post here anymore

@Madmick for most improved mod, good all-round

@_spin for most contrarian

Most narcisstic @Trotsky and @splendica

Hottest tempers (but getting better) @Fawlty and @splendica

Most anti-cop: @JosephDredd and @Leagon

Biggest Trumper @splendica p.s.: commies and extremists in here, don't gulag me or ISIS me if you get power k thx

@Seano , @Lucifer Alpha , @Amerikuracana , @Devout Pessimist - 4 quietly underrated posters IMO

Recently obsessed with white supremacy . . . I want to name names but I'll back away

Taqqiya practicers lol - nvm

The best posters list:

@Ripskater , @Hognoxious , @Contra-dictator , @IngaVovchanchyn , @Warlord Palis , @Don Quixote @uppercutbus , @Cint , @Zer , @JamesRussler , @HockeyBjj , @Bald1 , @Fugazy , @glenwo2 , @Lead , @Revolver , @Peteyandjia , @Arkain2K , @JudoThrowFiasco , @GearSolidMetal , @Lucifer Alpha , @LogicalInsanity , @Teppodama , @Jackie Blue , @Bargey , @bushman505 , @Protectandserve, @dontsnitch , @Cubo de Sangre , @Seano , @irish_thug , @Captain Davis , @EradiatedHaggis , @Whippy McGee , @HunterSdVa29 , @Goonerview , @HereticBD , @Son of Jamin , @Oeshon , @JSN , @WhitebeltXL , @BoxingFan653 , @HeLLMuTT , @Revolver , @Cuzcatlan , @sniper , @Pessimystic , @Devout Pessimist , @Scheme, @Sketch , @DragRacer , @sangreporsangre , @Rematch , @2DUM2TAP , @BearGrounds , @JbModest , @Yorkist , @abiG , @lifelessheap , @Post Mortem , @ElKarlo , @sleepwalk , @The ScorpioN , @Kitafuji , @Ayin , @b-hop , @Rygu , @sublimeonskunk , @TurboHolocaust , @S Class , @Liquid Smoke , @Fedor's NO.1 Fan , @AlexDB9 , @grimballer , @Greoric , @squeezewax , @Seaside , @MadSquabbles500 , @KeepItRealist , @Kvolcom , @tkotom , @Lord Coke , @wufabufa , @grizzard2bid , @Clippy , @TeTe , @Zankou, @Armbars , @TheHigherPower , @Surgetech , @Malvo, @oldshadow, @Rholk, @Cmart , @Dolomite, @evansusmc2, @TheWorm, @mcveteran81, @Strychnine, @GhostZ06 , @InternetHero, @TheGreatA, @Sara, @ShadowRun, @oleDirtyBast4rd , @RR , @dfoster , @Farmer Br0wn, @nostradumbass , @IDL, @Metusalemi, @Prutfis , @pinger , @cincymma79 , @SRN , @lfd0311 , @EL CORINTHIAN

If you didn't make the list you probably get an A for being a progressive with a note of "room for further excellence :)."

There's also a possibility I forgot your name, in which case, my apologies.

I've started threads praising cops. Have you?
I oppose banning. Free speech, ftw.

If you oppose banning, you oppose the banning of Homer, which means you support reporting, which means you are against free speech. <seedat>
Best All Around Poster
  • @kpt018 - I like his style, he writes like he's having a conversation and he usually offers an interesting perspective.
  • HM: @PolishHeadlock , @Prokofievian , @luckyshot , @helltoupee
  • There are plenty more. I like posters who are smarter than me, but that doesn't narrow it down enough, so I had to include "and they don't make me feel bad about it" to come up with a manageable list.
Worst All Around Poster
  • Everyone entertains me, so it's either nobody, or a tie between everyone.

Best TS
Worst TS
  • @abiG
  • He seems like a bot, but the programmers skipped the QA phase of development and just went straight to production.
Best Thread
  • The Mueller thread
Drunkest poster
  • @AgonyandIrony
  • I want to say me, but he's more active than I am, a better overall poster, and he's the only guy who's posts actually, physically smell like Jameison and weed. I don't know how he does it. I bow to his mastery. Also because not picking @RockstarChris will drive him to do more shots.

Worst user name
  • Not sure.
Best user name
Rookie of the Year
Best Feud
  • I'm going with @Jack V Savage vs. @waiguoren , because that guy took a beatdown on the mid-terms and has slunk off ever since. DOMINANT. Probably neck deep in battle sluts right now.
Best Quote
  • Couldn't remember any. I'll try harder and come back.
Most Likely to Get Banned in 2019
  • Not sure.
Sketch or Sniper?
  • @sniper , because the art of great writing lies in thrift

Sorry for making you feel bad.
I actually agree that, regarding Holocaust denial, people should be free to make idiots of themselves.

However, given that you fancy yourself a staunch conservative and ally yourself with the most reactionary, and frankly unprincipled, members of the right wing, how do you feel about conservative precedent with regard to free speech issues?

In the past, Conservatives have been terrible on the issue of free speech. Both Liberals and Conservatives are hypocrites on this issue. Right now, Liberals are the ones clamoring for censorship, so I'm understandably more concerned with them.

Throughout American history it has been, as you know, liberals who have protected free speech and conservatives who attacked it. Conservatives politicians jailed, and then conservative jurists tried to maintain the jailing of, anti-war activists, socialists, union advocates, communists, and civil rights activists, in addition to (in my opinion) less serious persons like pornographers, adult entertainment providers, and sexual liberation activists. It was the liberal Warren Court that made great strides in making sure persons like Eugene Debs and Dalton Trumbo would not be systemically punished for their speech, but before, during, and after the Warren Court, conservative politicians and jurists have repeatedly tried to cut back on speech protections whenever it suits their reactionary sensibilities.

I don't like everything the Warren Court did, but I do agree it was great for freedom of speech.

Even today, after the advancements made by liberals, conservative jurists pose a considerable threat to free speech, most evidenced by the despicable fucking holdings in Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project and Garcetti v. Ceballos (the latter of which I believe @Quipling, or it may have been @BKMMAFAN, described as the worst Supreme Court holding in decades).

I don't agree with every Conservative. Some so-called Conservatives I views a boot-licking statists. Any Conservative who praises Robert Mueller or sidewalk police executions is IMO inviting the Devil to dinner. But thankfully I see many Conservatives are finally coming around on the issue of speech.

Lastly, just as a brief aside, how the hell do you reconcile your love for "robust public debate" with you and your side's position on campaign finance. Do you think it is intellectually defensible to define robustness purely by the amount of speech that can be produced by monopolists of discourse to the detriment of other voices? Seems to me that a 100-decibel conversation between 5 people is less robust than a 50-decibel conversation between 50 people.

I am not "my side," just as you are not "your side." I did not write Citizens United. I believe there many problems with the reasoning used in that opinion, and I would have written it differently. But the Left has benefitted from Citizens United just as much as the Right has (if not more), so IDK what you're mad about. To be clear, I believe the right to speak is held by natural persons exclusively. Corporations are not "people" in that sense, even if they are operated by people, so their spending on behalf of political parties can and should be well-regulated.
And my "free speech" is used to point out that you come off like a holocaust denial flirt hiding behind free speech. So, now you're going to say the words "free speech" a few more times, I guess?

Fawlty, why are you so salty?
Fawlty, why are you so salty?
Well, in your defense, if I was so motherfucking stupid as to call for Mueller to be imprisoned in secret, and then moments later turn around and act like some kind of advocate for constitutional rights, I'd probably be reduced to a "u mad" defense too.
Well, in your defense, if I was so motherfucking stupid as to call for Mueller to be imprisoned in secret, and then moments later turn around and act like some kind of advocate for constitutional rights, I'd probably be reduced to a "u mad" defense too.

You are not very smart. You're not good looking or physically capable either.
I understand. I would be salty too if I were you.
I have free speech but if I get together with someone else and form some sort of group then we no longer have it?

If you form a corporation, then use that form to make a billion dollars, you shouldn't be able to use your corporation for political activities. If it's your personal money, you can use it for whatever you want.
If you form a corporation, then use that form to make a billion dollars, you shouldn't be able to use your corporation for political activities. If it's your personal money, you can use it for whatever you want.

That's your opinion. Now can you provide any reasoning for it?
Best All Around Poster
  • @kpt018 - I like his style, he writes like he's having a conversation and he usually offers an interesting perspective.
  • HM: @PolishHeadlock , @Prokofievian , @luckyshot , @helltoupee
  • There are plenty more. I like posters who are smarter than me, but that doesn't narrow it down enough, so I had to include "and they don't make me feel bad about it" to come up with a manageable list.
Worst All Around Poster
  • Everyone entertains me, so it's either nobody, or a tie between everyone.

Best TS
Worst TS
  • @abiG
  • He seems like a bot, but the programmers skipped the QA phase of development and just went straight to production.
Best Thread
  • The Mueller thread
Drunkest poster
  • @AgonyandIrony
  • I want to say me, but he's more active than I am, a better overall poster, and he's the only guy who's posts actually, physically smell like Jameison and weed. I don't know how he does it. I bow to his mastery. Also because not picking @RockstarChris will drive him to do more shots.

Worst user name
  • Not sure.
Best user name
Rookie of the Year
Best Feud
  • I'm going with @Jack V Savage vs. @waiguoren , because that guy took a beatdown on the mid-terms and has slunk off ever since. DOMINANT. Probably neck deep in battle sluts right now.
Best Quote
  • Couldn't remember any. I'll try harder and come back.
Most Likely to Get Banned in 2019
  • Not sure.
Sketch or Sniper?
  • @sniper , because the art of great writing lies in thrift

Thanks for the mention bro - and I'm definitely not smarter than anyone here - I highly respect you and many others around here. I'm not afraid to admit that I don't really have much of a traditional education, but did learn a lot when I had some time on my hands that allowed me to read voraciously. Believe it or not, I actually learn quite a bit from these forums - really makes me feel inadequate when it comes to the technical stuff and is probably why I gravitate towards more philosophical type discussions.

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