Economy Oil and gas firms must pay more to drill on public lands under new Biden rule


Professional Wrestler
Jan 17, 2010
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Rule adds stronger requirements for cleaning up wells but does not ban leasing on public lands, as called for by environmentalists


Oil and gas companies will have to pay more to drill on public lands and satisfy stronger requirements to clean up old or abandoned wells, according to a final rule issued on Friday by the Biden administration.

The interior department’s rule raises royalty rates for oil drilling by one-third, to 16.67%, in accordance with the sweeping 2002 climate law approved by Congress.

The previous rate of 12.5% paid by oil and gas companies for federal drilling rights had remained unchanged for a century. The federal rate was significantly lower than what many states and private landowners charge for drilling leases on state or private lands.

The new rule does not go so far as to prohibit new oil and gas leasing on public lands, as many environmental groups have urged and as President Joe Biden promised during the 2020 campaign.

But officials said the proposal would lead to a more responsible leasing process that provides a better return to US taxpayers.

The plan codifies provisions in the climate law, known as the Inflation Reduction Act, as well as the 2021 infrastructure law and recommendations from an interior department report on oil and gas leasing issued in 2021.


“These are the most significant reforms to the federal oil and gas leasing program in decades, and they will cut wasteful speculation, increase returns for the public and protect taxpayers from being saddled with the costs of environmental cleanups,” Deb Haaland, the interior secretary, said.

Along with efforts to clean up so-called orphaned, or abandoned, wells, “these reforms will help safeguard the health of our public lands and nearby communities for generations to come”, Haaland said.

Haaland and other officials said the new rule provides a fair return to taxpayers and focuses oil and gas leasing in areas that are the most likely to be developed, especially those with existing infrastructure and high oil and gas potential. The rule will ease pressure to develop areas that contain sensitive wildlife habitat, cultural resources or recreation sites, officials said.


- Drill deal - Oil Tycon for Nintendo

The new royalty rate set by the climate law is expected to remain in place until August 2032, after which it can be increased. The higher rate would increase costs for oil and gas companies by an estimated $1.8bn in that period, according to the interior department.

The rule also would increase the minimum leasing bond paid by energy companies to $150,000, compared with the previous $10,000 established in 1960. The higher bonding requirement is intended to ensure that companies meet their obligations to clean up drilling sites after they are done or cap wells that are abandoned.

The interior department has made available more than $1bn in the past two years from the infrastructure law to clean up orphaned oil and gas wells on public lands. The new rule aims to prevent that burden from falling on taxpayers in the future.
Lol as if Biden really held their feet to the fire with this one.
He might of gave that ever so fiery speech that he did during the Sweet and Sour Sniffles when he told the American Citizens "He's losing his Patience with Us"........ I laughed so hard hearing that
They'll be fine. The amount of money these O&G companies have is insane. They consistently pay the most here in my area and everytime I've worked with one they spend insane amount of money on worthless stuff.

I remember one purchased all new monitors for the whole company because 24" was to small. We had to get rid of like 50+ 24" monitors that were brand new in the box. Can't even remember what we did with them.
Bond companies rejoice

Good. If you drill a well, you should have to put up the bond to clean it up.
I'm surrounded by abandoned wells that have polluted the land. Oil companies sell out, form new companies, file bankruptcy, etc all the time. I've watched companies have a big oil spill, and declare bankruptcy. Then, the same people that owned the previous company form a new company, and buy all the old wells, except for the polluted one. Legally, their hands are washed of the situation, and it's someone else's problem.
North Dakota spent $66M of Covid relief money on cleaning up abandoned wells. That last infrastructure bill in 2022 had $4.7 billion in it to plug and clean up abandoned wells.

The oil and gas companies can pay a fair market value for leasing the land. There's no reason they should be leasing land for pennies on the dollar.
Good. If you drill a well, you should have to put up the bond to clean it up.
I'm surrounded by abandoned wells that have polluted the land. Oil companies sell out, form new companies, file bankruptcy, etc all the time. I've watched companies have a big oil spill, and declare bankruptcy. Then, the same people that owned the previous company form a new company, and buy all the old wells, except for the polluted one. Legally, their hands are washed of the situation, and it's someone else's problem.
North Dakota spent $66M of Covid relief money on cleaning up abandoned wells. That last infrastructure bill in 2022 had $4.7 billion in it to plug and clean up abandoned wells.

The oil and gas companies can pay a fair market value for leasing the land. There's no reason they should be leasing land for pennies on the dollar.

This. I used to live in a town surrounded by BLM land in New Mexico. It was full of drilling pads, both active and abandoned. At the abandoned ones, there was trash strewn everywhere, like the companies just up and left. They should pay to clean up their shit instead of ruining public land with their trash.
- As a eco-chato i a,all for those compatnies paying, because the riscs they bring to the ambient. On the other hand, that cold mean less jobs too?

Oil companies fire everyone at the drop of a hat.
When the price of oil drops, everyone gets fired, and anything that can be scrapped, will be, even if it could be used in the future.
I’ve watched perfectly fine drilling rigs get cut up and sold for scrap, just because the price of oil dropped.
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The Biden regime did not mention climate change and how the fate of our planet requires fossil fuels to stay in the ground. Like cleaning up oil spills is nice but they know damm well thats not the fucking issue here. Using the word taxpayer is just a middlefinger to socialists and MMTs everywhere because he knows damm well taxes don't fund spending.

Acting as if hes doing people a favor by cleaning up fucking oil spills. Oh my god people should be bowing down in gratitude.
The Biden regime did not mention climate change and how the fate of our planet requires fossil fuels to stay in the ground. Like cleaning up oil spills is nice but they know damm well thats not the fucking issue here. Using the word taxpayer is just a middlefinger to socialists and MMTs everywhere because he knows damm well taxes don't fund spending.

Acting as if hes doing people a favor by cleaning up fucking oil spills. Oh my god people should be bowing down in gratitude.

The US government shouldn't need to clean up any fucking oil spills or abandoned wells. The oil companies should be held responsible for their accidents, and cleanup.
The US government shouldn't need to clean up any fucking oil spills or abandoned wells. The oil companies should be held responsible for their accidents, and cleanup.

Just further proves the point. This is less than the bare minimum being touted as a glorious victory for the environment.
Just further proves the point. This is less than the bare minimum being touted as a glorious victory for the environment.

And this tiny bit of effort to improve public lands, was way more than the last administration.
Public lands are one of our greatest resources. It's time to stop companies from raping, pillaging, and destroying them.
Oil companies fire everyone at the drop of a hat.
When the price of oil drops, everyone gets fired, and anything that can be scrapped, will be, even if it could be used in the future.
I’ve watched perfectly fine drilling rigs get cut up and sold for scrap, just because the price of oil dropped.

- I dind't knew that. I forget that maybe you guys dont have work rights similar to here?