Outside of a huge scandal, Trump has no chance of winning.

Actually yes. He's become a closet Marxist, an anti gun nut, anti fossil fuels, and he loves foreign control of our energy and enriching other nations to pad his own pockets and those of his family. If you don't think that will destroy our country I can't help ya. I bet you thought Hillary would win too.
Lmao ," Biden might fill his own pockets " ignores what Trump has been doing shamelessly

Biden has refused to defund the police. His plan actually involves giving them more money.

when the left sinks their claws on puppet biden(if he were to reach the presidency) he'll flip flop on that too ... he's weak, old and tired and goes where the wind blows

Democrats own this. Trump very wisely let the Governors control their own outcomes. Guess which States have rioting, chop zones, and dead police at the hands of Rioters? Which states are calling to defund Police? Democrat run states. That's who. Democrats destroy everything they touch.

Sounds like a democratic hoax to me.

Much like the virus.
Biden has refused to defund the police. His plan actually involves giving them more money.
That's a lie. There is video of him saying the exact opposite. You really think the leftists that run the dem party are going to let him do anything to help Police. Never happen. He will be forced to pander to the likes of Beto and AOC and Pelosi.
He's already said as much. Beto will be in charge of guns and AOC will be in charge of Energy. He's also said he will "absolutely redirect funding" (defund) the Police.
no worries the American people are waking up and aren't dumb enough to elect a Marxist Democrat into the White House right now
Thanks for the lulz you loons , back to work .

Wowza , there are some beauties in here .
Lmao ," Biden might fill his own pockets " ignores what Trump has been doing shamelessly

Nice non answer. Trump's improved the lives of virtually every American. He's done more to lift people out of Poverty than the Dems did in 8 years of Obama. You guys pretty much screwed people. Remember when Obama swore the jobs would never come back? He said that, because that's what he wants and if Biden gets in, he will finally have it. The Country can't survive a Biden Presidency. There is too much at stake and the current Dem party has lost it's way and will do nothing to stop it.
no worries the American people are waking up and aren't dumb enough to elect a Marxist Democrat into the White House right now
Thank you. There's SO much disinformation around and a complete lockstep of lies in the Media. But yeah, I think in the end, the "silent voters" will come out in droves. Most people have lives and families to defend and hating Trump's personality isn't going to be enough to put a Marxist nutjob like Biden in control of their future.
when the left sinks their claws on puppet biden(if he were to reach the presidency) he'll flip flop on that too ... he's weak, old and tired and goes where the wind blows

LMAO. Good one. He won't even legalize marijuana, a widely popular issue.
Sherdog is the most magtard place I know on the intraweb, and even here you feel the dynamic is not so good anymore.

It's not 2016-2018 anymore, trump and troll memes are not new and funny anymore, normal people are bored by this shit.
Who still have fun watching a pompous asshole DESTROYING 16 years old student on YouTube ?

Only people you still have are cultists, rednecks and Colby Covington.

Neutral people are tired hearing about him every fucking day, biden is super boring but he represents stability, we will go back to good old boring times with him.

Trump gonna lose.

they’ve got wonderful stamina though

I have to say I'm pretty impressed by your pedagogic skills.
It's a fucking pandemic. Trump himself initially supported the shutdowns. Who bent the knee to who? Fauci?
Yeah, so Trump supported a very temporary shutdown, not one lasting four fucking months.

It can be a pandemic all it wants to be, it's still not lethal to the overwhelming majority of population.
That's a lie. There is video of him saying the exact opposite. You really think the leftists that run the dem party are going to let him do anything to help Police. Never happen. He will be forced to pander to the likes of Beto and AOC and Pelosi.

He literally wants to increase their funding by 300 million.

While I do not believe federal dollars should go to police departments violating people’s rights or turning to violence as the first resort, I do not support defunding police. The better answer is to give police departments the resources they need to implement meaningful reforms, and to condition other federal dollars on completing those reforms.

I’ve long been a firm believer in the power of community policing — getting cops out of their cruisers and building relationships with the people and the communities they are there to serve and protect. That’s why I’m proposing an additional $300 million to reinvigorate community policing in our country. Every single police department should have the money it needs to institute real reforms like adopting a national use of force standard, buying body cameras and recruiting more diverse police officers.
Sherdog is the most magtard place I know on the intraweb, and even here you feel the dynamic is not so good anymore.

It's not 2016-2018 anymore, trump and troll memes are not new and funny anymore, normal people are bored by this shit.
Who still have fun watching a pompous asshole DESTROYING 16 years old student on YouTube ?

Only people you still have are cultists, rednecks and Colby Covington.

Neutral people are tired hearing about him every fucking day, biden is super boring but he represents stability, we will go back to good old boring times with him.

Trump gonna lose.

I have to say I'm pretty impressed by your pedagogic skills.
Lol. Nice first post. What banned leftist poster did you used to be? Is that you Zebby? Or is this another Kong account raising it's ugly head. :D

Biden will do anything but bring us back to normal. That's Trumps job and he will do it well, just like he did before the virus hit.
Lol. Biden will do anything but bring us back. What banned leftist poster did you used to be? Is that you Zebby? Or is this another Kong account raising it's ugly head. :D

I'm not a banned poster, but can't access my old account, forgot my password and don't have access to my old mail too.

We don't need to discuss together but I'm really
enjoying reading your great takes, it's really entertaining, thank you for that.
I'm not a banned poster, but can't access my old account, forgot my password and don't have access to my old mail too.

We don't need to discuss together but I'm really
enjoying reading your great takes, it's really entertaining, thank you for that.

Actually remembered my password here, was the name of my ex, certainly why I forgot about it :D

Can a mod delete my other account ?

Edit : miss you guys, glad to be back
The Corrupt Media was there long before Trump took office. He's just the first person smart enough to out them to the American people. Nobody with a brain thinks the media isn't biased now and that's largely due to Trump having the balls to fight back. Their spectacular failure to report the truth will only lead to another disappointment in November for the left.

It's weird how it takes a crooked conman to uncover all these conspiracies.

Or..........he's a conman, and he blames everyone.

The "fake media" is a cheap meme, used for distraction when people can't argue with sources or their content.
If you think something I say sounds stupid and delusional, I'll take it as a compliment.
You are backwards. Like, completely. Like, you think the rioters and even their supporters are the cream of the crop in America, and business owners and the people that actually do everything that’s actually useful are “bad.” You’re a fkn moron lol