Overhead press technique


Purple Belt
Apr 17, 2015
Reaction score
I'm new to weightlifting and have only been doing it for about 8 months, I do the "Stronglifts 5x5" program which includes overhead press. I read the stronglifts website again recently and found out that I am supposed to shrug when I have locked out the barbell above my head (it says to do this to avoid shoulder impingement but I so far have no problem with this).

I've tried doing it a few times but I always end up with a strange pain in my upper back. Might it be that I am able to lift heavier with my shoulders compared to my traps so I get a bit of an overload of sorts? I lift only 50kg/110 pounds (new personal best yesterday :p) so Its not like I'm lifting my own body weight or anything.

Help is much appreciated
I'm not an expert but I don't think you're purposely suppose to shrug at the top of a press, just let your scapula elevate.
I'm by no means any sort of expert so I'm just going by what the guy writes and he seems a knowledgeable sort and he refers to shrugging several times. Even one paragraph about only that:

"Shrugging at the top is crucial. This activates your trapezius muscles. It rotates your shoulder-blade out and puts its bony process more vertical. This creates space between the top of your upper-arm bone (humerus) and your acromion. It creates space for your rotator cuff tissues inbetween. If you don’t shrug, those tissues have no space. They get smashed on every rep. This causes inflammation and pain (shoulder impingement)."
I'm by no means any sort of expert so I'm just going by what the guy writes and he seems a knowledgeable sort and he refers to shrugging several times. Even one paragraph about only that:

"Shrugging at the top is crucial. This activates your trapezius muscles. It rotates your shoulder-blade out and puts its bony process more vertical. This creates space between the top of your upper-arm bone (humerus) and your acromion. It creates space for your rotator cuff tissues inbetween. If you don’t shrug, those tissues have no space. They get smashed on every rep. This causes inflammation and pain (shoulder impingement)."

Not everyone is built the same buddeh...Some people can do it certain ways others can't.
That a really strange cue. I've never focused on shrugging at the top and I've never had shoulder issues. I could see people fucking themselves up trying that more than helping them.
I'm by no means any sort of expert so I'm just going by what the guy writes and he seems a knowledgeable sort and he refers to shrugging several times. Even one paragraph about only that:

"Shrugging at the top is crucial. This activates your trapezius muscles. It rotates your shoulder-blade out and puts its bony process more vertical. This creates space between the top of your upper-arm bone (humerus) and your acromion. It creates space for your rotator cuff tissues inbetween. If you don’t shrug, those tissues have no space. They get smashed on every rep. This causes inflammation and pain (shoulder impingement)."
He doesn't know what he's talking about straight up. Your scapula is already outwardly rotated at the top if everything is working as normal. Overtly shrugging your shoulders doesn't necessarily increase the subacromial space, barely creates additional upward rotation and might even inhibit the muscles you really want to be active. You're just putting unnecessary stress on your neck and upper trap.
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Thought you were supposed to shrug out of the bottom to initiate bar acceleration and finish the shrug at the top of the movement
Thanks for great feedback! Will stop doing the shrugging :)

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