Overrated directors

Stanley Kubrick - Only watchable thing he's done is the intro to Full Metal Jacket. Everything else is either dull or just plain bad.

Steven Spielberg - The embodiment of the phrase 'larger than life' while his movies are as deep as puddles. Only worth watching if you're 12 and under.

Alfred Hitchcock - Criminally unfunny. Have only laughed at maybe one thing, and it wasn't memorable enough for me to recall what it was

I was going to say Nicholas Winding Refn (ok I just did) but he's self-corrected himself with Only God Forgives and Neon Demon.
I gotta say Guillermo Del Toro.

His films look good visually but I think they generally suck.

Pacific Rim sucks. Hellboy 1+2 suck.

Who is super overrated as a film director in your opinion?

I gotta say Guillermo Del Toro.

His films look good visually but I think they generally suck.

Pacific Rim sucks. Hellboy 1+2 suck.

I did like Blade 2 though.

100%. All flash, no substance. He's terrible.
Saying Martin Scorsese sucks is like saying Bob Dylan sucks.

Completely influential to all around them and left a big impact on pop culture. You don’t need to like their work of course but to call such names overrated shows you’re an idiot.
Oliver Stone

Fuck him.

How does a fellow infantryman turn into a Douche bag. Hollywood corrupts

I always thought Oliver Stone was a tremendous hack and a douchebag.

And I'll go ahead and say it even though I know I'll get flamed. Martin Scorcese.

To me, Oliver Stone gets a pass for making Snowden. That movie is awesome and very close to the source material while taking some creative liberties. Its also a very important peice of history many seem to forget.

Its sad the info he released largely fell on deaf ears.
Wes Anderson's schtick does get old fast. But my top vote is for Mr. Sensational, Gaspar Noé.
I hate who is overrated threads. Never really any insight just a bunch of "this director I don't like is overrated"
Tarantino is a fucking hack, while we're at it George Lucas, Spielberg, Zack Snyder all suck ass, Paul Fieg is a joke

American Graffiti is his best film imo, Star Wars too obviously.. but after that, as a director, I gotta agree he’s pretty meh