Parents always dissing grappling

armbar them, that's what Rickson would have done, and that's what you should do
Go out in the garden and ask him to submit you. Ive a stupid friend that always said the same... Well now he doesnt say the same :)
Really? Move away from your family or something, I guess. Family is more than blood.
My parents signed me up for Judo 22 years ago. I wish I listened to them.

My guess is that your parents are defunct, and probably would hassle you in some way no matter what they did.
Well, Jesse Bongfeldt is from Kenora, so that explains what he's doing in smalltown Ontario.

You could try telling your parents Pierre Trudeau was a judo black belt - but I suspect they think he ruined the country.

Frankly, who cares what your parents think? I wrestled for six seasons, won the city championships and was competitive at the regional and provincial level. And my parents only ever saw ONE match of mine -and that's because the tournament was running late when they came to pick me up.

Get good grades and go to a university far, far away.
Make a sex tape (with a girl obviously). Leak it on the interwebs - send the link to your parents. Should clear everything up.
My dad once tried to footsweep me when I was standing around somewhere, as a reflex I countered and he fell hard, luckily he could laugh with it.
My dad used to wrestle in high school, so he has a really good base. One time he tried to throw me, and I countered, and took him down and put him in a RNC. He got so mad, but we laugh about it today. I just told him that I was scared he was gonna kick my ass if I let him go, so I held on for dear life. He's 6'5". That was the only time we ever actually got hardcore. I love my dad, lol.
If my dad ever called me gay I would choke the fuck out of him. I suggest you do the same. Fear has a way of making people shut the fuck up.
Have you tried telling them that you don't like it when they do that? In a serious manner of course. They may not know how damaging it really is and that it makes you feel like they don't support you. Communication is key in relationships.
Most likely you're going to have to pay for your own martial arts training.
Just start wearing pink polka dotted panties over your Gi-Pants at all yoru tourneys, take pics, and then show them to your parents. Then say "Hows this for gay? See what you made?"
Is TS trolling? My dad was PISSED when I didn't try out for the wrestling team.

is obvious
Lol your parents sound like they have some issues.