Tech PEB's Motion Simulator thread (for Racing Games and Flight Simulation)


Sunflower in support of Ukraine
Jan 20, 2004
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I know the 780/880/980/1080 TIs all launched at $700. 2080 TI was $1200. :confused:
Of course the 690 was $1000 when it launched in 2012 but still.

@Madmick You remember this bad boy? $600 when it launched in the fall of 98.


3Dfx actually built one with like 8 Voodoo chips on one card. I used to build systems with the Voodoo board on them back in the day when you had to set DMA and ISA slots LOL. PCI came around and changed the game.

On an side note someone I follow on Youtube and I have purchased one of his boards is developing a direct drive steering wheel controller. I have his other board that I am working with right now and he has around 400 full motion sims out in the world running his boards SFX-100. He looking to get around 100 pre orders of his board to bring the price down because he can get volume on the new board. He uses a steeper motor with around 7 nm of torque you can run it off of 110 volts. If you ever priced direct drive wheels they run around 1000 bucks and up of course there is logic tech for around 400 bucks but that has no real torque or the steering wheel feels pretty cheap. The motor and steering wheel if you look around would cost around 450 dollars and would look great. Plenty of people offering their 3D printed parts for cheap money.

This is the SFX-100

Racing wheels can run upwards of 2000 dollars


This is a pretty decent priced racing wheel
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Racing wheels can run upwards of 2000 dollars

Yeah, its why i stopped. Hardware cost was ridiculous. Setup i needed to just continue competing was in the 2.5K+ range in 2007.
If you want to see other platforms.

Hmm nice comfortable chair and entertainment during quarantine: check
No need to leave house cuz food and purchases gets delivered to your door: check
Limited social interaction: check

Anyone into car racing will enjoy this guys videos he runs a small company that makes custom sport wheels and driving hardware for sims.

Here's a photo of my build it's a gaming motion simulator platform. I am custom manufacturing my own high performance actuators. They a can lift over 400 lbs each an climb 6 to 10 inches a second. The whole thing will be running off an Intel 9900k or AMD 8 core cpu likely Intel.

For graphics an Nvidia 2060 or 2070 budget concerns for a test rig. As you can see a 49 inch Samsung 120 hz curved display. Don't want to show the whole thing yet till completed.
It has no problems carrying people over 270 lbs tested an my actuator is easily lifting over 200 lbs. Just thought I would share a photo of me seated on the chair with the 49 inch screen running. It's for a business I am working on related to my actuators. The seat moves forward or of course backwards manually by 2 feet the pedal box has not been designed yet.

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Those are pieces of junk DOF Reality the motors are basically modified wiper motors. They overheat on load and wear down fast. This is why they are so cheap. Don't want to detail my design but I use much more powerful motors and thermal couplers monitoring motor operations and soon thermal cutoff.
I didn't miss the point, I'm telling you to try one before you decide to build one. Pinball relies heavily on physical feedback, something virtual machines can't reproduce. There's also a lot of moves you can do with physical cabinets that you can't do with a virtual cabinet. It's not even close to the same experience.
You're also having to rely on Pinball FX for tables and they're a notoriously shitty company.

It's a longer term goal right now I am focused on my motion simulator build. That's going to run me plenty of money so I really have to focus on that and the development of my high performance actuators. Just bought myself a new 3D printer "really cheap" to work on build testing some of my 3D modeled parts. I will out source manufacturing to someone who specializes in fab of 3D designs out of aluminum.

This is one of the new parts I am working on for my actuator. If you do any kind of customization of car parts even FreeCad the way to go tons of YouTube videos and relatively easy to learn on. Best part of FreeCad it's free and open source. It's huge though in download and still very early development.


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Friend of mine built most of this setup.

More from the simulator setup.
This is a page I setup to cover development of my simulator Yes Facebook LOL

This is my actuator lifting around 250 lbs or so. It's falling down fast because I have not finished my application code for controlling the actuator.

Photo of the motor controller box that I am working on right now for my simulator. Currently 3D printing the bottom just finished the top part.

This is the cheapest 3D printer that has pretty good reviews to print the top and bottom.

I wanted to add this that I want to use the Beam mod for simulation will be really really a lot of fun.

Finished 3D printing a box for the 5 axis controller.

Tweaking my actuator design.

I designed an 3D printing a new flange that is going to be perfectly aligned with the motor so I don't need to make crazy aluminum plates attached to an off the shelf flange. Will get it manufactured by a 3D party in aluminum. This will reduce the part count from 28 down to 12 saving a lot of time. Running much soother too far better alignment.

Just testing it still have things to do with the flange and the mounting. The sound in the background is my 3D printer knocking off parts in my designs.

After and then before LOL.

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