People calling themselves Kings and Queens..


May 13, 2016
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Hey. Stop. You aren’t a queen. You work at a nail salon. Hey. You aren’t a king. You do construction. Kings and queens don’t work. You work every day. Hey. Stop. Thanks.
I refer to myself as the Emperor of the Galactic Federation.
She begs to differ, bitch.

Don’t know why you think I’m being racist you could be any race and if you call yourself royalty you are a knob!!
Why does it offend you so much that other people carry themselves with pride? Are people supposed to immediately prostrate themselves and submissively pee like a dog when you walk by because they flip burgers?
i only answer to Lord High Commander of Reality
It is retarded as fuck. Cultural thing at first I understand but now everybody is doing it.

lmao used to have an office mate refer to her bg as his majesty dafuq, dude was just a MLM idiot hahaha. I also used to have an officemate who he and all his male siblings had the word Sir as part of there first names. So he was Sir Patrick Henry, his bro was Sir William whatever etc.
Hey. Stop. You aren’t a queen. You work at a nail salon. Hey. You aren’t a king. You do construction. Kings and queens don’t work. You work every day. Hey. Stop. Thanks.

Don’t know why you think I’m being racist you could be any race and if you call yourself royalty you are a knob!!

lmao used to have an office mate refer to her bg as his majesty dafuq, dude was just a MLM idiot hahaha. I also used to have an officemate who he and all his male siblings had the word Sir as part of there first names. So he was Sir Patrick Henry, his bro was Sir William whatever etc.

Stateside its more common with poor urban black folks
Lebron James does this but he's an insecure shallow dude, so no real surprise.
I heard my teenage son refer to some little girl he had a thing for as his 'Queen'...

I proceeded to give him smack on the top of his head and tell him to just stop it, what has she done? She's not even in the realm of being considered a princess...


Poor Lil guy,

Say anything to try and get his peepee wet
Hey. Stop. You aren’t a queen. You work at a nail salon. Hey. You aren’t a king. You do construction. Kings and queens don’t work. You work every day. Hey. Stop. Thanks.

Back in the day it was treason to call yourself king.

It was one of those things you can’t take back.