Movies Pick My Next Film

Okay, just finished Sophie's Choice.

Was familiar with the title, and knew Meryl Streep was starring, but nothing else going in.

I was surprised it was (kind of) a holocaust film. I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't that. Youngest I've seen Kline, and MacNicol was a surprise.

The film certainly doesn't conform to modern genre expectation or easy classification. I'm left wondering how many of the potential themes were intended, how much the actors intentionally played into the roles vs. what I am constructing in my head (after the fact). I'm also interested to know if other's thought Sophie's narration may not be 100% reliable.

If I wasn't a red-blooded, 6'5" Sherdogger between my sets of benching teh 350, I could see how someone who has children would actually shed a tear or two at the last, horrific story given how naturally and believably Streep plays it.

P.S. My wife watched this with me with no idea what it was, and now she's a little aggravated with me.

Thanks everyone.
P.S. Next will be Come and See or The Right Stuff, depending on which shows up free or cheap rental/purchase price.
P.S. Next will be Come and See or The Right Stuff, depending on which shows up free or cheap rental/purchase price.
Come and See is a masterpiece and The Right Stuff is a fun guys film. Can't go wrong either way.
Ok, SherBro's, out of the following choices that I have never before seen, what do I watch next? Please pick at least 2.

Also, advice on "must see" and "avoid" are also welcome.

Reds (1981)
Cutter's Way (1981)
Atlantic City (1981)
The Decline of Western Civilization (1981)
Sophie's Choice (1982)
The Right Stuff (1983)
Paris, Texas (1984)
Come and See (1985)
After Hours (1985)
Matewan (1987)
Midnight Run (1988)
I think the only two I've seen on that list are the right stuff and midnight run.

And of those two I highly recommend midnight run. I love that movie.