News Platinum Mike Perry got married

Why is he wearing the dress? Please, don't tell me that's a thing now. Man up, and put some fookin pants on son
Happy for him.... I thought he broke up with that girl ....
Happy for him.... I thought he broke up with that girl ....

In an IG post she said, "Mike has always had a wondering eye".

Less than 4 days into their marriage and I'm sure he'll be on the prowl looking to get into some new sugar walls. Maybe they decided to have an open relationship though....who knows.
I’m convinced breaking up then getting back together almost always ends up staying together

That said

Bad move lol
In an IG post she said, "Mike has always had a wondering eye".

Less than 4 days into their marriage and I'm sure he'll be on the prowl looking to get into some new sugar walls. Maybe they decided to have an open relationship though....who knows.
can't believe you even remembered the typo holms :p
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If you wanna know why he did it, simply watch the first 30 seconds of this video:

i'd put a ring on that thicc ass too
can't believe you even remembered the typo holms :p

Hah, just caught that. I didn't even mean to spell it like that. Looks like me and the Platinum Princess dropped out from the same high school.
What the fuck!? I thought Mike kicked her ass to the curb months ago.....Where have I been <30>
that ass is a work of art

yes it is.
those type of asses , with that waist to hips ratio are the best ones .
She’s not nearly as “ugly” as all of yuse. Facts.
RIP half of the money hes made in less than 2 years, guaranteed.

Mikes lost 3 out of his last 4...great time to get married
Whoa whoa whoa, calm your tits, baby.

You're completely missing the point. Did you not read at the end where I posted that marriage is a choice?!

It's not a requirement for man or woman to be happy and find completion and if you want to take it further, it's not only a social construct but a product of a contractinal bind and later because of religious doctrines.

The way it's set up in society, especially with taxes here in America, ther're financial benefits as well as financial disadvantages to being in a marriage.

The real question is if marriage is natural or unnatural and the conclusion is that one should do whatever makes them and their partner happy because at the end of the day, regardless of a contract, if you love the person and they feel the same way about you, you'll be with that person.

You just came off salty and against marriage, so I came back with another arguement which is that it's in no way shape or form a bad decision to get married. If you've looked at every successful man in modern history they all have one thing in common.. I'm just talking facts.

Lol, talk about being insecure and pitiful - cut the ad hominems; you calm your tits buddy. You just built a faulty narrative. Religious doctrines regarding marriage are outdated BS from the stone age, nobody believes in that anymore, and it's a bad social contract for men. There are only financial disadvantages for men, and if you have a tax problem for being not married - always off-shore you business LLC.
Cohabitation with a person is one thing and it may be natural or not - but marriage contract is not.

If you've looked at every successful man in modern history they all have one thing in common.. I'm just talking facts.
Lol, never laughed this hard in my life before. Non sequitor much? Ever heard of Nikola Tesla (never have been married) and his stance on marriage:
“I do not think you can name many great inventions that have been made by married men.”
WTF, isn't this the chick that dumped him, the horse-faced broad? She's one them of them pound of make-up on the face chicks that you assume is 38, but one day shockingly discover she's 23.
Damn she’s almost as hot as a towel.
Ah shit, it's over for him. Good bye Mr. Perry, you could have been the GOAT.

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