Popular Movies You Think Are Over-Rated

Off the top of my head id say

Forrest Gump
Shutter Island
Grand Torino
Dances with Wolves
By pacing, bad acting, drags on during parts, no character development, no internal conflict of the main character, no character changes (Tony is the same dirtbag at the start as at the end), bad music, and it is 3 fricken hours.
That's complete BS! He sacrificed his life and entire drug empire because he refused to kill children.
Pretty much anything by Tarantino. He was the right guy in the right place in the right time and got the Catcher in the Rye treatment. GOAT for some, painfully banal for others.
2001 a space odyssey.

I'm convinced people say they like this movie just so they can discuss the symbolism and "hidden messages" in it with other people who pretend to see the same shit.

Sorry, its boring and stupid. It just is.

Have to differ with you Seano; and I think you're missing the point of it's value and how people critique it.

The way I see it; it's not a film you enjoy, it's a film you appreciate - for it's artistic merits. It's a work of art.

Sorry if that's too pretentious for you, but some auteurs strive for a higher purpose than entertaining the masses.

So you describing it as boring is either you not doing yourself justice, or showing that you're a philistine. Of course it's boring, if you're viewing it as popcorn entertainment. It's a technical masterpiece, that if made today would be a lifeless CGI shitfeast..... like Avatar; which wins this thread imo - a steaming pile of horse manure!

2001 is one of the greatest movies of all time.......

........but yeah it's fucking boring for periods.
American Hustle was one of the worst messes I've seen. The fact that it was nominated for so many Oscars is a complete joke.
Just because you don't appreciate them doesn't mean they're overrated.

Thanks for that. Now, why don't you quote every single person in this thread and tell them this?
Shawshank. "Greatest movie ever" people, you're really, REALLY overestimating this film.
By pacing, bad acting, drags on during parts, no character development, no internal conflict of the main character, no character changes (Tony is the same dirtbag at the start as at the end), bad music, and it is 3 fricken hours.
Thank you, the love for that film is far out of proportion to its merits
Frozen. And I love a good kids film. Pixar and Dreamworks are the dons, natch, but Disney can still fire them out. I must be the one person on the planet that didn't like Frozen though.
The Martian
I'm not a fan of Ridley Scott. Alien was good though. I haven't seen Blade Runner in awhile so I'll let it be.
I just didn't get the hype. Well I did. It is a beautiful looking movie but the story sucked imo. Super boring
But it gets a pass because nostalgia
Loved it the first time I saw it but then I found the whole love bs to be really corny
Blue Velvet
Just garbage

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