post your top 3 unpopular opinions

Another picture! You’ve ran out of brain cells! I’m not surprised. You’ve definitely made the most ignorant moron list. Twisting things to keep yourself from appearing as stupid as you are, doesn’t work on me. Pointing out a mistake in typing and claiming it to be an inability to spell, just makes you look even more ignorant. Be honest, you don’t even have a high school diploma, do you?

I use pictures because you're too ignorant to answer any of the questions I posed to you earlier. Until you answer those questions, why would I continue posing more that you'll be unable to answer?

If it was a simple spelling error, I wouldn't have said anything. The fact is, you went out of your way to incorrectly spell college as collage while lying about holding a degree that you know absolutely nothing about and trying to insult my intelligence. It's irony too strong to ignore.

And you're so pathetic that you are stuck trying to reuse the exact insults I used on you back on me. Seriously, you can't even come up with your insults.

You want to take the Pepsi challenge with me? How about you explain some complicated Biochemistry material that only someone with a college degree would know? Or how about I give you some differential equations to solve? I'll know if you go on Wikipedia.

Truly pathetic. Notice how everyone you're talking to sees through your bullshit? It's because you're not as smart as you're pretending to be.
1. most people are dumb, if not borderline retarded.
2. people arent born equal, therefore they dont deserve equal rights. rights, e.g. to vote or have kids, should be based on education, intelligence or something else.
3. hm, I dont know. bacon is overrated? :)
I use pictures because you're too ignorant to answer any of the questions I posed to you earlier. Until you answer those questions, why would I continue posing more that you'll be unable to answer?

If it was a simple spelling error, I wouldn't have said anything. The fact is, you went out of your way to incorrectly spell college as collage while lying about holding a degree that you know absolutely nothing about and trying to insult my intelligence. It's irony too strong to ignore.

And you're so pathetic that you are stuck trying to reuse the exact insults I used on you back on me. Seriously, you can't even come up with your insults.

You want to take the Pepsi challenge with me? How about you explain some complicated Biochemistry material that only someone with a college degree would know? Or how about I give you some differential equations to solve? I'll know if you go on Wikipedia.

Truly pathetic. Notice how everyone you're talking to sees through your bullshit? It's because you're not as smart as you're pretending to be.
You’re a moron. You wouldn’t answer my questions but cry about me not answering yours. And you’re hung up on a misspelled work like you have some mental retardation. When you grow a pair and answer my questions, then I’ll take whatever challenge you want. Btw, the fact that you chose to bring up Wikipedia as far as answers go, proves you’re an idiot. People here are disagreeing with opinions. You uneducated loser.
People are sheep

People on welfare/Disability should be drug tested weekly

Your not a hero if you quit drinking/drugs, same goes for trannies
people on disability do get drug tested if they're on an opioid regime.
You’re a moron. You wouldn’t answer my questions but cry about me not answering yours. And you’re hung up on a misspelled work like you have some mental retardation. When you grow a pair and answer my questions, then I’ll take whatever challenge you want. Btw, the fact that you chose to bring up Wikipedia as far as answers go, proves you’re an idiot. People here are disagreeing with opinions. You uneducated loser.

Too funny!

By the way, I've answered and elaborated on every question you've asked. Even the dumbass question that's impossible to answer was addressed, including specifically asking what would satisfy you for an answer.

So you can cut the shit with this "i didn't answer a single one of your questions but but but you like totally really didn't answer my questions though so I get a free pass on ignoring everything" bullshit. You do realize this is a message board and everyone can freely just go back and read all these posts from this discussion. We can see that you're lying.

No, again you don't get it. I'm hung up on the irony of some retard (you) who lies about having an incredibly difficult to obtain degree in a pathetic attempt to give himself credibility. This despite the fact that said retard (you) can't even spell the word college correctly while trying to act more intelligent than someone who actually has a STEM degree.

Why mention Wikipedia? Because you don't have any real texts to reference, that's why. Any biochemistry knowledge you try to pass off as an education is most likely coming from Wikipedia. That's why I bring it up because a fraud like you would use it as a guide to get yourself out of that hole you dug. You're pretending like I said Wikipedia is a solid resource because it's a deflection from having to answer your own bullshit. Wikipedia isn't an academic source, a point which was clearly lost on you as I made fun of you for needing it.

Remember.... I can read and so can everyone else here. You can't spell or do math or think good, but the rest of us can read. People here are disagreeing with you period. That's because your opinions are stupid and aren't backed by facts. For someone who pretends to be a biochemistry major, you don't seem to understand that logical opinions are built on a foundation of facts.

Basically you're head to toe full of bullshit and we all recognize it. You look extraordinarily stupid when you can't spell simple words correctly while literally insulting other people's intelligence. And you're just regurgitating the same things I've said to you back at me.

Seriously you're pathetic as fuck. If you weren't so arrogant, I'd almost feel bad for you.

Edit- apparently you block your profile so people can't see the bullshit in your history. Funny shit that you need to hide your own profile on an online forum.

I did find this nice little quote of yours.

"Nope and I never will date outside my race.

Dec 7, 2017

- @The Crow "

Stay classy you uneducated racist lol
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Dogs belong outside.
No such thing as gorgeous lesbians.
Wmma fighters are average looking at best.
Too funny!

By the way, I've answered and elaborated on every question you've asked. Even the dumbass question that's impossible to answer was addressed, including specifically asking what would satisfy you for an answer.

So you can cut the shit with this "i didn't answer a single one of your questions but but but you like totally really didn't answer my questions though so I get a free pass on ignoring everything" bullshit. You do realize this is a message board and everyone can freely just go back and read all these posts from this discussion. We can see that you're lying.

No, again you don't get it. I'm hung up on the irony of some retard (you) who lies about having an incredibly difficult to obtain degree in a pathetic attempt to give himself credibility. This despite the fact that said retard (you) can't even spell the word college correctly while trying to act more intelligent than someone who actually has a STEM degree.

Why mention Wikipedia? Because you don't have any real texts to reference, that's why. Any biochemistry knowledge you try to pass off as an education is most likely coming from Wikipedia. That's why I bring it up because a fraud like you would use it as a guide to get yourself out of that hole you dug. You're pretending like I said Wikipedia is a solid resource because it's a deflection from having to answer your own bullshit. Wikipedia isn't an academic source, a point which was clearly lost on you as I made fun of you for needing it.

Remember.... I can read and so can everyone else here. You can't spell or do math or think good, but the rest of us can read. People here are disagreeing with you period. That's because your opinions are stupid and aren't backed by facts. For someone who pretends to be a biochemistry major, you don't seem to understand that logical opinions are built on a foundation of facts.

Basically you're head to toe full of bullshit and we all recognize it. You look extraordinarily stupid when you can't spell simple words correctly while literally insulting other people's intelligence. And you're just regurgitating the same things I've said to you back at me.

Seriously you're pathetic as fuck. If you weren't so arrogant, I'd almost feel bad for you.

Edit- apparently you block your profile so people can't see the bullshit in your history. Funny shit that you need to hide your own profile on an online forum.

I did find this nice little quote of yours.

"Nope and I never will date outside my race.

Dec 7, 2017

- @The Crow "

Stay classy you uneducated racist lol
You’re the biggest crybaby on this site. Clearly you have no education and no, you didn’t answer my questions. You avoided as best as you could. You’re hung up on a misspelled word that you said I went out of my way to misspell. If I went out of my way, then did I do it on purpose? You moron. Also, my dating preferences don’t make me a racist you fucking idiot. The thread asked the question if some one would date outside their race. So you think people have to, or else they’re racist? I bet you think everything is racist. That’s about as fucking retarded as you can be, and I’m not surprised that you think that way. Also, I seen something you wrote. “I don’t cross my legs like some bitch hiding her pussy”. So I guess that makes you a sexist, because you call them “bitches”, and not women? I bet you’ll twist that too. You classless idiot.
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1. Jewish people beleive they are better than non-jews
2. the rolling stones are the most over rated band ever
3. Baby boomers have been/are more entitled, lazy, complainers than gen x, millinials etc.

One out of three ain’t bad.
1. Philosophy is dead among the majority public, and this is a big problem.

2. Most people who can only talk about money are covering up a vapid hole of purpose, trying to reassure their meaning to themselves.

3. People are on average getting dumber.

My favorite so far.
!. Women shouldn't fight on the front lines
2. Women aren't as funny as men in comedy showbusiness
3. There ought to be stricter gun laws

These aren't really unpopular. I think of #2 as being virtually universally accepted as truth.
my 3 cents:

1) when it's someone's birthday, they should buy gifts for people they care about, as opposed to receiving gifts from others
2) relationships between consenting adults aren't creepy no matter how wide the age gap between the adults
3) RT is the most interesting widely broadcast news station
1.. i automatically think less of a person when I find out they are fans of the following bands: Dave matthews band, maroon 5, coldplay

2. social media is a cancer on society - it is shocking to me that adults over the age of 25 regularly use that stuff and take "selfies" on a regular basis

3. USA is not ready for a Female POTUS and when the time comes, the first female POTUS will be a conservative
third, man I dunno my cousin is gay and he was fucking fruity from the age of like 3 surely he didnt choose he liked men then. It was no surprise he turned out gay.


A guy surely can't one day decide he like sweaty, hairy, arseholes, can he? Wouldn't think so.
How can a guy suddenly get aroused about another guys arse or cock? No way!
What about those stories we all read throughout each year of people, especially teenagers killing themselves because they're gay? If it's a choice then anyone with any intelligence at all would just say, 'nah, i think i'll go back to loving vaginas instead of cocks for a while!'
I ask people who think otherwise how long it would take for them to fall in love with cock. Not surprisingly, I get a lot of stuttering and weird looks. Speaks for itself.

True story.

He was obsessed with barbie and loved cleaning and wearing his mums make up.

This kid definitely did NOT chose to be gay he was born gay.
True story.

He was obsessed with barbie and loved cleaning and wearing his mums make up.

This kid definitely did NOT chose to be gay he was born gay.
sounds like mom made the choice for him
sounds like mom made the choice for him

No, he played with his sisters toys, he had plenty of "boys" toys and he used to sneak into her room an steal her make up.

There was no choice he is just a flaming homo which is all good as he is a nice guy if he likes dick thats up to him.

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