Power Physique

Very much so. I'm halfway through his lectures on Maps of Meaning; I listen to his stuff while doing pull-ups or cardio.
The information he provides is invaluable. He gives you clear direction on many different topics with a sound reasoning why. For example, his advice on the presence of different dominance hierarchies and how to deal with them is great. His view on the fact that we should accept life as suffering, but making the pain go away by actually committing to being the best we can be is remindful of the Nietzsche idea of perpetual return.

Regarding the video quoted above, I am beyond motivated to push my career to the next level by making a risky move. I'm still hesitating between option A and B, but it is getting clearer by the day.

I've been skirting around his material for a little while now; psychology and philosophy are completely foreign studies to me to say it's been an enlightening activity for me would be a bit of an understatement. I do feel need to work backwards and build a proper foundation, however, and he often mentions Carl Jung and Nietzsche but I'm not sure if that's where I should be really starting.
Shoot Prep - Week 1
Lat Pulldowns

2 x 10,9 x 140 lbs

Cable Rows
3 x 10,9,8 x 140 lbs
3 x 10,9,8 x 120 lbs

Incline DB Curls
2 x 10,9 x 27.5 lbs

DB Shrugs
2 x 10 x 70 lbs

DB Rear Delts
2 x 10 x 12.5 lbs

This guy has been such a big source of inspiration for me lately, I cannot believe the proportions, symmetry, and posing skills he has:

I've been skirting around his material for a little while now; psychology and philosophy are completely foreign studies to me to say it's been an enlightening activity for me would be a bit of an understatement. I do feel need to work backwards and build a proper foundation, however, and he often mentions Carl Jung and Nietzsche but I'm not sure if that's where I should be really starting.

That's a good question, and I'd like to know the answer! I've never actually read Nietzsche but I read a book about his main ideas. I'm interested in Jung too as Peterson says it's really fitting for creative people. I had a few philosophy classes in colleges and they presented most of the main characters in Philosophy and Psychology and what their ideas are. For example Socrates, Aristotle, Descartes, Marx, Freud, Nietzsche, and Sartre. I found that it was a good way to start, but from there, it's probably a matter of personal interest.
Shoot Prep - Week 2
Sunday July 2nd
Incline Bench

4 x 10,10,10,9 x 145 lbs

Cable Flys - Upward

4 x 10 x 22.5 lbs

DB Bench

3 x 11 x 65 lbs

Cable Upright Rows

3 x 12 x 50 lbs

Cable Curls

3 x 11,10,9 x 50 lbs

Shoot Prep - Week 2

10 min 3.3 mph 5% Incline

Leg Press

3 x 10 x 400 lbs
3 x 10 x 360 lbs

Calf Raises -Leg Press

6 x 12 x 310 lbs

Seated Leg Curls

3 x 10 x 145 lbs

Machine Crunch

3 x 10 x 90 lbs

BW Post-Gym: 186.6 lbs

That's a good question, and I'd like to know the answer! I've never actually read Nietzsche but I read a book about his main ideas. I'm interested in Jung too as Peterson says it's really fitting for creative people. I had a few philosophy classes in colleges and they presented most of the main characters in Philosophy and Psychology and what their ideas are. For example Socrates, Aristotle, Descartes, Marx, Freud, Nietzsche, and Sartre. I found that it was a good way to start, but from there, it's probably a matter of personal interest.

Are you keeping with Peterson's Biblical Series? I've been listening to them in work. I have an intern and I've been trying to expose him to everything I've picked up as an adult outside of the applied sciences. Probably the exact inverse of what he wants out of his summer internship but I consider this more important.

I think I'm going to slowly start working my way around Freud and Jung. I'll check in from time to time.
Shoot Prep - Week 2
Lat Pulldowns

3 x 11,10,9 x 145 lbs

Cable Rows
4 x 11,10,9,8 x 145 lbs
4 x 11,10,9,8 x 125 lbs

Incline DB Curls
3 x 10,9,8 x 27.5 lbs

DB Rear Delts
3 x 11 x 12.5 lbs

DB Shrugs
3 x 10 x 75 lbs

Motivation Overload: They used my face on the poster for the Nationals! (I'm on the right)


Are you keeping with Peterson's Biblical Series? I've been listening to them in work. I have an intern and I've been trying to expose him to everything I've picked up as an adult outside of the applied sciences. Probably the exact inverse of what he wants out of his summer internship but I consider this more important.

I think I'm going to slowly start working my way around Freud and Jung. I'll check in from time to time.

I haven't got into the biblical series yet, how do you like it? I still want to finish Maps of Meaning but I have been out of internet for over a week because I'm moving. I'm finally all set up now, and getting the internet installed tomorrow. What's your field of work? Mentorship is so important, good on you for coaching him.
I haven't got into the biblical series yet, how do you like it? I still want to finish Maps of Meaning but I have been out of internet for over a week because I'm moving. I'm finally all set up now, and getting the internet installed tomorrow. What's your field of work? Mentorship is so important, good on you for coaching him.

Congrats on the poster.

Systems level ocean engineering and he's a CpE student. It's been great for me, to be honest, all we do is work and talk about technology, sport and psychology.

I'm really enjoying Peterson's Biblical series but I haven't listened through maps of meaning yet. Because I'm working while listening I often have to go back and re-listen to the more dense or interesting ideas being presented so it takes me a while to get through them.
Shoot Prep - Week 2


3 x 20


10 min 3.3mph 5% Incline

Close Grip Bench
3 x 12 x 155 lbs

DB Flat Flyes
3 x 10 x 45 lbs

DB Low Incline Bench
2 x 10 x 55 lbs

Shoulder Press Machine
2 x 10 x 55 lbs

DB Side Delts
2 x 10 x 20 lbs

BW Post-Gym: 185.0 lbs

I'm aiming for MAXIMUM 180 lbs bodyweight for the shoot, right on track to achieve that goal right now.

Engineering Sport and Psychology, sounds like a good time to me. Only one thing missing:
Shoot Prep - Week 2



4 x 20


35 min

Best in the game:

Shoot Prep - Week 2


5 x 20


10 min 3.3mph 5% Incline

Sumo Squats

3 x 10 x 225 lbs
3 x 10 x 205 lbs


3 x 10 x 95 lbs

45 Deg Back Raises

3 x 10,9,8 x 65 lbs


2 x 10 x bw

Single Leg Calf Raises - Leg Press

4 x 10 x 180 lbs
2 x 9 x 180 lbs

BW Post-Gym:
184.2 lbs

Great workout; I love sumo squats, they definitely feel the best for me.
Shoot Prep - Week 2
Warm Up

10 min 3.3 mph 5%

Incline Bench

5 x 10,10,9,9,8 x 150 lbs

Cable Flys - Upward

5 x 10 x 25 lbs

Bench Wide Grip

4 x 12 x 135 lbs

Cable Upright Rows

4 x 10 x 52.5 lbs

Cable Curls

4 x 11,10,9.8 x 52.5 lbs
Shoot Prep - Week 2

10 min 3.3 mph 7.5% Incline

Leg Press

3 x 10 x 410 lbs
3 x 13 x 360 lbs

Calf Raises -Leg Press

6 x 12 x 320 lbs

Seated Leg Curls

3 x 13 x 150 lbs

Machine Crunch

3 x 10 x 100 lbs
Shoot Prep - Week 3

20 min 0.75 mile

Warm Up

10 min 3.3 mph 7.5% incline

Lat Pulldowns
4 x 13,12,11,10 x 145 lbs

Cable Rows
5 x 11,10,9,9,9 x 145 lbs
5 x 11,11,11,10,9 x 125 lbs

DB Twist Curls

4 x 10,9,8,7 x 30 lbs

DB Rear Delts
4 x 11 x 17.5 lbs

DB Shrugs
1 x 10 x 80 lbs
3 x 9,9,8 x 85 lbs

10 min

Shoot Prep - Week 3

10 min 3.4 mph 7.5% Incline

Close Grip Bench
4 x x 165 lbs

DB Flat Flyes
4 x 10 x 50 lbs

DB Low Incline Bench
3 x 13,10,10 x 65 lbs

Shoulder Press Machine
3 x 8,9,8 x 60 lbs

DB Side Delts
3 x 11,10,10 x 25 lbs

10 min
Shoot Prep - Week 3

25 min

Warm up

15 min 3.4 mpg 7.5%

Single Leg Curls

3 x 12ea x 85 lbs

Laying Leg Curls

3 x 10 x 110 lbs

Seated Leg Press

3 x 15 x 350 lbs

Calf Raises - Seated Leg Press

6 x 12 x 250 lbs

Lateral Glute Raises (You read that right...)

3 x 10 x 20 lbs

Cable Wood Choppers

3 x 10ea x 40 lbs

Decline Abs

3 x 15 x bw

Hard to beat an EDM remix of a 90's song when it comes to summer vibes

Shoot Prep - Week 4
Incline Bench

4 x 10 x 155 lbs
2 x 8,9 x 15 lbs

Cable Flys Upward
3 x 10 x 25 lbs
3 x 9 x 25 lbs

Wide Grip Bench
4 x 12,8,10,9,8 x 155 lbs

Cable Upright Rows
5 x 10,10,10,9,10 x 57.5lbs

Cable Curls
4 x 10 x 47.5 lbs

Shoot Prep - Week 4
Leg Press

3 x 15,13,11 x 430 lbs
3 x 13 x 380 lbs

Calf Raises - Leg Press
6 x 15 x 340 lbs

Seated Leg Curls
3 x 13 x 160 lbs

Machine Crunch
3 x 12,11,10 x 110 lbs

BW Post-Gym: 184.4 lbs

I got the judge feedback from my last show. Exactly what I expected, I need to put size on my chest and back. The presence was good, proportions were good, short and hair was good, legs were good, but need more chest & back.

One week out from the cover photoshoot, I'm super excited. Here's a physique update from yesterday.

Shoot Prep - Week 4

20 Min - 7.8... Km...? Miles...? - Hills#8


30 min

Abs Wheel from Knees

3 x 15


8 x 8 sec
Shoot Prep - Week 4

3 x 30 ea

5 x 10 sec

Warm Up

5 min 3 mph 5% incline

Lat Pulldowns
5 x 13,12,11,10,9 x 145 lbs

Cable Rows
6 x 11,10,10,10,10,10 x 145 lbs
6 x 12 x 125 lbs

DB Twist Curls

5 x 9,8,7,7,6 x 35 lbs

DB Shrugs
5 x 10,10,9,9,8 x 90 lbs

DB Rear Delts
3 x 11 x 20 lbs

10 min


30 min
Shoot Prep - Week 4

25 min
5 x 10 secs

Close Grip Bench
5 x 12,10,10,10,10 x 185 lbs

Flat DB Flys
5 X 10 X 55 lbs

Low Incline DB Bench
4 x 9,9,8,8 x 65 lbs

DB Side Delts
5 x 10,9,8,8,7 x 27.5 lbs

BTN Barbell Press
4 x 10,10,9,9 x 65 lbs

Thai Bag
10 min

30 min

First Chris Cornell, and now Chester Bennington... WTF!? Linkin Park must have been one of the most influential band of the 00s, they were hit after hit for a decade with a unique sound. Korn was more on the metal side of the nu Metal, Limp Bizkit was more on the Rap side, but Linkin Park was right in the middle. Remember when One Step Closer came out? I'd listen to Musique Plus (French version of MTV) everyday just to hear it. I had no idea what they were saying, except for the Shut Up part.

Couldn't pick a favorite, but I always liked these two songs

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