Pro wrestling hot takes

Flair vs. Jerry Lawler drew a record gate at the Mid South Coliseum ($95,000) in September 1985.

Again what did Shawn Michaels do? Ruined ratings
Hahahaha Flair not selling out house shows oh dear, look there's no need for projection because your boytoy was an objective failure as champion unlike Flair.

Homeboy doesn't know that on this crazy thing called the internet that we can see attendance figures for almost every wrestling show in existence going back decades <lmao>
Homeboy doesn't know that on this crazy thing called the internet that we can see attendance figures for almost every wrestling show in existence going back decades <lmao>
You know, it's really funny that you mentioned this but yet... Somehow you're still trying to argue for Shawns poor drawing power and you have this magical thing called the internet that would tell you the exact opposite about the boytoy.

Also you didn't acknowledge some of the shows I listed that Flair headlined that drew big attendances but oh well.

So answer my question. What made Shawn Michaels a draw ?
You know, it's really funny that you mentioned this but yet... Somehow you're still trying to argue for Shawns poor drawing power and you have this magical thing called the internet that would tell you the exact opposite about the boytoy.

Also you didn't acknowledge some of the shows I listed that Flair headlined that drew big attendances but oh well.

So answer my question. What made Shawn Michaels a draw ?

I didn't bring up Ric Flair's big shows, because I'm not arguing against Ric Flair being a draw, of course he is. The point I'm making is if Ric Flair is a draw while bringing 2-5k people to hundreds of house shows in buildings that could hold 10k, you can't use an argument that Shawn Michaels isn't a draw for not selling out house shows either.

What makes him a "draw" was the millions of people watching the TV show, hundreds of thousands buying the PPV's, and bringing thousands of people to a building to watch a niche thing like rasslin. Just because he wasn't as big of a draw as others, doesn't make him not a draw.

The term draw means to draw somebody into to something, if somebody draws millions of people to watch a TV show, they drew millions of people, even if they didn't draw as much as other people, they still drew a lot of people. It's pretty easy to understand my guy.

Just because a guy isn't as big as Hogan, Austin, Flair, Rock, etc, doesn't mean they weren't big, they just weren't as big.

and I don't even like Shawn Michaels, you can see my post history on this forum, never been a fan of the guy, but no shot can I argue against the guy drawing a lot of people to watch the shows he was on, even if other people drew more.
I didn't bring up Ric Flair's big shows, because I'm not arguing against Ric Flair being a draw, of course he is. The point I'm making is if Ric Flair is a draw while bringing 2-5k people to hundreds of house shows in buildings that could hold 10k, you can't use an argument that Shawn Michaels isn't a draw for not selling out house shows either.

What makes him a "draw" was the millions of people watching the TV show, hundreds of thousands buying the PPV's, and bringing thousands of people to a building to watch a niche thing like rasslin. Just because he wasn't as big of a draw as others, doesn't make him not a draw.

The term draw means to draw somebody into to something, if somebody draws millions of people to watch a TV show, they drew millions of people, even if they didn't draw as much as other people, they still drew a lot of people. It's pretty easy to understand my guy.

Just because a guy isn't as big as Hogan, Austin, Flair, Rock, etc, doesn't mean they weren't big, they just weren't as big.

and I don't even like Shawn Michaels, you can see my post history on this forum, never been a fan of the guy, but no shot can I argue against the guy drawing a lot of people to watch the shows he was on, even if other people drew more.
Again how was Shawn a draw? It's been said by many who worked with them company back in 96 that he failed as champion, he himself didn't like his first title run
Bret vs Owen at WM X and Bret vs Davey Boy are both fucking amazing. Eat a dick ts.
That original version of DX was still getting their shit pushed in every week by Nitro.
They were still a big draw. Austin was a big draw and was losing to Nitro as well. Initially that is.
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They were still a big draw. Austin was a big draw and was losing to Nitro as well. Initially that is.
I don't think you know what a draw is in pro wrestling.

DX peaked when Shawn left in March 98. When Shawn and Bret were around in 1997 the company were on the verge of bankruptcy
They were still a big draw. Austin was a big draw and was losing to Nitro as well. Initially that is.
Not according to the quarter hours. Austin was neck and neck and in some cases beating Nitro by the fall of 97.
Bret, Shawn, Eddie Guerrero, Benoit, Jericho are the worst WWE champions and most overrated wrestlers in company history.

They never drew, garbage on the mic, too small (they weren't even 6 foot and somehow they got a main event push), their legacies haven't stood the test of time, they didn't leave a huge mark in the business in a positive way.

Have a nice day!
Shawn was not garbage on the mic.
If the under 6 foot guys I mentioned are such legends then why did they fail as champion? They had little to no charisma
Jim Londos is considered the biggest draw in wrestling history. He was only 5'8 and 200lbs.
Jim Londos is considered the biggest draw in wrestling history. He was only 5'8 and 200lbs.
I've heard the same thing, Jim, Bruno are the exception.

No one cares for the new generation era talent unless it's Taker.
Not according to the quarter hours. Austin was neck and neck and in some cases beating Nitro by the fall of 97.
Austin didn’t beat Nitro for the first time until 98. Nitro won every Monday of 97.

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